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All is Invisible

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All is Invisible and Embryonic of State at This Time

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Wednesday, 26 March, 2008 at Dandridge, Tennessee

As we finally enter our next destination of time, we all seem to be stuck at the stoplight of self, waiting for the light to turn green and give us the go-ahead. Holding our breath, our tempers, and our expectations we wait on the sidelines for the universe to wave us forward. Stopping only to hone our desires, our wants and our needs we constantly look for the sign, the sky writing, that says, 'thumbs up, the water is safe come on in, you can now cross the street of your life to the next phase of your journey.'

Eagerly we await what we feel in the pit of our stomach is big, really big! Searching our world, our reflections, and our intuitions for the cosmic directional. Feeling as if our legs are leaden, immovable keeping us in the land of the void, the unformed and uninformed. A place of no words, no actions, no foresight. Licking our wounds, feeling like a trapped animal in a place of no escape. Looking around us at the economy, the government, the world, and seeing that everyone is parked at the stoplight in a long line waiting for a sign. Misery often loves company but there is no comfort in this get together .

Many get tired of waiting and venture out on their own into the void the unknown. coming back torn and tattered and even more confused telling us all of earth is stuck and appears immobile. Our hearts sink deeper into the pits of our stomach.

Who will save us, who will lead us, who will be our messiah our president our commander and chief ? We feel as if we are held captive within space and time, sitting in the place between breaths, between heartbeats and between thoughts. The silence is loud; the energy of the soundless void is thunderous. We stick our fingers in our ears to stop the pain of silence, and as we do we hear a faint, but familiar voice. A wee voice that says listen to me, I am hear (here) for you. We strain ourselves listening to the one familiar soothing sound in the void, the voice of our true self, our soul, and our divinity.

The voice continues to melodiously speak," Wait my dear, wait. All is invisible and embryonic of state at this time. Wait until the tide changes and finally reaches the seashore of your heart. Do not rush into dangerous waters, out of boredom, out of fear, out of need. Wait for life to unveil itself, the new is not fully formed. Hold onto the seed dreams within your soul heart. They will be the fruit of the future. The fragrance of the 21st century bloom. You walk into/unto a new level of life/light that has not ever been experienced. Lovingly wait until your soul announces to you that the bridge is safe to cross.

Do not use excuses to become lethargic depressed and complacent. In this place that you temporarily sit, weave the longings of your heart into a vibratory tapestry of sub atomic particles that are destined to find their way into physical form. Do not sit as a passenger in your life. Looking at it pass by the window.

You inhale unfamiliar energies that seem not to fit your life, your body, or your thinking. Hold tight as you paddle through the breakers of your life to the calm yet powerful waters of the New. Let go of the fear of falling off of your flat life and being eaten by sea (see) monsters. Sail fully without fear of failure. Follow the star chart of your destination with precision and then expect to land on new land that will provide even more than you imagined.

Your waiting within the void is but an elevator ride from one floor of light to another. In all of life it is but a wink, a blink and a nod. Now sail on your beautiful boat into your unknown, unformed future. Allow your internal divine compass to innately sail you in the direction of your destiny.

The illusion of stillness seems hauntingly alive, and you fear being devoured by its vastness, as one who sails to the rivers end only to find a great waterfall. Let go and allow the divinity within you to drive. It is older and wiser and has driven since the beginning of time. Allow the true self, the soul, the God within to move you in a direction of completeness. The void has the ability to extract what is in your heart and assist you in birthing it into manifestation."

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com


In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 3/25/2008 11:27:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, deborah@... writes:

Entering the Portal of Self-Awareness It may seem at times you are operating in your earthly life with onlypart of the facts. This explains why some things that occur aredifficult to understand. We can explain this in simple terms. It isbecause there are parts of your self you don't know. Each person has many different facets or "aspects." At any giventime, you operate through a focus self that is influenced by otheraspects operating in the background. What is most familiar to you isyour conscious focus self. By the time most people are middle-aged,they have experienced many different facets of their consciouspersonality. Yet the subconscious and superconscious selves remain amystery to many. These are aspects of your self that exist beyond thephysical realm. You may refer to these aspects as your "higher self"or "inner knowing." These aspects regularly appear on the stage ofyour nightly dreams, acting out scripts in the universal language ofsymbols. These scripts are designed to reveal to you the state ofyour connection to your spirit, and the purpose and meaning of yourearthly existence.Uniting All Your Aspects in the Light of Self-awarenessThose who have forged a union of their conscious, subconscious andsuperconscious minds live in the light of self-awareness. Theyunderstand the purpose of their present life in the context of an arcof past and future life selves and are within any moment able to callupon the understandings gained in other lives, past and future. Thesebeings live beyond the confines of limitations and are therefore notsusceptible to the types of lessons experienced by those who view lifefrom a purely physical perspective. Self-awareness Transforms Your DestinyIt is possible to move beyond a limited life experience by stating theintention to do so. Intention powered by attention, will and actionhas the power to effectively activate your internal four-wheel-driveand free you from many ruts and pitfalls. There are steps you can taketo activate this internal propulsion system and enter the Portal ofSelf-Awareness. Discovering and re-membering the many aspects of yourself greatly expands your field of possibilities by helping you accessthe knowledge and understanding of your other "selves."You may have heard that humans only use a portion of their brains. The unused portion mirrors in the physical world the vast, untappedresources of the subconscious and superconscious minds. As above, sobelow. As you learn to re-engage these other dimensions of your self,you begin to use a greater percentage of your brain. It is thisotherwise unused portion of the brain that is designed to work withspiritual dimensions. All parts of your self united and functioningeffectively restructures your DNA and transforms your destiny.Learning to Step Outside Time and SpaceIn order to unite unknown parts of your self, you will need to learnhow to step outside of time and space. We offer here some steps thatcan help you transcend time and space. These include working withdreams - decoding the symbols of your sleeping and waking dreams -learning to still your mind through concentration exercises, meetingwith your higher mind through meditation, asking for, opening toreceive, and acting upon spiritual guidance, and enlivening yourearthly existence with increased life force energy. Life force energyis quickened through following your passion and excitement and byhonoring and nurturing your physical body. These are some steps thatcan help you to learn to exist outside the confines of time and space.Once outside these confines, you are free to travel to the past orfuture and meet previously unknown aspects of your self.Embracing the Many Diverse Aspects of Your SelfPerceiving your many aspects help place your present life in thecontext of many. This deeper understanding of who you are across timecreates awareness of the many influences and aspects you areexperiencing within this lifetime. This self-awareness translatesinto a deeper understanding of every thought, every encounter, everysituation, and every feeling.Re-membering Your Selves Unites You with Your Higher SelfWhen you know all your selves, you have a more direct experience ofall-that-is. You are more at peace and more aware of the divine beingthat you are. You are able to see the divine heart of all others andstep into the "big picture" of every situation you encounter. In yourdaily life, you understand that through the Law of Attraction, youdraw to you those energies that are resonant with your own. By entering the Portal of Self-awareness, you are able to unite withall your aspects. As you unite with these other "selves," you are ableto access the gifts of their knowledge and wisdom. As you learn tostep outside time and space, you are able to remember who you arethroughout time and bring this infinite nature of your being intoevery experience of your present moment.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

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