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Re: Flu Shot Reactions

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I have always told women on this group, DO NOT GET THE FLU SHOTS.

I hope you will feel better fast! Try to take good care of yourself.

I talked to a woman this week who had gotten a Kenalog shot from a

doctor she had seen for a bout of bronchitis, and against her better

judgement, she listened to the doctor when she was told it was safe.

All of her previous symptoms came back! She has had her implants out

for a couple of years and was feeling about 90% better. The shot has

set her back several weeks already. It's very sad to hear.

I don't want to sound negative, and I pray you get better, just as I'm

praying that she does.

I just want this to serve as a warning to all women here....do not

take chances with your precious health by having a shot that is filled

with--God knows what--that can be a burden to your immune system. We

are not like other people. We have issues that are not clearly

understood that involved our immune system, and there are risks you

are taking by being injected with something that you clearly don't

need to survive.

I will send a link for Dr. Mercola's site about why you should not

take flu shots!

Ladies, please be careful with your health.



> I got the flu shot today and my neck and back ache and I feel

alittle short of breathe, anyone feel like this ? I got it at 10 30 am

it's not after 5 pm


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, Dear, my doctors have told me to never get the flu shot. Just rest, and if you get worse please call your doctor. I am not sue why they do not want us to get the flu shot, but it could be that our immune systems have changed, and we could get the flu.

Honey, we hope that feel better soon...love to you....Lea


Flu Shot Reactions

I got the flu shot today and my neck and back ache and I feel alittle short of breathe, anyone feel like this ? I got it at 10 30 am it's not after 5 pm

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Great just one more thing I didn't know about these FN implants, I'm sick I hurt all over and my throat is burning. When will this nitemare be over.

From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...>Subject: Re: Flu Shot Reactions Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 5:59 PM

,I have always told women on this group, DO NOT GET THE FLU SHOTS. I hope you will feel better fast! Try to take good care of yourself.I talked to a woman this week who had gotten a Kenalog shot from adoctor she had seen for a bout of bronchitis, and against her betterjudgement, she listened to the doctor when she was told it was safe. All of her previous symptoms came back! She has had her implants outfor a couple of years and was feeling about 90% better. The shot hasset her back several weeks already. It's very sad to hear.I don't want to sound negative, and I pray you get better, just as I'mpraying that she does.I just want this to serve as a warning to all women here....do nottake chances with your precious health by having a shot that is filledwith--God knows what--that can be a burden to your immune system. Weare not like other people. We have issues that are not

clearlyunderstood that involved our immune system, and there are risks youare taking by being injected with something that you clearly don'tneed to survive.I will send a link for Dr. Mercola's site about why you should nottake flu shots!Ladies, please be careful with your health.Patty>> I got the flu shot today and my neck and back ache and I feelalittle short of breathe, anyone feel like this ? I got it at 10 30 amit's not after 5 pm>

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I'm so sorry....the thing I could suggest is what I told the other

girl...lots of vitamin C and rest...take care of yourself.

You'll always have to be vigilant with your health for the rest of

your life...not that you can't live, cuz I truly do, but we just have

to be aware of what is dangerous to us and avoid anything that is not

God made or natural!

God bless,


> >

> > I got the flu shot today and my neck and back ache and I feel

> alittle short of breathe, anyone feel like this ? I got it at 10 30 am

> it's not after 5 pm

> >


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Dearest :

We all hope that you are feeling better today. I did not know that flu shots could make you sick; however, my doctor told me that he became sick after having a flu shot. He told me that he would never give me a shot because of my condition. We all know that these devices should be banned, but they are all part of control issues and money.

Honey, stay close, and we are all here for you....love you...Lea


Re: Flu Shot Reactions Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 5:59 PM

,I have always told women on this group, DO NOT GET THE FLU SHOTS. I hope you will feel better fast! Try to take good care of yourself.I talked to a woman this week who had gotten a Kenalog shot from adoctor she had seen for a bout of bronchitis, and against her betterjudgement, she listened to the doctor when she was told it was safe. All of her previous symptoms came back! She has had her implants outfor a couple of years and was feeling about 90% better. The shot hasset her back several weeks already. It's very sad to hear.I don't want to sound negative, and I pray you get better, just as I'mpraying that she does.I just want this to serve as a warning to all women here....do nottake chances with your precious health by having a shot that is filledwith--God knows what--that can be a burden to your immune system. Weare not like other people. We have issues that are not clearlyunderstood that involved our immune system, and there are risks youare taking by being injected with something that you clearly don'tneed to survive.I will send a link for Dr. Mercola's site about why you should nottake flu shots!Ladies, please be careful with your health.Patty>> I got the flu shot today and my neck and back ache and I feelalittle short of breathe, anyone feel like this ? I got it at 10 30 amit's not after 5 pm>

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