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Yes, I've spent most of my life ravenous...seriously! I would get

jittery and moody while waiting for food. I used to drink milkshakes

every night to try to gain weight but couldn't. The last year with

implants, I now realize I had hypoglycemic symptoms. No, I was never

a big sugar person. I craved salt most of the time.

If you saw a worm, you saw a worm. You know your body better than

anyone! Have you googled images of parasites? There are various

types of worms and that might give you a clue as to why your symptoms

are somewhat different. Maybe you have roundworms instead of tape.

Also, people have different symptoms depending on where the parasites

are hanging out in your body, so just because you're not ravenous,

doesn't mean you don't have them. My doc suspected most of mine were

in the gallbladder due to back pain and vision problems (and the fact

that my candida was not clearing on a candida diet).

One other symptom that I had that I KNOW is from parasites is I had

flashing lights in my peripheral vision all night long. If I would

close my eyes, I'd see yellow pinpricks of light too. As soon as I

went on the meds it went away and hasn't come back. My eye floaters

as well have diminished almost entirely.

Since being explanted, I've gone through the no appetite thing, too.

I think as our guts are healing and we're detoxing all these

pathogens, we'll go through phases of being really hungry, nauseous,

or have zero appetite. Just try to eat well, drink lots of water,

take digestive enzymes and probiotics and your gut will feel better

in time.

Also, a good healing story is Jordan Rubin's from the Maker's Diet.

If you haven't read " Patient, Heal Thyself " , it's worth it. He had

Crohn's with tons of parasites and a very high level of

candida...almost died but is super healthy now through diet,

probiotics and prayer. ~ PH


> I am not always hungry and usually eat once or twice a day

> I ate a half a sandwich today and I was full


> Reading about tapeworm said's you want to eat more and more

> I cannot force myself to eat if I'm not hungry


> Sometimes I eat eggs in the morning and it is an effort

> My stomach is not up to eating


> I also do not crave sugar -

> Which makes me wonder what is wrong with me


> I still say that was a worm that I had taken to the hospital in a


> and the doctor only spent a few seconds viewing it


> PH were you always hungry and did you crave sugar ??

> Sandy~


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Hear me talk!


Prowler on the loose

Hi All,Does anyone know why most of Sandy's messages have me as the author? Does it look that way on anyone else's computer?

It was fine 10 min ago but now it's all messed up.

Thanks. Love, PH

Breast Implant Brew

My New Safe Implants

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