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Re: Fw: Rash:

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Lea ~

Bless her heart. She is having quite a rash.

She is scratching the heck outta it ! It looks

like an allergic reaction. She needs to do a

couple things.

Use Cheer free or any other laundry soap that

is fragrance and color free, with the least amount

of junk in it. Also, NO dryer sheets or downey or

any other fabric softner. Then in the bath, she needs

to use a plain glycerine soap with no color, chemicals

or fragrance, same with her shampoo.......if she just

has to use a conditioner, then find one with no fragrance

or chemicals in it as well. Since the rash is on her neck

as well, I would say, no conditioner for awhile....

She needs to be sure and stay out of the sun, or direct

sunlight.....and no creams or lotions with junk in them....

like fragrance or chemicals.....

I hope she feels better soon........


Dede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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Oh, Darling Dede:

Thank you for helping me with , she has been my friend for many years. Ilena has been helping her as well. She really is having a rough time, and she is frightened. is in her early fifties and has no one to help her.

I will send her your email. How are you doing today? I wish that we could help you to get to the correct doctors.

We love you so...Lea and Superman


Re: Fw: Rash:

Lea ~ Bless her heart. She is having quite a rash.She is scratching the heck outta it ! It lookslike an allergic reaction. She needs to do a couple things. Use Cheer free or any other laundry soap thatis fragrance and color free, with the least amountof junk in it. Also, NO dryer sheets or downey orany other fabric softner. Then in the bath, she needsto use a plain glycerine soap with no color, chemicalsor fragrance, same with her shampoo.......if she justhas to use a conditioner, then find one with no fragranceor chemicals in it as well. Since the rash is on her neckas well, I would say, no conditioner for awhile....She needs to be sure and stay out of the sun, or direct sunlight.....and no creams or lotions with junk in them....like fragrance or chemicals.....I hope she feels better soon........HugsDede**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.(http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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