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Interesting Silicone and fibers in all body parts similar to morgellons

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Morgellons Exposed


scroll down and it talks about silicone and silica

and shows microsopic pics and all.......

Photograph 1-1

Silica Crystalloid Material and silicon from breast implant patient as a comparative study to the silicon and silicone in knee of Jan .

Photo by Dr. Rahim Karjoo, MD, pathologist. 10/07/2006

Photograph 2-2

Photograph of Silica Crystalloid Material and Silicone from an individual (Jan ) diagnosed with Osteoarthritis of the right knee. The Same patient had been diagnosed by other physicians for Delusional Parasitosis which has been associated with patients having Morgellon’s Disease. Biopsy sample taken from right knee area of patient. Concord Hospital, Concord, New Hampshire. Research Project FMM of Dr Hildegarde Staninger Industrial Toxicologist and Dr of Integrative Medicine.

Photo by Dr. Rahim Karjoo, MD, pathologist. 10/07/2006

At this point, I have silicosis which is not from any known source except the presence of silicon nanotechnology in my body. It is oozing out of every pore on my body. This is what you see on the hair strands and on the Morgellon’s lesions (see the Grey Goo in the photos on page 1). I do not form scabs made of blood over lesions. I form crusts of silicon. Even worse than that, these crusts are life forms that have movement. Each has a mollusk-like foot and an antenna. My videos of these crusts, composed of hundreds of these tiny life forms all compressed together, can be seen on videos I have put on YouTube.com. These videos may be found by going to the YouTube site and placing my name in the search engine, thegreema1. Dr. Staninger told me the silicon/silicone in my body is suffocating the cells and causing many cells to lose their ability to exchange oxygen. At a minimum, this contributes to my fatigue.

In addition to the silicon goo component of this disease there are also several things that have exited my body that I have been able to identify from my research of the nanotechnology industry. The first nanotechnology element is an array containing crystals. I will show you the mature array as well as stages of growth in the tissue of my body during their growth process. The protrusions on the crusts of silicone are nanopillars and nanohorns.Projection develops beneath skin in the silicone. Then self-assembling chemicals components of nanotechnology develop within of silicon mass. In this case the chemical components begin to assemble themselves into an array with a black matrix surrounding multiple faceted crystals in a circular configuration. I am sure this array has a function but just what that may be is not known

In Phase 4 the array is folded like an umbrella and emerges as a flat array. Scientific references to this form of Array from:

jMol series polygonal nanoconehttp://newton.umsl.edu/run//nano/jmoltes2.html

This unusual piece of tissue has been identified as another type of array. It is described as a nano-communications array. It was found in a lesion in my chest. This form is clearly identified in the small inserted photo shown inside. The research page for this and the following photo will be displayed in this paper as well. It is curious that the scientists who originated this “Advanced Materials†page have two of their creations in my body. It would be interesting to see who has been authorized to utilize these nano designs.


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Once again, what is this array doing in my body, how did it get there, and who is it communicating with? It appears that there is a specific purpose intended in the variety of nano devices I am finding.

This is the second nano device from the “Advanced Materials†company. This is a photo of tissue that came from my cheek. The silicon projections kept on maturing after it was mailed to Dr Rahim Karjoo. He took this photo using a sophisticated pathology microscope with 3 dimensional capabilities. The bizarre claw formations are another version of a nanotube. The dark spots on the specimens above the claws match the model inserts as a process of agglomeration of particles that cause claw the structure to form. In the March of 2007 I had emergency surgery on 2 ruptured discs in my back. I had not experienced any lesions on my back during the course of this disease but I wondered if Morgellon’s disease had played any part in the sudden problem with my formerly healthy back. It took very little time to understand that this disease is throughout my entire body from head to toe. I had an incision that was 7 inches long that had been secured with staples after the surgery. During my prolonged recuperation period at the Concord Hospital and then at a rehab hospital, I experienced a massive drainage of silicon ooze laced with more fibers than I had ever seen. I had the staff sign the dressings from my back as they were removed and sent them to Dr Staninger. All photos in this set are Grey Goo and nanofibers.

Here are a few more photos from my back surgery.

Staple from back with fibers + goo Small scab filled with fibers

Goo and back fibers formed a cube Grey goo and multicolor nanotubes

Scab with fibers Bandage with fibers Goo with fibers.

These are just a few photos with a variety of different kind of residue that comes with Morgellon’s Disease

Every day is a bad hair day with Morgellon’s Disease.

The following photos are from a person who wishes to remain anonymous for now. They are very fearful of what is happening to them. Multiple objects of the same kind have emerged from their body. The nanos that are being found have an ominous quality about them. When touched with a pin the object began to glow. The center is a hexagonal crystal and the dark jagged plate is reminiscent of something out of an evil tale. The pouch with the “V†at the bottom is highly fluorescent and multicolored. The back of this complex piece of technology has the glyph of a Serpent and writing on it. These are not made by Mother Nature. It is terrifying to know they are in your body.

If anyone can identify the object below please email Jan :nanotechdisease@...

Part of the structure is highly fluorescent/opalescent and seems to be a cross between machine and an organic organism.

Intricate details Prismatic glow Size comparison

This same sufferer found this unusual object that appears to be producing hexagon shaped metallic exudates'

Thank you very much for allowing me to inform you about Morgellon’s disease. It is not so difficult to believe that people are genuinely ill once you understand the reasons behind the bizarre symptoms and the medical profession’s misunderstanding and lack of experience in diagnosing a completely novel disease. If the future includes nanotechnology as part of our daily lives, then it is absolutely necessary to have safeguards and prolonged testing of all products which come into contact with a genetically diverse public. Morgellon’s Disease is the eventuality that was bound to happen with the rapid growth and unproven safety aspects of a new technology. When such a disease did appear, how would it have been expected to manifest itself in humans? I think we all know the answer to that now. You have all the facts as I know them with the photos and research to back up the explanation. I can only hope that further research will now become vital to those who know of our plight. This disease will keep growing as long as this technology runs amok. While scientists are getting millions of dollars to study all manner of trivial matters, we go without help. We have lost home and families. We have lost income and careers as well as the ability to live normal lives. In spite of all that has happened to us, we are optimistic and holding fast. We have not yet lost our hope for our families and those not yet infected. I truly hope that in this world of billion dollar industries, that a group of American Citizens who have been greatly harmed by technology will not go unheard or dropped between the cracks in favor of keeping the status quo for big business. There are times of late when it seems that being an American and having rights has become more of an urban legend than a reality. I have been talking with many people for the past ten years about this disease happening to Americans and other peoples throughout the world. We sincerely need your help and compassion now to end the torturous neglect that we have suffered through. The safety and welfare of this planet, its environment, and all life forms are at risk. Please act immediately.Sincerely, Jan

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