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Re: Update from Bindi

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Hey Bindi,

Thanks for the update and report on your recent experiences. I am

glad you are sharing this info....very valuable for all!

What your doc said makes sense. I never had that crash, so I can't

relate, but I hope you do feel better very soon. It's been awhile,

hasn't it?

The fact that you could feel so good on the hormones is telling....it

says to me that it was THE answer to feeling good for you. I mean,

was there anything else you've done that made you feel that good?

So, hormones still seem to be key.

Now if you can just find that right balance to feel good all the

time, it would be great. Hormones are so complex, and I'm not sure

that anyone has them fully figured out, but your experience showed

that they play a huge part.

I wonder what would happen if you were " drunk on them " all the time,

or if that is even possible?

Hopefully your doctor can figure it all out.



> Hi Peeps,

> I am hoping this finds everyone well, or at least on the way to

> wellness.


> I just wanted to uptdate y'all on my recent visit with my


> health practitioner, Layna Berman, in case my experience helps

> anyone. The last I'd posted was about how she put me on a protocol


> natural hormones, including Armour thyroid, DHEA, bioidentical

> estrogen and progesterone. For three weeks I had a glorious


> where I felt pretty close to fantastic. Then I crashed, big time.


> My recent consult with her was enlightening. She explained to me


> I felt so good for three week and then crashed. Mind you, I am

> paraphrasing her words here. She said that when your endocrine


> is not functioning properly and making the hormones the body needs,

> the hormone receptors become very sensitive to any hormones that

> might be available. When you add a bunch of new hormones to the

> bloodstream, the body becomes almost " drunk " on them, before it

> adjusts. That is why you feel so good.


> I have crawled out from the crash but still feel pretty lousy.


> had me increase the dose slightly of the estrogen and thyroid but


> far I have not felt any improvement.


> I have been trying to stick with the paleo diet. I did cheat a few

> times and felt crappy. I think I might be sensitive to wheat and

> dairy and just didn't know it. I've lived with a certain amount of

> bloating ever since I got sick from implants but it just became

> background noise like everything else I was tolerating. Layna also

> told me that often people with chronic illness caused by a toxic

> trigger can develop food allergies but they can also heal to the

> point that those foods can be okay again. Not everyone, but some.

> Layna said that the only way to know for sure if I have developed


> allergy is to stay off the possible culprits for at least three


> and then introduce them one at a time.


> That Syclovir powder was also bad news, for me anyway. It made me

> really sick. My digestion is still messed up from that stuff. Layna

> totally disses the systemic candida theory. She says that a lot of

> alternative docs manipulate people by telling them they have a


> overgrowth without any basing it on any sort of proof. It's funny,

> though, because she promotes a diet very close to the candida one.

> The difference is that on the paleo diet one can eat fruit,


> yams, some grains (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats), some beans

> (lentils), occasionally sweets like honey and agave. It's a little

> easier than the straight candida diet. I can't seem to stop losing

> weight no matter how much I eat. I am getting pretty skinny. I also

> am so bored with eating, cooking, and food in general since


> this diet.


> I am seriously thinking of switching to an ayurvedic diet, which is

> dependent on one's constitutional dosha, but I am going to stick


> paleo thing out for a month and see how it goes. On an ayurvedic


> one can eat dairy, rice, legumes.


> At any rate, I think it is extremely important that one eat as many

> fruits and vegies as one can. So many studies have come out


> how powerful plant foods are. Did you hear about the recent study

> with black raspberries? Supposedly they stop the expression of


> genes. I am skeptical of diets that trash fruit. Of course one

> doesn't want to go overboard and pig out on it, but no fruit? So


> important vitamins and minerals are found in fruit.


> I wish I could report that I'd found the holy grail of health with

> hormones, but so far I don't think I have. I made the mistake of

> jumping the gun a while back and hollering from the mountaintops


> how hormones were the best thing since, I don't know, tampons or

> something, and after badgering everyone who would listen to try


> I was knocked back down to earth. Oh well.


> I'll y'all let you know if anything changes.


> xo

> Bindi


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Just wanted to mention something also on the food allergies idea for

those who might suspect a new allergy in your life. I believe that

when we become ill from implants we do have the potential to have

developed new allergies that we would never suspect. I developed an

allergy to chocolate and I have also tested positive for gluten


Here's what happened with the chocolate allergy. It was an IgG

allergy, not an IgE. The difference is that one is permanent, and the

other is temporary. With an IgG allergy, I was told to avoid the

culprit for a year. I am quite certain that three weeks is not long

enough to get rid of any antibodies in your bloodstream. I've heard

it takes at least 2 months to clear it out of your system after

you've stopped eating the offending substance. (I think that was on

Dr. Weil's site). In any case, what I experienced was after a year

of avoiding chocolate, I was able to eat it again, though my desire

for it was greatly diminished.

I also had a problem with cashews.

Many women with implants have ended up with new food allergies, some

with many, some with few, but they are there nonetheless. The most

common allergic reactions are to wheat, milk or dairy, eggs, and nuts.

It's helpful to go on a diet free of those items you suspect to be

troublesome for several months and see how you feel. If you feel

better, you have your answer. A test is helpful for quick answers,

but also more expensive. The cheap test is to just avoid it, and

reintroduce it to find out if you feel like crap. You can have a

reaction anywhere from a few hours to a few days after eating it.



> Hi Peeps,

> I am hoping this finds everyone well, or at least on the way to

> wellness.


> I just wanted to uptdate y'all on my recent visit with my


> health practitioner, Layna Berman, in case my experience helps

> anyone. The last I'd posted was about how she put me on a protocol


> natural hormones, including Armour thyroid, DHEA, bioidentical

> estrogen and progesterone. For three weeks I had a glorious


> where I felt pretty close to fantastic. Then I crashed, big time.


> My recent consult with her was enlightening. She explained to me


> I felt so good for three week and then crashed. Mind you, I am

> paraphrasing her words here. She said that when your endocrine


> is not functioning properly and making the hormones the body needs,

> the hormone receptors become very sensitive to any hormones that

> might be available. When you add a bunch of new hormones to the

> bloodstream, the body becomes almost " drunk " on them, before it

> adjusts. That is why you feel so good.


> I have crawled out from the crash but still feel pretty lousy.


> had me increase the dose slightly of the estrogen and thyroid but


> far I have not felt any improvement.


> I have been trying to stick with the paleo diet. I did cheat a few

> times and felt crappy. I think I might be sensitive to wheat and

> dairy and just didn't know it. I've lived with a certain amount of

> bloating ever since I got sick from implants but it just became

> background noise like everything else I was tolerating. Layna also

> told me that often people with chronic illness caused by a toxic

> trigger can develop food allergies but they can also heal to the

> point that those foods can be okay again. Not everyone, but some.

> Layna said that the only way to know for sure if I have developed


> allergy is to stay off the possible culprits for at least three


> and then introduce them one at a time.


> That Syclovir powder was also bad news, for me anyway. It made me

> really sick. My digestion is still messed up from that stuff. Layna

> totally disses the systemic candida theory. She says that a lot of

> alternative docs manipulate people by telling them they have a


> overgrowth without any basing it on any sort of proof. It's funny,

> though, because she promotes a diet very close to the candida one.

> The difference is that on the paleo diet one can eat fruit,


> yams, some grains (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats), some beans

> (lentils), occasionally sweets like honey and agave. It's a little

> easier than the straight candida diet. I can't seem to stop losing

> weight no matter how much I eat. I am getting pretty skinny. I also

> am so bored with eating, cooking, and food in general since


> this diet.


> I am seriously thinking of switching to an ayurvedic diet, which is

> dependent on one's constitutional dosha, but I am going to stick


> paleo thing out for a month and see how it goes. On an ayurvedic


> one can eat dairy, rice, legumes.


> At any rate, I think it is extremely important that one eat as many

> fruits and vegies as one can. So many studies have come out


> how powerful plant foods are. Did you hear about the recent study

> with black raspberries? Supposedly they stop the expression of


> genes. I am skeptical of diets that trash fruit. Of course one

> doesn't want to go overboard and pig out on it, but no fruit? So


> important vitamins and minerals are found in fruit.


> I wish I could report that I'd found the holy grail of health with

> hormones, but so far I don't think I have. I made the mistake of

> jumping the gun a while back and hollering from the mountaintops


> how hormones were the best thing since, I don't know, tampons or

> something, and after badgering everyone who would listen to try


> I was knocked back down to earth. Oh well.


> I'll y'all let you know if anything changes.


> xo

> Bindi


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Yeah, it sure does seem that hormones are definitely key. I am not

sure what to do from here. My health practitioner is good, but I

don't think she is as experienced in hormone balancing as I need.

Did it take you a while to get your hormones balanced? Did you have

to tweak the dose?

I am thinking of trying the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Center in Las

Vegas? Do you know anything about it?


> >

> > Hi Peeps,

> > I am hoping this finds everyone well, or at least on the way to

> > wellness.

> >

> > I just wanted to uptdate y'all on my recent visit with my

> alternative

> > health practitioner, Layna Berman, in case my experience helps

> > anyone. The last I'd posted was about how she put me on a


> of

> > natural hormones, including Armour thyroid, DHEA, bioidentical

> > estrogen and progesterone. For three weeks I had a glorious

> honeymoon

> > where I felt pretty close to fantastic. Then I crashed, big time.

> >

> > My recent consult with her was enlightening. She explained to me

> why

> > I felt so good for three week and then crashed. Mind you, I am

> > paraphrasing her words here. She said that when your endocrine

> system

> > is not functioning properly and making the hormones the body


> > the hormone receptors become very sensitive to any hormones that

> > might be available. When you add a bunch of new hormones to the

> > bloodstream, the body becomes almost " drunk " on them, before it

> > adjusts. That is why you feel so good.

> >

> > I have crawled out from the crash but still feel pretty lousy.

> Layna

> > had me increase the dose slightly of the estrogen and thyroid but

> so

> > far I have not felt any improvement.

> >

> > I have been trying to stick with the paleo diet. I did cheat a


> > times and felt crappy. I think I might be sensitive to wheat and

> > dairy and just didn't know it. I've lived with a certain amount


> > bloating ever since I got sick from implants but it just became

> > background noise like everything else I was tolerating. Layna


> > told me that often people with chronic illness caused by a toxic

> > trigger can develop food allergies but they can also heal to the

> > point that those foods can be okay again. Not everyone, but some.

> > Layna said that the only way to know for sure if I have developed

> an

> > allergy is to stay off the possible culprits for at least three

> weeks

> > and then introduce them one at a time.

> >

> > That Syclovir powder was also bad news, for me anyway. It made me

> > really sick. My digestion is still messed up from that stuff.


> > totally disses the systemic candida theory. She says that a lot


> > alternative docs manipulate people by telling them they have a

> fungal

> > overgrowth without any basing it on any sort of proof. It's


> > though, because she promotes a diet very close to the candida


> > The difference is that on the paleo diet one can eat fruit,

> potatoes,

> > yams, some grains (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats), some


> > (lentils), occasionally sweets like honey and agave. It's a


> > easier than the straight candida diet. I can't seem to stop


> > weight no matter how much I eat. I am getting pretty skinny. I


> > am so bored with eating, cooking, and food in general since

> starting

> > this diet.

> >

> > I am seriously thinking of switching to an ayurvedic diet, which


> > dependent on one's constitutional dosha, but I am going to stick

> this

> > paleo thing out for a month and see how it goes. On an ayurvedic

> diet

> > one can eat dairy, rice, legumes.

> >

> > At any rate, I think it is extremely important that one eat as


> > fruits and vegies as one can. So many studies have come out

> showing

> > how powerful plant foods are. Did you hear about the recent study

> > with black raspberries? Supposedly they stop the expression of

> cancer

> > genes. I am skeptical of diets that trash fruit. Of course one

> > doesn't want to go overboard and pig out on it, but no fruit? So

> many

> > important vitamins and minerals are found in fruit.

> >

> > I wish I could report that I'd found the holy grail of health


> > hormones, but so far I don't think I have. I made the mistake of

> > jumping the gun a while back and hollering from the mountaintops

> how

> > how hormones were the best thing since, I don't know, tampons or

> > something, and after badgering everyone who would listen to try

> them,

> > I was knocked back down to earth. Oh well.

> >

> > I'll y'all let you know if anything changes.

> >

> > xo

> > Bindi

> >


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Speaking of costs of doctors.......

That oncologist I saw that spent about

3 minutes with me and referred me to

have a breast ultrasound and to the

gastro man for an endascope, then said

to just watch the lung nodules for another

6 months, charged me $ 427.00 ! ! ! Yep

that is 4 hundred 27 dollars ! Boy, he thinks

alot of himself ! I wonder how much he

makes in a day, if he charges that amount

for every 3 minutes of his presence ? ?

Hum........Ouch ! my bottom still hurts ! **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com. (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

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I wouldn't say my hormones are balanced as of yet, as I am going

through menopause and I've been getting hot flashes lately, but I

don't have any symptoms that are debilitating. Last fall when I

started working outside my home, I noticed brain fog again, after

taking a break from the bio-identicals I had been on. It was

relieved when I started them up again. Since then I've taken them in

small doses, then took another break when I developed a pain in my

arm. I no longer have the pain, but I am taking hormones in small

amounts again. I wouldn't say I'm tweaking the dose...just not

taking it every day.

I have heard about the Fibro center...I think Daryl went there

and she raved about it, if I remember correctly. I just got an email

from her....I should call her and tell her to connect with you. They

put her on thyroid meds, cortisol, and I think bio-identicals. She

just had a baby recently, and she said she was feeling good. She

didn't mention the cost. But I was impressed when she showed me what

she was taking, because they were all the things we have been talking

about on our group, presribed by these docs.


> > >

> > > Hi Peeps,

> > > I am hoping this finds everyone well, or at least on the way to

> > > wellness.

> > >

> > > I just wanted to uptdate y'all on my recent visit with my

> > alternative

> > > health practitioner, Layna Berman, in case my experience helps

> > > anyone. The last I'd posted was about how she put me on a

> protocol

> > of

> > > natural hormones, including Armour thyroid, DHEA, bioidentical

> > > estrogen and progesterone. For three weeks I had a glorious

> > honeymoon

> > > where I felt pretty close to fantastic. Then I crashed, big


> > >

> > > My recent consult with her was enlightening. She explained to


> > why

> > > I felt so good for three week and then crashed. Mind you, I am

> > > paraphrasing her words here. She said that when your endocrine

> > system

> > > is not functioning properly and making the hormones the body

> needs,

> > > the hormone receptors become very sensitive to any hormones


> > > might be available. When you add a bunch of new hormones to the

> > > bloodstream, the body becomes almost " drunk " on them, before it

> > > adjusts. That is why you feel so good.

> > >

> > > I have crawled out from the crash but still feel pretty lousy.

> > Layna

> > > had me increase the dose slightly of the estrogen and thyroid


> > so

> > > far I have not felt any improvement.

> > >

> > > I have been trying to stick with the paleo diet. I did cheat a

> few

> > > times and felt crappy. I think I might be sensitive to wheat


> > > dairy and just didn't know it. I've lived with a certain amount

> of

> > > bloating ever since I got sick from implants but it just became

> > > background noise like everything else I was tolerating. Layna

> also

> > > told me that often people with chronic illness caused by a


> > > trigger can develop food allergies but they can also heal to


> > > point that those foods can be okay again. Not everyone, but


> > > Layna said that the only way to know for sure if I have


> > an

> > > allergy is to stay off the possible culprits for at least three

> > weeks

> > > and then introduce them one at a time.

> > >

> > > That Syclovir powder was also bad news, for me anyway. It made


> > > really sick. My digestion is still messed up from that stuff.

> Layna

> > > totally disses the systemic candida theory. She says that a lot

> of

> > > alternative docs manipulate people by telling them they have a

> > fungal

> > > overgrowth without any basing it on any sort of proof. It's

> funny,

> > > though, because she promotes a diet very close to the candida

> one.

> > > The difference is that on the paleo diet one can eat fruit,

> > potatoes,

> > > yams, some grains (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats), some

> beans

> > > (lentils), occasionally sweets like honey and agave. It's a

> little

> > > easier than the straight candida diet. I can't seem to stop

> losing

> > > weight no matter how much I eat. I am getting pretty skinny. I

> also

> > > am so bored with eating, cooking, and food in general since

> > starting

> > > this diet.

> > >

> > > I am seriously thinking of switching to an ayurvedic diet,


> is

> > > dependent on one's constitutional dosha, but I am going to


> > this

> > > paleo thing out for a month and see how it goes. On an


> > diet

> > > one can eat dairy, rice, legumes.

> > >

> > > At any rate, I think it is extremely important that one eat as

> many

> > > fruits and vegies as one can. So many studies have come out

> > showing

> > > how powerful plant foods are. Did you hear about the recent


> > > with black raspberries? Supposedly they stop the expression of

> > cancer

> > > genes. I am skeptical of diets that trash fruit. Of course one

> > > doesn't want to go overboard and pig out on it, but no fruit?


> > many

> > > important vitamins and minerals are found in fruit.

> > >

> > > I wish I could report that I'd found the holy grail of health

> with

> > > hormones, but so far I don't think I have. I made the mistake


> > > jumping the gun a while back and hollering from the


> > how

> > > how hormones were the best thing since, I don't know, tampons


> > > something, and after badgering everyone who would listen to try

> > them,

> > > I was knocked back down to earth. Oh well.

> > >

> > > I'll y'all let you know if anything changes.

> > >

> > > xo

> > > Bindi

> > >

> >


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