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Res: Re: allergy

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Hi, Patty!

I had so many replacements only on the right breast cause it used to get very hard, redish and painful. One of the times I had necrosis on the nipple, with a hole that closed just after 6 months.

after that I had the scar below the breast, where I have dermatitis now in both sides, on the right side after the last replacement it had a round hole and I could see the implant, after that I decided to have them removed anyway, which was difficult, no doctor woulod do so. Now, on the right side, sometimes it seems the place where the hole was, this circle will open.

About the candidiasis, I have taken medicine for more than a year, once a week, and started to have vomits and so I quit. What I do now is putting medicine in ovules and started taking pomelo capsules, but I have already tried many teas and so on.

Now I will try to find those things you recomended me and see if they work.

Thank you so much,


De: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...>Para: Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 3 de Novembro de 2008 19:10:53Assunto: Re: allergy

Hi Katia,This is not good news...it sounds like you have been through alot ofsurgery...wow, 8 replacements! This is alot! Why so many? Did theyrupture? I am at a loss what to tell you, other than I believe that it isimportant for that tissue to be removed somehow. Do you have theresources to have another surgery?We have a woman named Traci who went through this terrible situationwith a hole in her breast that would not close. Is yours healed atthis point? What are you doing for the chronic candida and vaginitis? One of ourmembers also had chronic vaginal infections and I will see if she canwrite to provide some assistance.We suggest caprylic acid in large doses --3600 mg for at least 2weeks-- to help overcome the candida issue. There are othersupplements you can use as well, such as oil of oregano and raw garlicthat are good anti-fungals. You have to be very diligent to

use them. It sounds like you are still struggling quite a bit....tell us whatyou are doing for yourself and perhaps we can suggest further options.I wish you wellness,Patty>> Hi, Patty!> Thank you for helping me!> I am sure the doctor did not remove the scar tissue that surrounded > the implant, because after the surgery she told me it could not be > done for I have had 8 implants replacement before, exactly where I > have dermatitis now it used to open and I could see the implants in a > hole, totally black. Not to mention all the pain I had for years. > Besides, after having the implants I developped a severe allergy to > latex, and also

a chronic vaginitis with Candida.> Love,> Katia>

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