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Re: New and desperate after 8 years of being seriously ill

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Dear Friend,

It's so sad to hear your story of suffering and how long you've

suffered....I wish you would have found us in the year 2000, as that

is when this group started.

One of the clues that your implants is to blame is the fact that

though you've had " a ton of tests and nothing was found abnormal " ,

obviously something is very wrong! You see, if the doctors don't ask

the right questions, they will never find the right answers.

The other things you mentioned...not being able to focus especially,

is a huge clue that it's the implants. Many women have complained of

short term memory loss, brain fog, cognitive difficulties, vision

problems, and other similar neurological troubles.

It is vital that those implants be removed. With no other possible

options that may bring relief, we know that this one thing would be

the best thing you could do. Another way to look at it is that the

implants will absolutely not do anything to contribute toward good

health. But with them removed, any immune system impairment will be

gone and your body will be able to move forward toward better health.

I am not saying that it is an easy journey. Healing after so many

years of ill health is going to take time. But there are women who

experience relief immediately after surgery and I am betting that you

will see indications of this yourself.

And you are not alone in your financial difficulty in paying for such

a procedure. We see this all the time. Most women do not believe

that implants can do this, so they don't prepare for explant costs, or

any of the other struggles that follow illness. If you lose your job,

it becomes so hard to pay for extra expenses. But when there is a

will, there is a way, and we find that almost all women eventually do

find the way to pay for explant. Some have gone to great lengths to

get it done. They use credit cards, 401k plans, a second mortgage,

borrow from friends and family, sell assets, some have even bred dogs.

When it is an emergency and your future hangs in the balance, the

money will be found.

Do you have insurance of any kind? Do you have the support of family?

One more important consideration is that you have the implants removed

PROPERLY. There is a right way to remove implants and a wrong way, so

you want to make sure you get it done right the first time. We have a

list of surgeons who can perform a proper explant and we have doctors

that we trust explicitly to do this. Where do you live? Our most

trusted doctors are in Cleveland, OH; Atlanta, GA; Denver, CO, and

Dallas, TX.

Please let us know how we can help you.

We're here to help you with positive, kind words and advice.

Take care,



> My mom keeps questioning the implants and I keep telling

> her " no " ...secretly, I wonder but don't know what I can possibly do

> even if it is.


> I got saline implants in 1995; I think 750 cc's, if that sounds right-

> I'm a DD. I was very athletic and petite at the time and very

> pleased with my implants too. It began suddenly one night 5 years

> after the implants when I went to the hospital for pelvic pain.

> Since then I have continued to be too weak and tired too do much of

> anything, though pain has not been much of a complaint; just weak and

> tired-extremely. My life for the past 8 years has been laying in one

> location or another, in my home. I'm too sick too fight it by going

> to different doctors. I've been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and

> fibromyalgia (though I don't ever complain of muscle pain). Currently

> I am being treated for hyperventilation syndrome, which is a

> breathing disorder, and doing breathing exercises which has helped

> make me stronger but I still feel too weak to stand up for long. I

> feel even weaker when I lay down. Just writing that-it strikes me

> that I have a lot of weight sitting on my chest so I should feel weak

> laying down. Is it possible the weight of the implants puts pressure

> on a valve or something to the heart, interfering with the blood

> pressure? I'm too sick to work so how could I possibly pay to have my

> implants removed?


> Focus is also a serious problem for me so it is too hard for me to

> write much, or read all the articles. I've had a ton of tests over

> the last 8 years and nothing has been found to be abnormal. Life is

> so precious and I am not living. I lay on a couch and watch movies

> day in and day out-and I have an 11 year old child at home. Can

> someone help me?


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I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. I got my implants in

2002 and had them removed this past February. I was also very sick.

I was not in perfect health when I got the implants, but afterwards

my health rapidly deteriorated. Since getting them out I can tell

you that my health has definitely improved! I am not 100%, but I am

getting stronger. The first thing I noticed after getting them out

was that my energy level increased. Like you, I felt tired all the

time while I had them.

I agree w/Patty - getting those implants out has to be done. I pray

there is a way for you to do it financially. I know something will

come through for you. My surgeon was Dr. Melmed in Dallas. He did

an amazing job and his prices are reasonable. When I went it was

$6,000. Still a lot of money, but not as much as some others.

Again, I'm sorry for what you are going through. I could feel the

desperation in your post. I hope that you have some people around

you to support you. And as Patty said, this is a wonderful support

group. Feel free to email me anytime, if you'd like to. You can see

my email by hitting the down arrow above where it says " "

Much love,



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Dear Friend:

We can help you; however, we need to know what your doctors are doing for you. Where do you live? Honey, if you had 750 cc, you must find a good surgeon who will remove these toxic devices from your body. Who would dare to put such large implants into your body? They are not safe, and we have proof that they are not safe to be implanted into the human body. Knowledge is power, please do some research; however, I have plenty of research to prove that they are unsafe. We will help you to stay positive...please ask questions.

Sending love and hope...Lea


New and desperate after 8 years of being seriously ill

My mom keeps questioning the implants and I keep telling her "no"...secretly, I wonder but don't know what I can possibly do even if it is.I got saline implants in 1995; I think 750 cc's, if that sounds right-I'm a DD. I was very athletic and petite at the time and very pleased with my implants too. It began suddenly one night 5 years after the implants when I went to the hospital for pelvic pain. Since then I have continued to be too weak and tired too do much of anything, though pain has not been much of a complaint; just weak and tired-extremely. My life for the past 8 years has been laying in one location or another, in my home. I'm too sick too fight it by going to different doctors. I've been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia (though I don't ever complain of muscle pain). Currently I am being treated for hyperventilation syndrome, which is a breathing disorder, and doing breathing exercises which has helped make me stronger but I still feel too weak to stand up for long. I feel even weaker when I lay down. Just writing that-it strikes me that I have a lot of weight sitting on my chest so I should feel weak laying down. Is it possible the weight of the implants puts pressure on a valve or something to the heart, interfering with the blood pressure? I'm too sick to work so how could I possibly pay to have my implants removed? Focus is also a serious problem for me so it is too hard for me to write much, or read all the articles. I've had a ton of tests over the last 8 years and nothing has been found to be abnormal. Life is so precious and I am not living. I lay on a couch and watch movies day in and day out-and I have an 11 year old child at home. Can someone help me?

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I am glad to hear you are not depressed. That is

awesome. I just know the devastation, as I have

lost all you have lost.....and it is devastating....

I also have 2 children and 2 grandchildren all affected

by the safe silicone bags....

I hope I didnt offend you by my post, that was not

my intent at all.....I just know from my own personal

19 year experience, and by supporting gals for the last

several years, how it can affect entire families.

I wish you well ~


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Hi Paddy,

Did you talk to Dr. Feng this morning or her nurse/staff about

explant? I hope you were able to make that call, and get some

answers, especially if strength to travel is an issue. We have had

VERY SICK women travel for explant, and we know how hard this is. Only

you can make the decision.

You've lost so much....oh, man, this breaks my heart when I hear

stories like this over and over again. I remember talking to a woman

on the phone from California, who used to be a millionaire, had a very

lucrative business, but through her illness was embezzled to the max

and totally lost every single thing she had. She was left to depend

on welfare. It's a sad, sad situation that should not be.

You're breasts are telling you that something is very wrong.

Let us know how your phone calls went.



> Patty wrote in her testimony, regarding her children... " They have

> witnessed me unable to take care of the house, not having the energy

> to do things with them, play with them, cook meals every single day,

> even talk with them, as my mental capacity diminished, and I didn't

> have the energy to search for the right words for them! "


> This devastates me because that is my story for going on 9 years or

> more. I am laying on the couch as I type this because this is what I

> do...I don't have the energy to live. My youngest has never known me

> any other way but sick.


> I very much would like to travel to Cleveland to have these things

> removed but the reality is that I don't think I have the strength.


> These implants have cost me everything. I had a half million dollar

> home, over a hundred thousand in equity, a $40,000 car that was paid

> for, my own business that was doing very well, and lots of experience

> and knowledge in an industry that laying on the couch for so many

> years, has become completely worthless. I don't have anything of any

> value anymore-nothing. It was all tapped out over the years to

> continue to at least put a roof over our heads and fast food on the

> table.


> I've bought so many things over the years that later needed to be

> returned but was then too tired later to return. Many things have

> been given away because I didn't have the strength to deal with it

> when moving, such as televisions and furniture.


> I'm a single mom and everyone knows how important consistency with

> kids is but the only area where I've been consistent is being

> consistently inconsistent.


> My breast ache like I'm breastfeeding, and burn like when you run in

> cold weather. My sinuses hurt, my teeth hurt, and my muscles ache.

> I haven't anyone in my life because laying on a couch day in a day

> out is not very conducive to relationships (though I suppose if I

> placed an ad on a singles site that reads " I need, and prefer, to be

> in bed,


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You are a fighter, I can see that! Yes, you do have a right to be

angry. Almost every woman experiences the anger when she finds out

implants have made her ill, and realized that she has been royally

ripped off. There are so few people in this country who have taken

the time to really listen to those of us who have experienced such

devastation in our lives. We've been trying to get the word out! And

you already know not to let that anger take a deep enough hold that it

keeps you in captivity to it. The best thing you can do for yourself

is to look forward to the steps you need to take to get better, for

your children and for your future, and trust that all things will work

out for our good. No, God does not make these kinds of plans for our

lives, but we do have to recognize that He will take what has been

destroyed, either through our choices or the choices others make that

include us, and use it for a more glorious purpose that ultimately can

bring joy and peace and purpose to others. That is our only

restitution. We try to save others from going through the same fate.

How old are you, can I ask? How old is your youngest child?

The issue with the children is tragedy added upon tragedy. Paddy, I

know that this is a devastating thought. I am so sorry that you have

to perhaps consider this as well. I hope and pray that it is not so,

but we know that some children have been affected. What kinds of

health concerns does your child face?

Let me just again say how sorry I am. It's time to begin the healing

process and let these things get worked out. First things

first...acceptance....then girding up and moving out.

You are a talented woman, it is evident and I am trusting that you

will go on to do important things to help others. Your voice is added

to our voice and each time that happens, we are hopefully a little

stronger. The controversy surrounding implants has gone on for decades

and it is extremely sad and discouraging to realize that we are not

being listened to. Many more women will face the same fate as you and

I. We just can't stop talking and warning. The devastation can only

be for one thing....to educate a deaf world, if they will stop and listen.

Thanks so much for your heart-felt words....I'm listening. You can

vent anytime.



> Sorry...I certainly did not intend to suggest I am depressed or that

> I value my " things " -especially, over my health. Eight years on the

> couch...or any lengthy time period on any couch... " forces " one

> to " choose " to be happy every single day because the alternative

> could be deadly. The " things " that I lost are " things " that could

> have offered me a wonderful future, as well as a comfortable life for

> my children-I cannot apologize for being sad, or angry, at the loss

> of those " things. " I cannot recover the years lost in my career. I

> had so much financial success because of physical and mental strength

> and energy that I chose to channel in a manner that resulted as

> outlined-strength and energy I no longer have. From what I am

> reading on this site, I am learning that I lost EVERYTHING over

> implants. There is not one thing in my life that has not had a

> negative impact as a result of these bags on my chest. I've also now

> come across info that suggests my daughter's birth defect and ongoing

> health issues may also be related to the bags on my chest. I want

> the " right " back-to value myself based on my belongings-if I so

> choose. For the last eight plus years I haven't had any

> rights...whatsoever. I got these bags because I was deformed in my

> breast area-now my entire life is deformed. I've gained tremendous

> wisdom and an even greater faith and relationship with God...but I

> don't believe this was God's plan for me and there are more

> constructive ways to gain wisdom.


> There are too many woman out there who apparently can copy and paste

> my story in as their own, and vice-versa. I know I am of value, that

> is why I am still alive today. I don't mean to duplicate what has

> probably been written thousands of times already either. These

> implants weren't that important to me at the time, and still aren't.

> I have no sadness about them being removed. I researched before the

> surgery...it was simply an option and there was nothing I came across

> to suggest I shouldn't do it. I could afford to do it, I did it. For

> the most part, I've never regretted them...until the evening of

> October 31st, that is. Regret... Dear God...where does one begin. I

> would much rather have given what I had to someone in need...not to a

> plastic surgeon for another vacation-at the price of my children and

> my, lives. Those material things I wrote that I lost...that was the

> home of my children. That was their car they rode in to go to their

> friend's homes, sports, and activities... That equity was their

> college, family vacations, my retirement. That business could have

> been their business, their children's business.


> What I write above is not " my " story...it is " our " story... just

> change the car to a boat, the home to a different home, the equity to

> a savings account, retirement account, investment account, etc., the

> career to the name of a husband, and so on... LOSS..all of it...and

> for what. There is absolutely zero gain-no benefit, nothing, making

> it worth it.


> In God's name, we choose to make gain-we find ways. We reach out to

> others, and every day we have to tell ourselves this is all okay...we

> are dealing with it...handling it, etc.. From our couches and beds

> we try to make our lives reflect evidence of graditude, and of value.

> This is what we have to do-we haven't any choice, otherwise it truly

> is all for nothing... Yet..it is still all such a complete waste of

> beautiful, valuable lives, for so many... And the domino effect...

> DEVASTATING.. No matter how many poms poms you try to put around

> it...this whole picture is devastating. Life does go on though-thank

> you God. Thank God for some of us there is reason to hope for a

> beautiful future. But the devastation... for what?


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I'm glad you cleared that up...I thought you meant that they had been

affected healthwise by the implants, so thanks for making me

understand what you meant....it's bad enough that you can't do what

you'd like.. I know how much you want to be able to do things for them!

And for yourself...I am so sorry you are still struggling with the

pain and the heart issues. Words alone can't fix all this for you,

though I wish they would. You've been such a bright spot for everyone

else, you surely need that sunshine of hope in your own life.

I'm believing for the best.

Sending hugs, take care,



> Hi Patty !

> They just struggle with having a grandmother that

> used to play with them and interact alot to one that

> is sick in bed much of the time......

> and no money to buy them kewl things, take them

> places or things like that.

> Actually much of the time, I dont function much....

> like right now, I have a migrane and gotta get back

> in bed.......

> Earlier, my heart was in arrhythema for several hours.

> That doesnt include the full body pain I endure.

> Thanks for the prayers

> Dede


> I did not have implants when i was pregnant.

> thank heavens



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