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Cindy speaks out: Lymphocyte response to silica in offspring of SBI mothers

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proves SCIENTIFIC TRUTH to date about silica & the human immune response...seeing thatthe scientific truth about silicone gel breast implantsis that proteins accumulate on the surface of

silicone AFTER this crapola is in the human body...

as anyone with ANY WISDOM who really wantsto uphold medicine, science and research to thathighest of high standard of First, do no harm

incorporates the scientific truth that proteinexcesses ARE COMMON IN MANY DISEASES, primarily those that stimulate, exert, "turn on"the human immune response...via the placentalbarrier through fetal cells.

Breast feeding? Extra "hits" of this genetically

offending trigger...I know OUR DAUGHTERS were exposed to silicawith my extremely failed silicone gel breast implants...they took "hits" from these genetically offending lot numbers I expose them to....

OH YES, and another really important factor in thiswhole mix is:

*****HOW MANY OTHER MOMSwho exposed their offspring to their breast implants HAD THE BOVIE ~ electrocautry USED WITH their BREAST IMPLANTSURGERY...with their breast implant LOT numbers...and in their pathology reports is speaks of SILICA in their

medical records.

(A real breakdown & the clue of a problem that was overlooked because many did not want to take note

of a variety of problems with b. implants)

My medical records it speaks VOLUMES to >silica<and the lot numbers of my EXTREMELY failed silicone breast implants... to whatI and my daughters WERE EXPOSED to for a timefactor of exposure.

Then factor in HLA-typing WHICH IS NEEDED FOR


Stupid plastic surgeons- the FDA, IOM and others who could NOT get it right back in theday when I had silicone breast implants from 1976-1993...and THEY STILL CAN'Tget it right now, Oct 2008...just like OUR GOVERNMENT & what

they have done to mess things up.

Does not take a rocket scientist to figure all of this


Drs. Shanklin and Smalley had done with their

research below, because they were truly the ones who really wanted to uphold THEIR OATH OF FIRST< do no harm with silicone gel breast implants.

These researchers below WERE on the cutting edge...and they WERE THE FEW who really wanted to upholdtheir oath of First, do no harm with silicone gel breastimplants!

I wanted to uphold medicine/science and research

that that highest of high standard of First, do no harmwith breast implants too, and this is why since the early 1990's I spoke up about genetics and HLA-typingwith breast implants...IT WAS NEEDED then , and truly NEEDED NOW.I totally supported Shanklin & Smalley over the many years

because THEY were on the cutting edge...and THEY ALWAYS

listened to MY OWN PLIGHT of suffering what I was living with myself and our children.Silicone IS silicone...and too much of anythingis not good for the immune response...and too much silica IS NOT GOOD FOR THE immune response either.

Stop the medical hype, it long overdue...timeto HLA-type~ Stop the medical bushwhacking


breast implant patients....THE COMPANIES ANDplastic surgeons ARE WRONG to allow this medical bushwhacking to continue with women'shealth issues and the lives of OUR OFFSPRING.

CFM/ Fuchs-sey

P.S. before anyone e-mails me back...I know the differences of silicone/silica/silicon....and it is timeto stop the medical hype. We need to hla-typewhen this crapola is placed in the human body because patients DO have the variants of genes, OF KEY GENES that will be exerted/expressed/

turned on...via the placental barrier through fetal


I know what I am talking about. I have my who is still living...and she is a silicone gel

breast implant birth defect. When I look at hershe body/bones and tissue remind me daily ofwhat SILICA exposure does when entangled with the variants of genes, of KEY genes and the time factor of exposure. CFM

From: saxony01 <saxony01@...>Subject: [siliconeKids] IMPORTANT: Lymphocyte response to silica in offspring of SBI mothers"SiliconeKids" <siliconekids >Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 10:42 AM

1: Immunobiology. 1996-1997;196( 5):567-74.LinksLymphocyte response to silica among offspring of silicone breast implant recipients.Smalley DL, Levine JJ, Shanklin DR, Hall MF, s MV.Baptist Memorial Health Care System, University of Tenessee, Memphis, USA.The current study evaluated immune response to silicon dioxide in children born to women with silicone breast implants. In part one of the

study, the T lymphocytes of 21 of 24 such children were Significantly stimulated by silicon dioxide (silica). Part two consisted of eleven children, four born preimplantation and seven born postimplantation. None of the preimplant offspring showed T cell responses to silica; five of the seven postimplant children were positive for T cell memory for silica. Part

three was a blinded study based on

statistically significant differences in T cell stimulation with silicon dioxide between postimplant children and controls. These findings indicate a common immune reaction, that of T cell memory, occurs in mothers and their children born after exposure to silicone mammary implants placed prior to pregnancy. Since not all such children were breast fed the result favors transplacental passage of immunogens such as silicone oligomers or through maternofetal cellular traffic.PMID: 9145333 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Lymphocyte response to silica among offspring of s...[immunobiology. 1996-1997] - PubMed Result

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