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Chakra Alignment and Balancing

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Chakra Alignment and Balancing By: Lash When

you close your eyes and take a deep breathe, do you feel a sense of

serenity, joy, and balance? If so, you may be experiencing an alignment

of your chakra centers. The term, "Chakra" refers to energy centers. It

is a Sanskrit word which means vortex or wheel. There are seven major

chakra centers. These energy centers regulate the flow of energy or

“ki†in Japanese and “chi†in Chinese throughout our bodies. The chakra

centers are not of physical nature, they exist on an energetic level

similar to our aura. The chakras are aspects of our consciousness and

contain emotional patterns. The endocrine and nervous systems

are connected to the chakra system. When the chakra center is out of

balance, the whole being becomes out of alignment. The body reacts and

our hormones and nervous system react. It becomes extremely important

to keep the body's regulatory systems healthy as well as the spiritual

body. It is a holistic approach to healing and balance in our lives. The

first chakra, called the root chakra, is located at the base of the

spinal column. Its color is red. When we are in balance and harmony

with this chakra we feel a sense of grounding on the physical plane.

The element associated with this chakra is Earth. It is related to the

concept of self-preservation. This chakra has to do with one's physical

identity. When we are out of balance, we may be caught up and obsessed

with basics such as "How can I make more money" or "I want a bigger

house" or "I need to have more" or "How am I going to make it in this

world" In balance, this chakra brings health, security, and prosperity.

We are calm and assured that our basic needs will be provided. The

second chakra, called the sacral chakra, is located just below the

naval. Its color is orange. When we are in balance and harmony with

this chakra we feel a sense of connection to others and a feeling of

being nurtured. We are in tune with our desires, sensations and

feelings. The element associated with this chakra is water. It is

related to the concept of self-gratification. This chakra has to do

with one's emotional identity. When we are out of balance, we may be

caught up in feelings of being alone, and feeling undesired and that no

one cares. Sometimes we may have a sense of emptiness. In balance, this

chakra brings fluidity and grace, a sense of fulfillment and the warmth

of self nurturing and depth of feeling. The third chakra,

called the solar plexus chakra, is located in the solar plexus just

below the diaphragm. Its color is yellow. When we are in balance and in

harmony with this chakra, we feel a sense of personal power. We feel

free and we feel our own autonomy. The element associated with this

chakra is fire. It is related to the concept of self-definition. This

chakra has to do with one's ego identity. When we are out of balance,

we may feel anxiety and fear. We may have forgotten the joy of being

and the gratitude of simple things. In balance, this chakra offers

health, security, happiness, and prosperity. The forth chakra,

called the heart chakra, is located in the region of the heart. Its

color is green. When we are in balance this chakra opens the

unconditional love of the heart--for self and for others. This chakra

is expansive and the element associated with this chakra is air. It is

related to the concept of self-acceptance. This chakra has to do with

our social identity. When out of balance we become judgemental of

others and are unable to feel another person's pain. We cannot forgive

ourselves or others. In balance, this chakra allows us to love deeply,

feel empathy, and have a deep sense of peace and serenity. The

fifth chakra, called the throat chakra, is located in the throat. Its

color is blue. When we are in balance this chakra allows us to speak

the truth of our hearts. It frees the soul to be expressive and

creative. The element associated with this chakra is sound. It is

related to the concept of self-expression. This chakra has to do with

our creative identity. When out of balance we hide our feelings and

truth. We cannot speak up for what we need and for how we feel. We feel

that we are not creative and we are reluctant to express ourselves. In

balance, we speak our hearts and we soar with the electrical current of

self-expression. The sixth chakra, called the third eye, is

located at the center of the forehead between the brow. Its color is

violet. When we are in balance with this chakra we become in tune with

our intuition. We let go of reacting from logic or emotions alone.

Instead, we become centered and balanced and our wisdom comes from an

intuitive place. The element associated with this chakra is light. It

is related to the concept of self-reflection. This chakra has to do

with our archetypal identity. We connect to all beings. When out of

balance we are shut down from our "knowing self" and instead react out

of emotions like anger and fear. In balance, we see clearly, and we

begin to see the bigger picture. We may become so in tune that we can

see the pictures of others...clairvoyant. The seventh chakra,

called the crown chakra, is located at the top of the head. Its color

is white or magenta. When we are in balance with this chakra we become

connected to the world of spirituality. We feel a sense of

timelessness. It is the place of the all-knowing. We feel connected to

all that is and all that was. The element associated with this chakra

is thought. It is related to the concept of self-knowledge. When out of

balance we feel isolated and wounded. We feel disconnected and alone.

In balance, we feel a spiritual connection to ourselves and to all that

exists. Take a moment again to think about these seven energy

centers of the body. Is there any aspect of your being that is out of

balance? Do you need to take a moment to reflect on what needs to

change in order for you to reach a greater sense of balance and joy?

Will you take the time to put yourself into a state of daily meditation

in order to maintain a balance in your chakra centers? When the chakra

are out of alignment the energy gets "stuck" and you are "out of the

flow" this can result in physical ailments and disease. The emotional

body and spiritual body must be healthy in order to maintain a state of

physical prowess and health. It's your choice to be healthy and full of

joy or not.

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