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Re: Re: Please read.

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I cannot even express how much your e-mail meant to me. I no longer feel like I

am alone and this is " all in my head " . Very relieved to hear your story and how

you de-toxed. I know it had to of been hard, but I now see that it is possible

to regain some of my life and health back.

Ironically, I have scheduled a consultation appt with the implanting surgeon on

Tus.14, he is on your list in Virginia. Prior to my implantation I did my

homework regarding surgeons and that practice was the best in the area.

I will ask many explantation questions, especially about the remaining capsules.

Oh, I had them implanted in 2000 and had my children in 2002 & 05, breast fed

both fro 5 months, but THANK GOD they are healthy, beautiful children, I have

been reading how breast milk contaminated from implants has caused serious

health complications for babies. This is SO huge, I cannot believe that in order

to pad their pockets implant companies and surgeons keep this quiet.



> From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...>

> Subject: Re: Please read.


> Date: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 12:36 PM

> Hi dear Suzie,

> You are in the prime of life, dear one, and I am so sorry

> to read of

> all you are going through right now, as a young mother,

> with saline

> implants.


> Can I ask you, did you have your implants in when you gave

> birth to

> your children? Or did you get them afterwards?


> Suzie, your experiences are a mirror of everyone else here,

> who has

> been through the frightening loss of health after getting

> implanted.

> There is but one answer that we can recommend, and that is

> to get the

> implants out CORRECTLY as soon as possible.


> Testing may prove futile, because--remember--the

> manufacturer's have

> won in court over and over again against sick women because

> there was

> no evidence that pointed to their implants. If we had a

> test that

> could prove that implants are making us sick, we would WIN

> in court

> over and over again. But that test does not exist. The most

> that you

> could hope to find out with testing is if you had silicone

> antibodies.


> In the end, it really doesn't matter either way. If

> you are sick like

> you are now, the presence of the implants is not going to

> contribute

> in moving toward healing, but only detract from healing

> ever

> occurring. This is because the immune system has been

> activated and is

> fighting, as well as the other bodily systems laboring

> under the

> stress of a foreign object.


> I have healed and am back to good health, after going

> through the

> exact same downfall (CRASH!) of my health. I got my

> implants out

> properly (which means an en bloc removal --total

> capsulectomy), and

> after 4 years of healing and detoxing, my health has

> returned. It was

> a lot of hard work and took perseverance, but I made it.

> You can too.


> I basically had to change the way I viewed the medical

> profession. I

> used to hold them in high esteem and believe everything

> they said. I

> had to discard that whole ideal, and learn that there are

> things being

> told to us that are falsehoods, and that the medical

> profession has

> become a business only, and that things are done in the

> interest of

> making money, not keeping people well. For that reason, I

> took a

> totally natural approach to my healing, going with

> therapies and

> practices that were sound, safe, and based on experiences

> of people

> over hundreds of years of use. Detoxing was based on

> fasting, enemas,

> liver flushes, and other cheap therapies using home-based

> products

> (raw garlic, vinegar, raw milk, etc.)


> Healing is complicated when we don't know the exact

> answers to our

> fix. But it becomes a multi-targeted approach that has

> results when

> we look outside the box and try new ideas that address our

> WHOLE body,

> and not just parts of it.


> The first step for you is finding a good explanting

> surgeon, and you

> may have to consider traveling out of state. I will give

> you what

> recommendations I have for Virginia, but I would highly

> suggest Dr.

> Kolb in Atlanta, GA, or Dr. Lu Feng in Cleveland

> OH. Both

> of these doctors are EXPERT and outstanding for implant

> removal the

> proper and correct way!










> (CLEVELAND) TEL. 216-831-7007


> www.drfeng.com


> Absolutely one of our most trusted explanting surgeons in

> the United

> States. Extremely thorough implant and scar capsule

> removal.




> Dr. Kolb P/S

> Plastikos

> 4370 town Square

> Atlanta, GA 30338

> (770)457-4677

> WEB SITE. www.plastikos.com

> E-mail: drkolb@... Dr. Kolb has a clinic for

> treatment to

> help with your recovery after explant, including a

> neurologist and

> several other physicians





> Schnarrs, H., M.D.

> Plastic Surgery Associates

> 400 W. Brambleton Ave. St. 300

> Norfolk, VA 23510

> (757) 622-7500

> 757 274-4000

> websites: http://www.thehaguecenter.com/

> http://www.locateadoc.com/folio.cfm/Action/Practice/sid/9/id/305178

> PLEASE discuss thoroughly the need for en bloc removal and

> get it is

> writing! Ask to see the capsules that he removes from your

> body!








> >

> > Hello, everyone, I am 34, married and a mother of two

> young

> children. I am new to this

> > group. I had my saline implants put in in Dec. 2000.

> For the past 2

> years my health has

> > been declining. I have been to so many doctors

> Family/Rheumatology/infectious disease

> > and had so many tests. The Dr.s diagnosed me with

> Chronic Fatigue

> > Syndrome/Depression. My Eppstein Barr was positive but

> not much else.

> >

> > I am taking vitamins, anti-depressants, seeing a

> therapist, but I

> know my body and there

> > is something wrong! My Dr.s think I am neurotic since

> my tests are

> negative.

> >

> > My head feels strange, hot flashes, memory loss,

> shaking, nausea,

> joint/muscle pain, legs

> > and hands tingling, shooting leg pains, and major

> fatigue to name a

> few symptoms, it

> > feels like I have the flu everyday. My Monospot was

> negative also.

> >

> > I have thought about my implants as a cause before,

> but did not want

> to really consider it

> > until I read so many personal stories with women like

> me with the

> same symptoms.

> >

> > I do not know what to do, I am scared. I am in

> Virginia Beach. Does

> anyone know of a Dr.

> > that tests for silicone poisoning near me?

> >

> > Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

> > Suzie in Virginia

> >

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