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Sweet Dede: They sound like a bunch of Bullies:

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My Sweet Dede:

I am so very sorry that you were treated you so badly. These people should be reported, because the more they get away with this abuse, the more powerful they become. You are not is position to fight back; however, there must be someone who would represent you in the Medical community.

Honey, I will write more later, because my son and his wife are still in Edmonton. They did not come to our home yesterday and that has caused me major stress, but they said that they would try to meet us for lunch. We are still waiting for them to call.

Stay close to all of us....we love you so....Lea and Superman


Re: Sweet Dede:

Hello Lea ~ How are you today ? ? I am still trying to come upwith the right words to describe my appointmentyesterday diplomatically and with grace.So far any words that even come close to nice arein the far distance in relationship to my experience.I left there with no knowledge at all about myself,or my condition at all.....absolutely none ! As far as the business office and their treatmentof me, in front of an entire full waiting room, I leftcrying out of complete and total frustrantion and humility. The entire rest of the day, I just sank into.....what had just happened. I went in very ill, and came out feeling totally berated. Next to the arrogant way the two doctors that sent me home to die, back in September of 05, I have neverever been treated so horribly, and to top it off, it was in frontof a full waiting room of people, I cannot express the depthof embarrasment and humiliation I felt ....As I was checking out, the girl at the desk, very kindly said to me, " You are on medicare disability, an 80/20 plan, and your portion is $18.41." I said, ok, I am sorry, I did not bring a check today, I did give you all a check on tuesday when I was here, and I will bring one in on friday when I come for my CT's. If you will please try to figure out how much my part for that day willbe, I will bring a check when I come in for the full amount. " I also said, " I worked in the med field 26 years and I know yourposition, and I am sorry I dont have payment with me " So, she went to have someone figure that out for me. I waited around, had my blood drawn and all, then the girl brought the amount to me on a slip of paper, then some other gal came up to the window too, and said " We have to have payment right now, payment is required at the time of the visit", I patiently told her," I am sorry, I did not bring a check today, as I told this gal, I will bring it friday, and give it to you all when I come in, for todays,visit and for my part on the ct's." She said to me, " Well, we require a payment today " and looked at me with disgust.I then said, " Again, I am sorry, I do not have a method of payment with me, I cannot give you what I do not have. Then I told her , " I worked in the field for a very long time, 26 years and I understand the difficulties of your position, I will bring payment in and give it to you all when I come in for the full amount." Then she leaned over the counter at me, put her hand on the counter to hold herself steady, and then she got in my face and said, " You have a balance of $ 491.79 and you have to pay that before you can have any more treatments here. You can go to the hospital and have them done, they can absorb what you cant pay there, but we cant " I was shocked, I couldnt believe she just got in my face with her mean agressive look, and that smirk, and said that to me. I thought she was going to jump across and attack me. ( that is how she made me feel, anyway)I again, patiently said, " I paid 40 dollars towards my balance tuesday, would you like to see a copy of it? " (The balance on my receipt from tuesday said that my portion due was $ 57.88 .)She said.." NO " .....I said " Please go talk to Dr Venegoni,he said he would work with me." She said," Well, we dontdo it that way anymore, we require payment in full at the timeof service, and you also owe almost 500 dollars "I told her " I will try to pay 40 towards my balance every monthplus my part when I am here " and she said " We wont do the ct's on you til its paid. " Then she said , " I will go talk to Dr Venegoni," she walked around the office a bit, and came back and said," I will have him call you," I said, you dont need to do that, then she said " I will have the administrator call you. " I said," no need, please just give her a note that I will try to pay 40 towards my balance per month " Then I said " I live on disability, less than 900 a month, I can not give what I dont have " , she leaned in to my face again, and with that mean evil look with that smirk, and she said," I dont care " we cant run a business without full payment," I said please just tell her I will try topay 40 dollars a month. I walked out crying.....She can have the whole office call me, but that is not goingto change things and make money grow at my house, onlywaste their time and make them frustrated. I honestly dontsee why it would have been so hard for her to have been kindto me about the whole thing, even done it in private and not in front of everyone, and how hard would it have beenfor her to make a quick note on a sticky to let the businessoffice know I planned to pay 40 a month til the balance wasgone.I also dont see how a $ 57.88 balance from tuesday grew to a balance of $ 491.79 by friday, all my portion, and there was no way by that point that I was going to talk to anyone further there about anything........The increase from 57 to 491 in a couple days was my initial shock, that left me for a loss of words. No, my initial shock was that Dr Canby wanted my heart muscle strength checked, as he felt the cardiomyopathy was progressing , and Dr Venegoni said since I had one this year, I couldnt. I suppose medicare wouldnt pay well for a second one in a years time, I am not sure. Anyway, I had chest pain and upper back pain all night, sometimes it is squeezing hard, and then in the middle of the night I was having muscles grabbing, and then acid coming up into my mouth, and a horrible cough I took a Nexium, and I finally went back to sleep. I have these hot spells, no sweats, just I get real hot and nausiatedbadly, and they come and go just like the chest and back pains.I am not sure what is going on......I just know that my body isunhappy and giving me signs, and I am telling the doctors, but no one is listening. No one is trying to put the puzzel pieces together for me.....I feel in my heart that it is all connected...... I take the nexium or prilosec during the day, and it does nothing for me....nothing at all.....If I am going to have a problem with gerds, it happens reguardless. Meanwhile, I have those 3rd beats alot, 20-30 times a day ? ? and this weird warm feeling in my chest when it happens, and a funny feeling in my neck, and sometimes my jaws ache. The whole trunk of my body on the insides is sore off and on, and then I get this sorta warm burney feeling all inside my guts, almost feeling really toxic. I have alot of trunk pain, and soreness, and pain in the lung and kidney areas. I also have this feeling under my right ribs, it feels like a ball is in there. and it hurts, and sometimes when I breath it feels like my ribs are scraping it and making it raw. It is really strange. I have this big lump on the right side of my neck by my collar bone, it is between a golf ball and tennis ball size.A smaller one on the left side. It is sore when I press in on it, and it is soft, but the right sided one is getting bigger, and it is over my collar bone now. The lymph nodes on either side of my jaws are pretty big, about an inch or inch and a half each, and both are sore. They have been there a very long time.Please pray for me, as I do not know what else to do at this point.....Again, I am handing it all over to God.... I am at a totalloss, and I will trust he will guide me. Love Dede**************Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no registration required and great graphics – check it out! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1211202682x1200689022/aol?redir= http://www.games.com?ncid=emlcntusgame00000001)

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Goodmorning Lea ~

No, there is no support for me in the medical community.

I am in an inbetween spot, where there is no help.

I will get it worked out, one way or another. Much of

what I owe the hospitals is for bills due on things where

there was malpractice anyway, and I just didnt have the

energy to fight it. I still dont.......

The medical field here is not like it should be. They are

only willing to take one symptom at a time to deal with.

When you are on mediare, they only see you once a

month cuz it is considered followup if they see you more.

Looking at one symptom a month, will for sure, keep you ill

and your dilema will NEVER get resolved.

Ya know, I been so sick, and the doc saw me, didnt tell me

anything, ordered the labs. then said come back in a month....

well, what good is that ? ? I dont even know at this point if I

will be having the CT's . Still, all this money being charged

up and me never getting treated.

I will never get any better this way.......You know for each doctor visit I have it is usually several hundred dollars to only tell me to come back .........nothing at all is ever done to help me.........ever. It is all about the money....and nothing about the patient at all.

Well, I still havent figured out what I am gonna do....

by the time I need to know, I will have it figured out......

Have you heard anything about your tests ? ? Did you get

to see your son ? ? Did yall have a good lunch ? ?

Much love to you all ~ D**************Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no registration required and great graphics – check it out! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1211202682x1200689022/aol?redir=


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Good Morning, Darling Dede:

I think that you should move to Alberta because health care is free here...we pay no premiums! Alberta is the richest province in Canada. My not being able to have an MRI is because they know that I had breast implants. They feel that in my case I have had enough care, plus they know that I have tried to have breast implants banned. To get good care you must be a good girl and kiss many butts.

Honey, my sister is a good example, because she does what she is told. At this time she is taking Zoloft and she is not depressed. This is all about control, and they will not control me. What is happening to you is criminal, and they should not be allowed to get away with this kind of treatment...I am so angry. The girl who treated you so badly must be reported.

Yes, my son and his little family came and they treated us with so much love. They were here for Bev's father's 85 birthday and they had a big party for him. We were not included, because if they were to invite me then they would have had to invite my Ex. I would not be in the same room as him...he is on his third wife. You are lucky that you do get along with your ex, he might be the one to go after the people who are abusing you.

Yesterday was so very stressful for us, because we were held hostage for many hours before my son finally gave us a time. It is hard on them too, because they feel that they must visit everyone.

Sweet Dede, we will hope that something good happens for you soon....we love you always....Lea and Superman


Re: Sweet Dede: They sound like a bunch of Bullies:

Goodmorning Lea ~ No, there is no support for me in the medical community.I am in an inbetween spot, where there is no help. I will get it worked out, one way or another. Much ofwhat I owe the hospitals is for bills due on things wherethere was malpractice anyway, and I just didnt have theenergy to fight it. I still dont.......The medical field here is not like it should be. They areonly willing to take one symptom at a time to deal with.When you are on mediare, they only see you once amonth cuz it is considered followup if they see you more.Looking at one symptom a month, will for sure, keep you illand your dilema will NEVER get resolved. Ya know, I been so sick, and the doc saw me, didnt tell meanything, ordered the labs. then said come back in a month....well, what good is that ? ? I dont even know at this point if Iwill be having the CT's . Still, all this money being chargedup and me never getting treated. I will never get any better this way.......You know for each doctor visit I have it is usually several hundred dollars to only tell me to come back .........nothing at all is ever done to help me.........ever. It is all about the money....and nothing about the patient at all. Well, I still havent figured out what I am gonna do....by the time I need to know, I will have it figured out......Have you heard anything about your tests ? ? Did you getto see your son ? ? Did yall have a good lunch ? ? Much love to you all ~ D**************Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no registration required and great graphics – check it out! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1211202682x1200689022/aol?redir= http://www.games.com?ncid=emlcntusgame00000001)

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Rogene ~

Thank you, what a sweet and kind thing to say.

You are such a wonderful person and friend, and such

an angel yourself. I am so greatful for all you do ! You

are so selfless, no matter what you are going through, you

always do everything you can to help others.

How are you feeling ? ? What are your doctors

saying about your prognosis ?

I am sorry I havent been around lately, I am pretty

ill right now myself.

Sending lots of love and healing your way ~

Dede**************Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5 Travel Deals! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1212416248x1200771803/aol?redir=http://travel.aol.com/discount-travel?ncid=emlcntustrav00000001)

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