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Fungal infections from arthritis drugs

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Those drugs can aLso cause lymphoma......

its scarey what the big pharm comes up with

for people with so called disease.......

I think many of the so called disease is actually

hand to mouth induced. Weather it be the

food, or what they put in the food, like excito-toxins

pesticides or hormones.....I think radiating the vegetables

now is gonna cause long term problems down the road,

and one day radiation will no longer help cancer, we will

be immune to it....

I wish we could make new jobs .........via farming....

all natural farming.....teaching proper nutrician, the real

proper nutrician, as well as how to keep your body healthy

with that proper nutrician....etc.........

Ok, enough....have a beautiful day !


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I had no idea that fungal infections could be such a huge problem for so many. For those with arthritis (like my mom), taking these drugs can be a frightening prospect...there is a better way through diet!!!!http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/09/25/arthritis-drugs-cause-fatal-fungal-infections.aspx?source=nlArthritis Drugs Cause Fatal Fungal Infections


U.S. FDA has ordered stronger warnings on four medications widely used

to treat rheumatoid arthritis, saying they can raise the risk of

possibly fatal fungal infections.Enbrel, Remicade, Humira and

Cimzia work by suppressing the immune system to keep it from

attacking your body. For people with rheumatoid arthritis, the

treatment provides relief from swollen and painful joints. But the

drugs also lower your body's defenses against various kinds of

infections.The FDA became concerned after discovering that

doctors seemed to be overlooking a particular kind of fungal infection

called histoplasmosis. The infection is prevalent in much of the middle

part of the country, and it can have grave consequences if it isn't

caught early and spreads beyond the respiratory system to other organs

of your body.Of 240 cases reported to the FDA in which patients

taking one of the four drugs developed this infection, a total of 45

(or about 20 percent) died.

Sources:USA Today September 4, 2008

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Dr. Mercola's Comments: This is another example of why I continually warn that most rheumatoid arthritis drugs are simply far too dangerous to use and fail to address the cause of the problem. Studies

have shown that people who take the drugs Humira or Remicade double

their chance of getting a serious infection, and triple their risk of

developing a number of different kinds of cancer. These drugs have also

been linked to lymphoma, tuberculosis and pneumonia, along with skin,

gastrointestinal, breast and lung tumors. Enbrel has also been found to

worsen congestive heart failure, and all four drugs are being investigated for increasing the risk of cancer in children and young adults. Enbrel,

Remicade, Humira, and Cimzia are powerful drugs, all of which block a

protein called tumor necrosis factor, and are therefore known as

TNF-blockers. They work by blocking a part of your immune system, and

are used to treat not only rheumatoid arthritis but also psoriasis,

Crohn¢s disease and other immune diseases. TNF blockers have

been among the most successful of all biotechnology drugs. Remicade,

Humira and Enbrel had combined sales of more than $13 billion in 2007!Why are these drugs so popular, despite their very serious side effects

and astronomical price tags (taking Remicade for one year will set you

back about $12,000)? Because rheumatoid arthritis can be an extremely

painful and debilitating disease, and most doctors direct people to

these medications for relief.It¢s certainly understandable why

people would take them, particularly when they¢re presented as the only

option. In reality, taking these TNF-blockers now may relieve your

pain, but at what cost?

Cancer? A deadly fungal infection? Pneumonia or heart failure?Most

people are simply not aware of what¢s at stake, or that there are

options for treating arthritis that do not involve these drugs.The Drug-Free Way to Overcome Rheumatoid ArthritisI have treated over 3,000 patients with my revision of Dr. Brown¢s Antibiotic Protocol

since the late '80s, and the success rate is well over 80%. It really

is amazing how powerful the healing potential of your body is once you

address causal factors and provide it with the essential healing tools

and resources.The protocol involves:

1. Improving your diet using a combination of my nutritional guidelines and nutritional typing.2. Getting plenty of omega-3 fats by taking a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 supplement, like krill oil.3. Getting your vitamin D levels checked

and, if necessary, taking a supplement if you can't get daily sun

exposure. This is absolutely crucial and, in my opinion, gross medical

negligence and malpractice if it is not performed on nearly every RA

patient, as nearly all RA patients have low vitamin D levels.4. Having an effective method of addressing the nearly universal underlying emotional distresses that are present in most all autoimmune diseases like RA.5. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily schedule. If your joints are painful, gentle exercises like yoga and Tai Chi

are recommended. You may also want to have a consultation with an

exercise professional so no permanent joint damage is done as a result

of joint deformities.Rather than suppress your immune

system like most rheumatoid arthritis medications, these steps will

actually help to repair the underlying imbalances in your body that are

causing the disease. It is important for you to work with your health

care professional, someone who understands natural medicine, as you go

through this process (if your doctor is recommending Enbrel, Remicade,

Humira, or Cimzia, they DO NOT understand the damage that occurs when

you artificially suppress your immune system, and I would suggest

seeking guidance elsewhere).As I said, these steps have helped

thousands of people to become free of rheumatoid arthritis pain. As you

work through the process -- and as your body begins to restore balance

-- you can use these natural anti-inflammatory alternatives to help treat your pain until the disease itself is under control.

Related Articles: The Wonderful Benefits of Bee Venom on RA Carbohydrates Contribute to Arthritis From Rheumatoid Arthritis to Pain-Free Living the Natural Way

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