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Goodmorning Rogene ~

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Thanks Dede . . . I'm doing better every day . . . Today I visited my friends at pottery class in Hot Springs . . . I had signed up, but dropped because I'll be going in the opposite direction for radiation therapy. . . I'm looking forward to going back to class in February when we get back from vacation.In the meantime, I'm going to do some pottery here at home.How about you? . . . When do you see your doctors again?Love,Rogene

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Goodmorning Rogene ~

I am so glad to hear you are getting

out visiting your pottery class, and doing

what you love ! !

So, what are you gonna make ? ?

I need to make an appointment with

my heart doc for October. I guess as long

as this thing is hanging on with some juice

I will be waiting. As far as this lung thing, I

havent made any appointments. I havent

decided if I am gonna pursue it or not. I

just keep having thousands of dollars in bills

and no answers, put off, or what ever....docs

not listening, and I just feel horrible most

of the time. Lately, I feel so crappy, and

am so lethargic, and dont sleep longer than

about 45 min at a time, have so much pain, and

so many odd pains. I am not sure I understand

what is going on. My diet is sucking, because

I have been cheating, and I just keep gaining

more and more weight, and I have this burning

pain all inside me like I have been poisened.

Really strange..., and my upper body hurts so much

my boobs are getting bigger and bigger, and I can

feel the calcifications just chewing me up in there, and

the ultrasound I had, they just reported, no cancerous lumps, get routine follow-ups, and I know there were things in there, and the tech and I discussed them, and in many areas, she would say, does this hurt ? ?

What crap.......I am tired of fighting to get good medical care and sick of feeling so screwed by the medical community here, and so, I have given it to God for now, and letting him deal with it. I am just taking one day at a time. The other day when I got up in the morning, I was laying on my left side, I have to prop in weird ways

because of the pains and all, but it felt like my boob was waxed off. The pain was extremely intense, and unusual to me. I could feel like rocks in both boobs all day scratching me.

Unfortunately because of my diagnoses, everytime I see a doctor, they charge me the most they can, and call me a complicated case, and that is it.

I am frustrated, as you can tell.........

I am thinking of trying to find a way to get some armour thyroid and start taking it to see if it helps me any.

I read about it this am, and it says to be careful if you have heart problems, and as we know, I do........

Anyway, I dont mean to be a downer.......

I did just vent, so I feel better, Just wish my body didnt hurt so much.

Love you ~ Dede

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

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Hi Rogene ~

The good thing, I havent given up on

me, only the doctors. I am sure it is temporary.

I will try again. I have just put out so much money

and all these incopetent doctors and hospitals that almost killed me due to errors or not looking at my medical records I offered them, are the ones that

have sent me to collections and have attorneys

after me. I just dont have the energy to fight them, nor do I want to waste my precious time and energy

on it.

I am not sure what I will do. I wish I would run

across someone that knows someone that loves

medicine and the mysteries it has, as I certainly

have many things to solve. I do think it is no mystery

to us, tho.........these implants have much to do with it

as does the previous silicone spill......

I feel I am in such a catch 22. The last 2 docs I went to charged in the thousands for nothing......well, not the oncologist, but he didnt do anything. His bill was in the 300 range, I think. Anyway, the gastro man and the thyroid doc both charged outrageous fees for nothing. The endo was just under 1500, and the gastro just under 3000. yep, 3 grand !

So......I feel raped, and still bent over.......lololol....

I will get it figured out.

Love you Lady ! Tomorrow is a new day for you, I hope it goes well, and you dont have any side effects !

Let me know how it goes, if you feel up to it. You are in

my thoughts and prayers, and Dad told me to tell you he is praying for you too.


Dede**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here. (http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047)

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