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Preparing for Explant 2

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Medications to Avoid Prior to Surgery

Many plastic surgeons give their patients a list of medications and

supplements they would like their patients to avoid 2 weeks before surgery,

as well as 2 weeks after surgery. These medications and supplements increase

the risk of bleeding and may put you at risk during surgery, as well as

afterwards. Review this list below and compare it to the list your own plastic surgeon has

given you. If your plastic surgeon has not given you a list of medications

and supplements to avoid immediately before and after surgery, be sure to ask

for one. You also should not consume alcohol during this time frame, for the

same reason. Two weeks prior to surgery:

Vitamin E, Nutritional Supplements, Aspirin, or Aspirin products and

medications containing Ibuprofen should be discontinued because they promote

bleeding. This will help you avoid bleeding complications during your

surgery. Products containing Aspirin:

Alka-Seltzer, Anacin, Analgestine, A.P.C or A.S.A, Ascriptin, Asperbuf,

Aspercin, Aspergum, Aspirin, Aspirin Suppositories, Aspir-phen, Aspirtab,

Bayer, Buffdyne, Buffaprin, Congespirin, Coricidin, Darvon, Darvon Compound,

Dristan, Duragesic, Ecotrin, Equagesic Tabs, Excedrin, Feldene, Fiogesic,

Fiorinal, 4 Way Cold Tabs, Gelprin, Indocin, Liquiprin, Lortab ASA tabs,

Meprobamate, Midol, Motrin, Norgesic, Norwich Aspirin, Percobarb, Percodan,

Robaxisl, Sine-aid, Sine-off, SomaCompTabs, St. ph Products, Talwin

Compound, Tolectin, Triaminicin, Trigesic, Vanquish, Zorprin.

Products Containing Ibuprofen:

Advil, Haltran, Medipren, Midol 200, Motrin, PeptoBismol, Nuprin, Rufen. Nutritional Supplements:

Bilberry, Cayenne, Echinacea, Feverfew, Fish oil caps, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo

Biloba, Ginseng, Kava Kava, Valerian, Licorice Root, Ma Huang, Melatonin, St.

's Wort, Vitamin E, Yohimbe.

If you need to take something for headache, menstrual cramps or other aches

and pains, you may take Tylenol (acetaminophen) as directed for the time

prior to surgery. Check the labels on any medicines or supplements you plan

to take in pill, capsule or liquid form. Do not take anything containing

acetylsalycetic acid or salicylates. Quit smoking two weeks prior to your procedure. It interferes with healing. SUPPLEMENTS TO TAKE PRIOR TO SURGERY

Transfer Factor Plus for the immune system, Inositol for detoxification, Super Malic for magnesium supplementation, Milk Thistle for liver detoxification, Acidophilus for yeast along with Diflucan or Nystatin, Lipoic acid for an antioxidant and to help protect the liver while on

Diflucan, and Flaxseed capsules or flaxseed oil for Omega-3 fatty acids to

help the immune system

A general good quality vitamin-mineral supplement. PREPARATIONS FOR EXPLANT TO MAKE AHEAD OF TIME

Ask for any prescriptions the explanting doctor will be giving you ahead of

time and fill them. Also purchase any healing ointments or salves that you

will be applying to your scars. Purchase a laxative to have on hand in case

your bowel movements become sluggish, and other medication that will help

with nausea. Make arrangements for a ride to and from the hospital, since any surgery

requiring anesthesia will render you unable to drive yourself home. Line up a

few helpers to be available during your first few days after surgery. Shop for comfortable bras to wear post explant, such as stretchy sport bras

that have front closures.

Make sure you have several pairs of comfortable pajamas, washed, cleaned and

ready for your recovery period. If you intend to dress in street clothes,

have easy front closure tops (buttons or zippers) and pull on elastic band

sweatpants available.

You may want to have sweatpants or comfortable elastic band pants with deep

side pockets in them for easy access to things you want to carry with you, or

for the drains that you may have. Pockets will come in very handy.

Also include a stash of warm socks to keep feet warm, and gloves to keep hands

warm, if necessary (due to Raynaud's).

Stock up on healthy snack foods that require little preparation, and which

you can have close by your bed for easy access. Some examples of these items

would include yogurt, nuts, beef jerky, protein bars, carrots and celery

sticks, fruits, cheese and crackers, tuna salad, and bottled water or teas.

Also include paper plates and disposable silverware so you don't have to

wash dishes.

Arrange your recovery area ahead of time so that everything you will need will

be in close reach, such as a lamp, the TV remote, TV Guide, a bed-side stand

with your reading materials, glasses, writing materials, a place for your

foods, snacks and drinks, kleenex, a waste-basket, mirror, etc.

Keep on hand convenient products for washing your face and freshening up, such

as Wet Wipes.

Keep your telephone or cell phone handy, along with a list of phone numbers

you may need, including after-hours phone numbers for your explanting surgeon.

If your surgery is in wintertime, make sure you have enough warm blankets on

your bed. If in summertime, make sure you have a fan or other cooling device

handy. Also include extra pillows for sitting up and making yourself more



Make all arrangements for hotel accomodations as close to the clinic as

possible. You may be able to get a discount by telling the hotel you are

there for medical purposes.

Ask at the hotel, ahead of surgery, what businesses are located nearby so you

have an idea of what restaurants and foods might be available for mealtimes

and if they deliver, and/or drug stores for any needed medical aids. Find out what local attractions there are for those who may have traveled with

you and if you want to do some sightseeing if your recovery allows it.

Bring favorite pajamas, sweat pants and other comfortable clothing for

spending time in the hotel room.

Bring zip up hooded sweatshirts, other front closure button or zip tops for

easy off, easy on dressing.

Bring things to do while in the hotel room to stay occupied, such as books,

puzzles, magazines, laptop, IPOD.

Make sure you have your cellphone and your phone numbers for family, friends,

and the medical provider.

Bring some cash to pay for foods and drinks and small incidentals.

Bring an adequate supply of bottled water and other drinks if possible, as

well as snack foods and meals that require little preparation unless these

can be purchased conveniently near your hotel.

Bring Ice packs to keep in refrigerator in case they are needed.

Bring all medications usually taken - but ask doctor before taking them.

Brng a journal in case you want to write down what you have just been through.

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