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Re: The most loving thing....

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I haven't been on for awhile, but just decided to check in today.

I'm glad I did b/c I got to read this post. Thank you for having the

boldness to share this. I just want to stand with you and the things

you said. I have experienced the love of God in my own life, and I

don't know where I'd be without it. He was the One who showed me

that my implants were part of what was making me so sick. And He's

been here with me, holding me up and giving me strength every step of

the way as I recover.

I have realized that long-term suffering can be totally debilitating

if you try to go it alone. I know how depressing and frustrating it

can be. But somehow w/the Lord I have actually been able to see the

good in it. It has caused me to depend on Him that much more - and

in turn to experience His love and grace and strength in a deeper way

than I ever have.

A couple of months ago I created a blog where I write about my

experience. http://mourning-to-dancing.blogspot.com

I was " saved " as a kid but then got caught up in all the do's and

dont's of religion and lived a life of guilt and shame for years. I

never felt like I could measure up to what I " should be " as a

Christian. God turned all that around for me about 5 years ago when

He lead me to a book called " Grace Walk " (I highly recommend it). It

transformed my way of thinking about God and life.

Then about a year ago I came across another life-changing book

called " The Shack " . I would also strongly encourage everyone to read

it! It is life-changing. It tells a story about someone who had an

experience with God that changed him forever. There is a big

difference between " religion " and living life w/a real relationship

with Jesus. There's nothing like it.

Feel free to email me any time if you have questions about anything I

shared. :o)



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Dear April,

God bless you! I am so glad that you were led to check in with us

today and to share your own experiences with the love God has for us

when we accept and surrender to Him. You said it so right, " There's

nothing like it. " There truly isn't. Your message today is exactly

the message I wanted to be able to share, and it confirms that God

moves in our lives in familiar, tender, compassionate and loving ways

and in perfect timing.

He really is our strength, our hope and our healing.

I'm really excited about your blogspot! Thanks so much for letting us

know about it. I will definitely be checking it out.

I've read the book " The Shack " and it was pretty amazing! I loved the

characters, and the way they revealed the kind of relationship we can

have with God, without all the pomp and circumstance. It was a

profound book, that takes us right into the heart of our pain and

heals it's ugliness with beautiful, heart-touching truth. Amazing.

I'll also check out the other book...thanks so much for those


April, I'm giving you a hug {{{hug}}} right now and am soooo thankful

for you. Don't be a stranger.....how are you doing in your healing?

Any symptoms that are still lingering?



> Patty,


> I haven't been on for awhile, but just decided to check in today.

> I'm glad I did b/c I got to read this post. Thank you for having the

> boldness to share this. I just want to stand with you and the things

> you said. I have experienced the love of God in my own life, and I

> don't know where I'd be without it. He was the One who showed me

> that my implants were part of what was making me so sick. And He's

> been here with me, holding me up and giving me strength every step of

> the way as I recover.


> I have realized that long-term suffering can be totally debilitating

> if you try to go it alone. I know how depressing and frustrating it

> can be. But somehow w/the Lord I have actually been able to see the

> good in it. It has caused me to depend on Him that much more - and

> in turn to experience His love and grace and strength in a deeper way

> than I ever have.


> A couple of months ago I created a blog where I write about my

> experience. http://mourning-to-dancing.blogspot.com


> I was " saved " as a kid but then got caught up in all the do's and

> dont's of religion and lived a life of guilt and shame for years. I

> never felt like I could measure up to what I " should be " as a

> Christian. God turned all that around for me about 5 years ago when

> He lead me to a book called " Grace Walk " (I highly recommend it). It

> transformed my way of thinking about God and life.


> Then about a year ago I came across another life-changing book

> called " The Shack " . I would also strongly encourage everyone to read

> it! It is life-changing. It tells a story about someone who had an

> experience with God that changed him forever. There is a big

> difference between " religion " and living life w/a real relationship

> with Jesus. There's nothing like it.


> Feel free to email me any time if you have questions about anything I

> shared. :o)



> Blessings,

> April


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Wow, thanks so much for the encouragement, Patty. To be honest, I've

been feeling a little discouraged lately b/c it hasn't seemed like

anyone's been reading my blog. I wondered if I should keep writing

or not. But for " whatever reason " I just felt lead to come here

today. Hmm.... ;o)

I am doing pretty well. I began changing my diet and researching

natural medicine about 4 years ago. I did everything I knew to do up

until last year when I just totally hit a wall. I went to see an

osteopath who " specialized in natural medicine " . But after thousands

of dollars I was not helped. Amazingly, he knew about my implants

but never mentioned they could be harming me. So of course I didn't

think they were the problem.

After that I really hit bottom. I was just praying and crying one

day and I heard clear as a bell the word " implants " . I began

researching and that's when I found your site, over a year ago. As

soon as we had the money together (Feb. 2008) I got those things

out! I feel like I've been getting better (very slowly) ever since.

In July God lead me to a wonderful doctor who does natural medicine.

He really knows his stuff and takes a very comprehensive approach.

He definitely saw a link between my having had the implants and my

symptoms. We haven't gotten the results from all my tests, but so

far he has found that my immune system is going a little crazy (to be

expected) and I have some fungal issues, problems w/my gut and

sinuses and some pretty major hormonal imbalances. Oh, and I have

food/environmental allergies. FUN! ;o)

All of these things confirmed what I'd been figuring out w/my own

research but just couldn't pin down the root issues or a way to fix

it all. I am excited to be getting some real answers and solutions!

I think the not knowing was one of the most frustrating things for

me. It was so hard to just suffer day after day and feel so

helpless. It was frustrating to feel like I was doing all the " right

things " but I was still so sick.

My goodness, I have learned so much from this experience. As hard as

it has been I can honestly say now that I am thankful for it. And

trust me, it is only by His grace that I can say that.

Thanks again for your encouragement. It really does mean a lot!



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Hi April,

My guess is that you are going to see a little bit more activity on

your blog....Everything I read was really resonating with me. I look

forward to reading more. You have a wonderful way with words, so

don't stop!

I'm sorry you did not have any progress with that osteopath, and spent

thousands of dollars, with no progress. It is almost criminal that

doctors can take money from us while totally missing the cause of our

illness, and it is literally right under our noses.

I am so glad you found us, got the implants out and have found a

doctor that God directed you to....it sounds like he is hitting on all

of those areas that we have covered on our group over the years.

Fungal issues, digestive issues, immune system issues, and hormonal

imbalances...that's right where we've focused. I personally think

that for those women who are not seeing any type of progress,

replacing hormones as needed may be the final puzzle piece.

What is your doctor suggesting for your major hormonal imbalances?

April, like you, I can honestly say at this time in my life that I

have been thankful for all that God has done for me, even through the

devastation of this illness from implants. He has taught me so much

about myself, and given me the love that I had always looked for.

Love that is unconditional, complete, multi-faceted, amazing and

healing, and I finally understood that I was looking for something

only He could give me in all the wrong places. He truly is our One

and Only Healer.

Thanks again for the update, and your sweet spirit.

You're a treasure.




> Wow, thanks so much for the encouragement, Patty. To be honest, I've

> been feeling a little discouraged lately b/c it hasn't seemed like

> anyone's been reading my blog. I wondered if I should keep writing

> or not. But for " whatever reason " I just felt lead to come here

> today. Hmm.... ;o)


> I am doing pretty well. I began changing my diet and researching

> natural medicine about 4 years ago. I did everything I knew to do up

> until last year when I just totally hit a wall. I went to see an

> osteopath who " specialized in natural medicine " . But after thousands

> of dollars I was not helped. Amazingly, he knew about my implants

> but never mentioned they could be harming me. So of course I didn't

> think they were the problem.


> After that I really hit bottom. I was just praying and crying one

> day and I heard clear as a bell the word " implants " . I began

> researching and that's when I found your site, over a year ago. As

> soon as we had the money together (Feb. 2008) I got those things

> out! I feel like I've been getting better (very slowly) ever since.


> In July God lead me to a wonderful doctor who does natural medicine.

> He really knows his stuff and takes a very comprehensive approach.

> He definitely saw a link between my having had the implants and my

> symptoms. We haven't gotten the results from all my tests, but so

> far he has found that my immune system is going a little crazy (to be

> expected) and I have some fungal issues, problems w/my gut and

> sinuses and some pretty major hormonal imbalances. Oh, and I have

> food/environmental allergies. FUN! ;o)


> All of these things confirmed what I'd been figuring out w/my own

> research but just couldn't pin down the root issues or a way to fix

> it all. I am excited to be getting some real answers and solutions!

> I think the not knowing was one of the most frustrating things for

> me. It was so hard to just suffer day after day and feel so

> helpless. It was frustrating to feel like I was doing all the " right

> things " but I was still so sick.


> My goodness, I have learned so much from this experience. As hard as

> it has been I can honestly say now that I am thankful for it. And

> trust me, it is only by His grace that I can say that.


> Thanks again for your encouragement. It really does mean a lot!


> April

> http://mourning-to-dancing.blogspot.com


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