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New and desperate after 8 years of being seriously ill

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I think your mom's intuition is something you should listen to. I

had implants for 6 months and had them removed. Everyone reacts

differently, but I got sick immediately after getting them. More

than likely because I already had a weak immune system, and prior to

getting implants I asked the surgeon if there was any reason why I

shouldn't get them, because I had a weakened immune system. His

response? " Noooooooo " - but honestly I could tell he wasn't being

honest by the look on his face. I later found out that even the

very flawed studies said that the safety of implants had not been

established for people with compromised immune systems.

Anyway, I had terrible brain fog which continually got worse over

the course of time that I had implants. I also had heartburn,

dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, digestive problems, panic

attacks, numb fingers and toes, swollen joints, and sore muscles and

lymph nodes. I had tons of tests done and everything turned out to

be normal.

I know people often worry about having the implants removed because

some associate bigger breasts with better self-esteem, however, what

good are bigger breasts if you're too sick to do anything? I

disliked my implanted figure and spent most of the time trying to

hide them, and my self-esteem was much worse with them than it was

without them. I really like how I look with my natural shape, and I

never once regretted having the implants removed. I had mine

removed by Dr. Lu-Feng in Cleveland even though I live in New

Jersey. I knew she understood how important it was to remove the

implants properly, and I knew she had alot of experience, so that's

why I chose her.


--- In , " p_ebling " <p_ebling@...>



> My mom keeps questioning the implants and I keep telling

> her " no " ...secretly, I wonder but don't know what I can possibly


> even if it is.


> I got saline implants in 1995; I think 750 cc's, if that sounds


> I'm a DD. I was very athletic and petite at the time and very

> pleased with my implants too. It began suddenly one night 5 years

> after the implants when I went to the hospital for pelvic pain.

> Since then I have continued to be too weak and tired too do much


> anything, though pain has not been much of a complaint; just weak


> tired-extremely. My life for the past 8 years has been laying in


> location or another, in my home. I'm too sick too fight it by


> to different doctors. I've been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and

> fibromyalgia (though I don't ever complain of muscle pain).


> I am being treated for hyperventilation syndrome, which is a

> breathing disorder, and doing breathing exercises which has helped

> make me stronger but I still feel too weak to stand up for long.


> feel even weaker when I lay down. Just writing that-it strikes me

> that I have a lot of weight sitting on my chest so I should feel


> laying down. Is it possible the weight of the implants puts


> on a valve or something to the heart, interfering with the blood

> pressure? I'm too sick to work so how could I possibly pay to have


> implants removed?


> Focus is also a serious problem for me so it is too hard for me to

> write much, or read all the articles. I've had a ton of tests over

> the last 8 years and nothing has been found to be abnormal. Life


> so precious and I am not living. I lay on a couch and watch


> day in and day out-and I have an 11 year old child at home. Can

> someone help me?


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Dear Paddy,

I have to ask, since my full name is , and I go by Patty, is

your full name Paddricia? Just wondering! LOL I hope that makes you

giggle at least a little, as I couldn't think of anything else that

worked and I just had to ask!

Wow, it sounds like you are in a very tough position, having lost your

job, but not getting ANYTHING for help in the way of financial

assistance besides child support. Does the father of your children

realize how important your health, and do you think he could help you

get those implants out? How about your parents, or any siblings?

I know exactly what you are dealing with regarding the appearance of

not being as sick as you feel. Been there, sweet one. I felt like I

wanted to die, yet I looked completely and totally normal, with good

color and all. It's a big stumbling block for us all because it's

hard for others to believe we can really be as sick as we say when we

look fine.

I will pray for your answers to appear quickly and completely

regarding your upcoming explant surgery and how to get it arranged,

paid for and completed. It's going to be a very important surgery for


I'm not certain that we know of any good docs in the state of

Minnesota, so your best bet may be Dr. Huang in Denver CO.

Her website is at http://www.lindahuangmd.com/

I am looking forward to your " happy paragraph " in the near future!

Take care and God bless. Keep us posted.



> Lea wrote " Dear friend, we can help you... "


> I don't know that I have ever read more beautiful words...thank you

> Lea. Thank you to all who read my post, and especially to those whom

> responded.


> April, I agree, there is a way to come up with the finances, and I

> will find it.


> Though it is very difficult for me to concentrate, I did get the

> message Patty that it is important the implant removal surgery be

> done properly-thank you.


> I came on to the site to look up something and was stunned to find

> the personal notes of response, to my post; incredible! It also

> surprised me that there isn't any hemming or hawwing (spelling)

> about " if " the implants should come out-they need to come out... that

> too is very helpful. I feel the strength of you woman out there...

> and it is remarkable.


> I'm in St. , MN. I went out on intermittent sick leave in June

> and full leave in July (but over the last 8.5 years have only been

> able to work 3). Family leave only protects one's position for 90

> days so I have now lost my job. I've applied for unemployment and

> long term disability but have yet to receive anything-I'm completely

> without income. I cannot get welfare either because I get $400/month

> child support. I have maintained my health insurance however.

> Anyway, I have a 2 story home and recently moved to just the first

> level because I couldn't keep walking the stairs. Other than

> appearing extremely pale at times, though, no one can tell I am as

> sick as I am. Weak and tired!!! I'm being treated for a breathing

> disorder which is probably not an uncommon problem, though

> unrecognized, for those of us with implants. My breathing is too

> shallow and high. It has helped to have that addressed but I still

> am too sick to work.


> I'm going to have a happy new paragraph in the near future however,

> because God guided me to this site...can't wait to tell you about my

> new life-I know it is just ahead of me. I'm committed to finding the

> finances and getting the weight lifted off my chest-literally. Thank

> you again to all of you!


> Paddy (yes, that is with double d's and that was prior to the double

> DD's:)).


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You are asking very good questions. I know how overwhelming it it. Truly.

I cried for days when I understood what I faced. And then trusted God and forged ahead! He worked in totally amazing ways to open the doors for me to get to the doctor, cover the surgery, and provide support through family. My insurance paid for explant!! It was nearly unheard of at that time.

Let me ask you first....how are your medical records currently looking? Free from any indications of serious health concerns, or a file an inch thick?

The records could prove to be an issue if you have to buy insurance for yourself. If you are able to be covered under group coverage, it should not cause any trouble, so it all depends on what kind of coverage you anticipate currently and in your future.

Sometimes the insurance will indeed cover this explant surgery, if your doctor knows and understands the process to get it covered. My doctor wrote a letter that indicated that I had Bake IV contractures; i.e., that they were hard and painful, and this is a condition recognized as enough of a problem to approve the explant surgery. Dr. Kolb in Atlanta Georgia is another doctor who is expert at removals and can get this covered by insurance in most cases. So, you might want to call her office.

Her website is www.plastikos.com

It is adviseable to never call your insurance comany yourself to get this surgery covered, but let the doctor write the letter of necessity for you.

If you can pay for this surgery yourself to keep it off your medical records, then it may be a good idea to go ahead and do that if you suspect that insurance issues are going to be complicated and detrimental in the future.

So, after you've made the decision on whether or not to pursue insurance coverage, then of course, you will want to start searching for the right surgeon. We have a list of surgeons you can look over, and we advise using ones that we trust to be expert in proper removal. Here is why: If you start looking locally, you may find that you are frustrated and alarmed at how poorly you may be treated by those doctors who refuse to consider that implants are indeed causing illness. It may take you several consultations with several doctors to find one that may do what you need done, and it will cost money up front. If you can't travel, and you have to find a local doctor, we can help you with the right questions to ask, but we just want you to be prepared by understanding how difficult it is to get good care.

The doctors that we have learned to trust through the years have understood what women are struggling with, and have treated these women with compassion and kindness. It's so much less of a troubling and stressful experience when you are being cared for by a doctor who says, "I understand your concerns, and I can help you!"

I would call around now and see what kind of charges you are going to face for this procedure. Perhaps you can lock in a price now, even if you have to wait several months to save up for it, or find financial help to complete this surgery.

I hope this helps you! I know how frightening the process is, and how difficult it is to try to face this journey on your own, and when you are so sick to boot. I did not have the full cooperation of my husband when I went through explant, but had to make all of the arrangement myself. It was the most important thing I did for myself!

Take care and keep asking questions....this will get done somehow, someway!

Patty>> Ha! Ha! It is irish actually. My name is but I was named > after a lady from Ireland and so my parents spelled my name Paddy like > he did. > > I am feeling sort of overwhelmed by the reality of what little I have > read here. > > My breast are killing me...because of something I did-sort of like slow > suicide? I think I got more enjoyment out of cigarettes than I ever > have these implants; I quit those because I thought they might kill me-> HUH!> > So where to from here? I mean really-I don't know where to even > begin. What do I need to do?? Do I first come up with the money and > then ask? How do I get my insurance company to pay? Do I get them out > and not making any complaints to doctor so as not to taint my medical > records for any future coverage?? > > Paddy>

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Hello ~

I am so sorry you are so ill and devastated. The story

of my implant journey started in 1990. I had 9 years

of horror with massive silicone rupture and multiple

surgeries. Then I got saline implants......stupid me !

within 2 months I became worse than ever and had

to stop working.

Here is part of my story :

Breast Implant Survivors Day click on the link or copy and paste

the web page into your browser.


Please read it.

I have been too ill to have these old salines removed. I

am working to get cardiac and lung clearance so I can.

One thing you must try to do, is to do what ever it takes

to start finding the positive things in your life.

Focus on them, and grow them.

Try to take this devastating tragedy and turn it into a

positive journey and education for you so that you can

one day help others that are going through the same journey. Changing the way you look at things and how you focus on

what life is giving you right now will make your journey

so much easier.

When you wake up, dont frown because you dred another

day on the couch, smile because you woke up, you are alive,

and it is a new day. When you are having all that pain, be

glad you have pain to tell you something is wrong, so you

can find a way to fix it. Pain is warning signs. I have a friend

that is quadraplegic, and almost died because he cant feel

pain.....he is in critical condition because of it, and may die.

You have put your lifes focus on owning things......things !

you consider yourself worthless because of things ! ! !

Things are worthless ! !

YOU are priceless !

Focus on your worth !

Reading your post it sounds like you value yourself by what

you buy. You cannot buy self worth. There is no amount of

money that can buy self worth.

You cannot share yourself with anyone and be whole until you

begin to love yourself again.

Let today be the first day of the rest of your life.

Make a list of everything that is bothering you. Next to each

item, rewrite it into a positive light ....

I am happy to see you still have your sense of humor.....

that will carry you far.....laughing gets those endorphins

flowing which turn on the good feeling hormones.....

Take care !

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Honey, what a lovely thing to say, thank you. We will help you through each step of your journey. I am worried about your respiratory problems, because I had them too. I have never smoked; however, I developed asthma and chronic bronchitis. My breathing is still around 40%, but we hope that with some breathing exercises it will improve.

Please stay close to this wonderful group of women. You will never be alone now that you have found us. I am so sorry that you have had to move downstairs in your home. This means that you must get some medical help with your breathing, because it will not go away. Once the implants are removed, you will begin to heal. My respiratory problems started many years after the implants were removed, but I had such gross ruptures of silicone that it will take more time for me.

Honey, do you have silicone or saline implants? They both can cause some serious problems; however, most all of the women did get much better after removal.

Stay close...love always........Lea


Re: New and desperate after 8 years of being seriously ill

Lea wrote "Dear friend, we can help you..."I don't know that I have ever read more beautiful words...thank you Lea. Thank you to all who read my post, and especially to those whom responded. April, I agree, there is a way to come up with the finances, and I will find it.Though it is very difficult for me to concentrate, I did get the message Patty that it is important the implant removal surgery be done properly-thank you.I came on to the site to look up something and was stunned to find the personal notes of response, to my post; incredible! It also surprised me that there isn't any hemming or hawwing (spelling) about "if" the implants should come out-they need to come out... that too is very helpful. I feel the strength of you woman out there... and it is remarkable. I'm in St. , MN. I went out on intermittent sick leave in June and full leave in July (but over the last 8.5 years have only been able to work 3). Family leave only protects one's position for 90 days so I have now lost my job. I've applied for unemployment and long term disability but have yet to receive anything-I'm completely without income. I cannot get welfare either because I get $400/month child support. I have maintained my health insurance however. Anyway, I have a 2 story home and recently moved to just the first level because I couldn't keep walking the stairs. Other than appearing extremely pale at times, though, no one can tell I am as sick as I am. Weak and tired!!! I'm being treated for a breathing disorder which is probably not an uncommon problem, though unrecognized, for those of us with implants. My breathing is too shallow and high. It has helped to have that addressed but I still am too sick to work. I'm going to have a happy new paragraph in the near future however, because God guided me to this site...can't wait to tell you about my new life-I know it is just ahead of me. I'm committed to finding the finances and getting the weight lifted off my chest-literally. Thank you again to all of you!Paddy (yes, that is with double d's and that was prior to the double DD's:)).

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> Patty wrote in her testimony, regarding her children... " They have

> witnessed me unable to take care of the house, not having the energy

> to do things with them, play with them, cook meals every single day,

> even talk with them, as my mental capacity diminished, and I didn't

> have the energy to search for the right words for them! "


> This devastates me because that is my story for going on 9 years or

> more. I am laying on the couch as I type this because this is what I

> do...I don't have the energy to live. My youngest has never known me

any other way but sick.

Oh Paddy, I can so relate to what you said. I think the most

devastating part for me about being ill was my inability to take care

of my family the way I wanted to. It really caused me to spiral into

depression. I began to find it difficult to seperate my illness from

who I was. I just didn't want to be that " sick person " and felt so

trapped b/c I didn't know what was wrong with me or how to fix it.

Reading your post reminds me of how far God has brought me.

You will be ok, Paddy. You will get through this. You are sick right

now, but your sickness is NOT who you are. I know sometimes those

thoughts come that this is all in your head - that you are just being

lazy or that you aren't a good mom. That is NOT true. There is a

reason for all the symptoms you have - it is real. I know it's so hard

to see all of that right now and it is overwhelming. Just take it one

small step at a time and trust Him to get you through it. He will.

I think you are a very strong woman. It's amazing that you are still

doing as well as you are after all this time. My goodness, 9 years is

a LONG time to deal with something like that. So don't be hard on

yourself about that. This isn't your fault. You made a decision based

on the information that was given to you. And that information was


Be encouraged. You are right, you will write a happy story about this

one day - and probably sooner than you think. You will be an

inspiration to many, I'm sure.

Much love,



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I did not know that your 2 grandchildren were affected! I must have

missed that post....what do they struggle with?

It's good to see you posting. I know you have been ill and trying to

catch up. I am praying for you Dede.



> I am glad to hear you are not depressed. That is

> awesome. I just know the devastation, as I have

> lost all you have lost.....and it is devastating....

> I also have 2 children and 2 grandchildren all affected

> by the safe silicone bags....

> I hope I didnt offend you by my post, that was not

> my intent at all.....I just know from my own personal

> 19 year experience, and by supporting gals for the last

> several years, how it can affect entire families.

> I wish you well ~

> Dede





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