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Re: Stem Cell harvestation from fat

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Hello There B ~

Awesome to hear from you ! !

That site is very interesting ! Thank you for

sharing it with us ! I am sure it will help

many gals with their quest for a fuller bustline !

How are you doing ? ? Please keep us posted

on if you do this and how it works for you !

Take care, and PLEASE keep in touch! Have

you run into any awesome bras or anything

lately ? I sure miss you and your posts !


Dede**************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators. (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)

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The second link is a video of him performing the stem cell transfer, and under that video is a link to photographs.

Stem Cell harvestation from fat

It occurred to me, upon receiving a "What's up?" from Rogene, that I've not updated you all on something that may be relevant to others in the group. I have a friend who lives in the UK, and he found a doctor in Vienna, Austria, who is already doing the stem cell breast augmentation. I have been corresponding with the doctor, and he says I am a candidate. I have attached a link to his website, and a copy/paste from one of his emails. I'm now at a juncture of, "How much is it worth to me?" Get on a plane, fly to Austria, for a new procedure not yet time-tested? The theory is sound...but what if there are negative long term effects?The upsides are many: no incisions (the stem cells go in via injection), you put it where you want it!!! (for example, to replace my "missing tops", and fill in the dents from where I lost weight & they went kaplooey), it's a couple of hours & you're

done. (no "downtime" like after implant installation) .There are some photos on his site...I don't know how I feel about them. They are clearly taken right after the injections.. .I'd like to know how they look a couple of months, and even a year afterward.http://stemcells. ddrheinrich. com/content/ blogsection/ 1/17/lang, en/<<We do both classic fat transfer and CAL with body own stemcells, harvested from your fat. We need about 600cc of fat to acheive a lasting breast augmentation of about 110cc on each side which I consider to be perfect for you. I think this is feasible in your case even as you are quite slim.Please make an appointment at our clinic 0043 1 532 18 01 or by mail!Best regards!DDr.Heinrich

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Thanks, Dede.

Well....there has been some news in the wonderful world of bras:

1) Wolford (expensive as hell, but makes you feel good) has expanded their line down into 32A territory. This company has been around since at least 1954 (when it introduced seamless stockings), so it's about time! I went to a Wolford in Chicago a couple of weekends ago, and when I commented my surprise at their recently introduced 32A's, the woman sniffed, "Yes, we've also expanded into the D range." (So they only sold B's and C's before???) Snobby, but oh well.

2) 's Secret's Body by range now offers many bras in 32B, which previously were not. The 32B's run fairly small. The cool thing about Body by is it's made for boobs that don't 'stand on their own'. (like post baby boobs, post weight loss boobs, like MINE!, etc.)

3) Macy's is offering a new brand called Luleh. It has a wireless bra that I think is awesome. It's much like the 's Secret Ipex wireless, but different enough to warrant owning both. (at least for me, but then again...I have a hard time turning down any comfortable bra)

http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=317162 & CategoryID=37732 & LinkType=EverGreen

4) Jockey #4722 wireless padded bra comes in 32A (but not 32B or above). The 34A is now available in lavendar!!!

(the 32A) http://www.barenecessities.com/Jockey-Padded-Microfiber-No-Wire-Bra_product_Jockey4722_,search,.htm (the 32A)

(the lavendar 34A) http://www.jockey.com/en-US/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?CS_ProductID=4722 & CS_Category=Bras & CS_Catalog=Women & List=112 (the lavendar 34A)5) There is a new brand for padded bras on aalingerie.com. The brand is Doom Doom, which I think is cool, and supposedly the bras are extra-padded ("no less than 2 cup sizes" they say). They have some cute ones.

http://www.aalingerie.com/product_info.php?cid=0 & pid=627

That's my news. I should be a bra reporter.

I have been reading the posts periodically. I have succombed to my sugar habit, but went for a four-hour bike ride yesterday. I have no idea how I made it that long, (I was with a die-hard) but I woke up in pain in the middle of the night last night and crawled to the medicine closet in the hallways, knocking bottles on the ground as I grappled for Advil.

I think next time I go biking with this particular woman, I shall try to limit the event somehow.

I hope everyone is doing okay today. I saw a car with a thing on that said "Life is Good", and I considered the simplicity of that statement for quite a while this morning. I'm not sure it's that easy for everyone all the time, but I'm glad that person feels that way.


Re: Stem Cell harvestation from fat

Hello There B ~ Awesome to hear from you ! ! That site is very interesting ! Thank you for sharing it with us ! I am sure it will helpmany gals with their quest for a fuller bustline ! How are you doing ? ? Please keep us postedon if you do this and how it works for you ! Take care, and PLEASE keep in touch! Haveyou run into any awesome bras or anything lately ? I sure miss you and your posts ! HugsDede************ **Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.(http://www. walletpop. com/?NCID= emlcntuswall0000 0001)

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Hello Ballerina ~

It is so good to read your " Reviews" on bras !

You SHOULD be the Bra Lady....you are an

expert on them ! and are such a great writer !

Ya know, " Life IS Good " so long as you are

in fact living and living the best you can. For

me, today, I am making happy with what I have

to deal with.....today ! so, Life is good !

I bet that bike ride was awesome, despite the

way you felt in the middle of the night......I

would love to be able to do that, and it is still

a goal......I am sorry you felt so compromised

in the night due to riding so long. I wouldnt

make it to the street from the garage....LOLOLOL...

and that is a downhill driveway.....

Ya, maybe joining in with your friend about 1/2 way

in her trail might help keep you from stumbling

to the medicine closet in the middle of the night

knocking over bottles, looking for the advil....

Again, awesome hearing from you ! ! Please keep

in touch !



**************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators. (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)

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