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Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Center

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I was referred to one, but never went. I could not afford it. They don't take insurance (which I didn't have nor do I now anyways). The initial consult was quoted to me at $350, and the receptionist told me to expect that supplements would be recommended to me at extra cost, along with vitamins via injections that would be extra, too. All this before a doctor even saw me. They mailed me a 30 or so page questionnaire to fill out. I didn't get a good feeling about going, and couldn't work it out in my budget, so I called back to cancel my appointment. The woman told me, "Our cost is a small price to pay for your healing. If you want to suffer the rest of your life, be my guest." I felt that she was using a scare tactic to try to get me to keep my appointment. I will never recommend them to

anyone after my experience.Amity________________________Has anyone been treated at any of the new Fibromyalgia & Fatigue

Centers? (several locations in the U.S.) If so, would you like to

share your results? - Dom

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Oh Amity! THAT IS AWFUL!!!!!!!! May I ask which F & F location you

contacted? I am very interested in any data from patients who have

been to the centers or contacted them. - Dom

The woman told me, " Our cost is a small price to pay for your

healing.  If you want to suffer the rest of your life, be my guest. "  

I felt that she was using a scare tactic to try to get me to keep my


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Amity: I am shocked that that woman at the center would have said

such an unkind and unprofessional thing to you! I researched the

centers a bit after reading Domine's post asking for members

comments. There is a center just 15 miles from me. I was able to

quickly find that they don't accept insurance. What they told me was

that the first two appointments were 390 dollars each and then follow

ups were 199 each for a total of ten appointments for the first

year. They would provide statements for you to submit on your own to

your insurance company as an out of network provider. The labs that

they do would be billed to your insurance provider from the lab they

send you to. They have seminars that one can attend for more

information. This really doesn't have a real good caring feel to

it. It may be a snake oil pitch, but I am interested enough to go to

one of the seminars on the 19th of this month. Would appreciate any

feedback anyone else may have.


> I was referred to one, but never went.  I could not afford it. 

They don't take insurance (which I didn't have nor do I now

anyways).  The initial consult was quoted to me at $350, and the

receptionist told me to expect that supplements would be recommended

to me at extra cost, along with vitamins via injections that would be

extra, too.  All this before a doctor even saw me.


> They mailed me a 30 or so page questionnaire to fill out.  I didn't

get a good feeling about going, and couldn't work it out in my

budget, so I called back to cancel my appointment.  The woman told

me, " Our cost is a small price to pay for your healing.  If you want

to suffer the rest of your life, be my guest. "   I felt that she was

using a scare tactic to try to get me to keep my appointment. 


> I will never recommend them to anyone after my experience.


> Amity

> ________________________


> Has anyone been treated at any of the new Fibromyalgia & Fatigue


> Centers? (several locations in the U.S.) If so, would you like to


> share your results? - Dom


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A few newsletters readers have been to an F & F Center. They all said

they appreciated being taken seriously, since a lot of M.D.'s

don't " believe " in fibromyalgia. I don't know anyone who was " cured, "

although 1 or 2 thought they were helped. Some commented on the very

kind staff and doctors. I hope Amity's experience was not repeated

with other prospective F & F patients! I have not heard from many

readers who have gone to the F & F yet, mainly due to expense, no

insurance, or distance. They use a lot of Dr. Teitelbaum's protocols.

However, if FMS/CFIDS originates in the brain and nervous system (as

new research appears it does), then successful treatment for that I

think would be a mystery at this point. - Dom

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Sure. It was the one in Ft. Worth, TX-----------------------------Oh Amity! THAT IS AWFUL!!!!!!! ! May I ask which F & F location you

contacted? I am very interested in any data from patients who have

been to the centers or contacted them. - Dom

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Amity - I spoke with the national F & F patient advocate. I kept your

name anonymous. She will be checking into what happened there are

the Ft. Worth center when you had your bad experience with their

intake person. She said they take this very seriously.

She also told me that they DON'T use Dr. Teitelbaum's techniques,

although he is the recent head of the center, having retired from

private practice. She said they help balance the adrenal, pituitary

and endocrine systems and deal with the viruses - like EBV and lyme

hidden in the central nervous system.

She said that 90% of their patients report a 94% improvement.

Treatment takes a year. Once treated, patients must report in every

6 months. And there is a follow-up protocol they must maintain.

This all sounds wonderful except for the extremely high cost that

most of us can't afford. I asked her about the latest research

findings that FMS is a neurological problem stemming from the

hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, brain stem, etc. She said that

viruses hide in the nervous system and sometimes become prevalent

after a car accident, fall, severe stress, etc.

They use a lot of intravenous nutrients and probably anti-virals and

anti-fungals and other drugs.

A reader who is there now plans to write up a list for me of

everything they have used with her. Her doctor has been very kind

to her. Hopefully this lady who answered the phone in Ft. Worth is

a glitch!

I'm still hoping to hear from others who went to the F & F Center. I

only heard from 2-3 who said they were helped. But I don't know if

they have maintained their improvements over the years or to what

extent they improved.

The lady from the F & F Center said THERE IS NO CURE for FMS/CFIDS.

They just try to balance out body chemicals to get patients feeling

better. The F & F centers have only been open for 4-1/2 years, so no

long-term stats are available and they can only keep track of

patients who continue to come back every 6 months.


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Tried to post about this last night but it didn't get through.

Has anyone been to one of these centers and if so, have you have a

good experience? I've read some good reviews about them, I've read

all the literature, etc., and am wondering whether to give it a go. I

understand that Teitelbaum is the national director. I also

know that the protocol leans heavily on hormone rebalancing, as well

as testing for viruses, bacteria and fungus. The treatment cost is

pretty high, and they prescribe expensive supplements that

Teitelbaum developed himself, so obviously there is a lot of money

being made at this place at our expense. What else is new?

I have been considering going to the closest one to me, in Las Vegas.

I am posting the response to an email inquiry I made.It bothered me a

little that this center would choose someone to respond whose grammar

skills are a little rough, but hey, who am I to talk?



(message copied below:)

My name is Johanna Perea, and you can reach me at 1-866-443-4276 my

extension number is # 243,

I was assigned to answer your questions, or help you with any

information you need.

Please find below more information on what you can expect when

setting up an appt. at our center.

On your first visit the doctor will evaluate you, go over a 24 page

questionnaire that we mail out to you ahead of time, he will address

your sleep and pain issues. You have to sleep sufficiently in order

to get better and you can't sleep while you are in pain.

He will address the mitochondrial (energy cells) at this time. He

will also address IBS or other digestive problems if needed. The

doctor will offer different therapies at this time and some

supplements that can help you until we get your lab work back.

We have IV's for energy/nutrients; muscle and back stiffness and

memory/concentration IV.

You can choose to have one of these on your first appointment in

discussion with your doctor. They cost between $120-145, and we also

have IV's for viral infections if we later find you have a viral


After the doctor's visit you will then get your lab work done.

Your second appointment is in 3 weeks. It does take 3 weeks to get

our labs results back because they do go to specialty labs. At this

appointment the doctor will go over your labs and get you on an

individualized treatment plan.

We treat with pharmacy grade nutraceuticals, a Compounding Pharmacy

for plant based

products and prescription medication, if we find you have viral


During your follow up appointments the doctor will address infections

and unique etiologies such as neurotoxins and coagulation defects if


These first two appointments are each $390. and you will spend about

50 minutes directly with the doctor. Follow up appointments are $199

and you will spend about 20-25 minutes with the doctor.

These follow-up appointments are usually once a month at first and as

you get better they go further and further apart and when we get you

to your maintenance stage we will only see you a few times a year to

monitor any core medications you are left with.

Our out of town program consists of one in person doctor visit and

that day you will discuss with the Doctor about having follow up

telephone consultations during the first 4-6 months. These telephones

Appointments are treated like regularly scheduled appointments.

Usually the first phone

Appt. is a comprehensive lab review and is the basis of any program

the doctor may choose to place you on. We have made special

arrangements with a neighboring hotel for our patients' to receive

discounted rates and the hotel also offers shuttle service to and

from our office as an added convenience.

Payment for our services are due upon receipt, but we will supply you

with all of the information needed to attempt reimbursement from your

insurance company, along with the information related to the disease

process, the actual diagnosis and our treatment regime will also be

given to you. If your insurance is a PPO plan, your claim would be

reviewed for reimbursement through Out of Network benefits. It often

ranges from 60-90% reimbursement of allowable charges. If your

insurance is a HMO Plan, we would need to speak with you further

regarding questions you would need to ask your customer service rep

before coming in for your appointment. We do not make any guarantees

regarding reimbursement by any insurance companies.

Fibromyalgia and Fatigue are complicated medical issues that require

a comprehensive approach to treating the underlying conditions - not

continuing to mask symptoms. FFC practices an effective six step

approach to treatment

We do use conventional medication if we find you have infections.

However, we treat as natural as possible. Your body accepts them

better and they do not come with the side effects of pharmaceutical

medications do.

The main goal of our treatment is to build up your energy levels and

your resistance, also try to clear your body of underlying problems

like viruses.

Our treatment plans are organized around what we refer to as our:



1. Stabilize the patient on the 1st visit. we address sleep, pain

and cognition issues. You spend 45 minutes with the physician.


2. Also on the 1st visit, we address mitochondrial enhancement-

mitochondria are the energy producers of the cells. Mitochondrial

dysfunction can be treated with nutrition via IV therapy and


3. On the second visit, 3 weeks later, during another 45 minutes, the

physician reviews each lab test with you, relating it to your

symptoms. At this time, the physician recommends your best course of

treatment and assists you in determining the next step in regaining

balance with your hormones and continued enhancement of your immune

system. The doctor will continue to modify your treatment to improve

your sleep and comfort further.


Chronic active viruses wear down your body's defenses over time and

cause severe fatigue, body aches and low white blood cell counts.

These viruses also put you at a much greater risk for developing

serious diseases down the road because your body is not working


4. After the physician begins to treat the Immune System Dysfunction

and Hormone Imbalances the doctor may look further by ordering the

infectious Panel and additional panel of lab work that tests for 12

different viruses and bacteria that may have been thriving in your

body for a long

time. These organisms can be treated with oral and IV therapy.


5. The physician may suspect additional unique etiologies such as

the coagulation defect or heavy metal toxicity which can be treated

with injection IV and oral therapy.


6. It is our goal to get you to a maintenance plan where you come

into the center every 3-6 months and when you may experience a flare

up of your symptoms.

Help links






You have found the right place for your medical care. Fibromyalgia

and Fatigue Centers are completely focused on understanding and

treating these conditions. My first available appointment is October

2nd at 11:00 am at our Las Vegas Center, which is nearest to you.

Would you like to go ahead and schedule your appointment today?

If you are interested in receiving more information, please don't

hesitate to email me directly or call anytime toll-free at 1-866-443-


Best regards,


Patient Representative

Fibromyalgia & Fatigue Centers, Inc.

Toll-Free 1.866.443.4276

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