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Re: Sweet Dede: Thank you for sharing your positive thoughts:

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My Sweet Dede:

Thank you for such a beautiful and thoughtful note. You are a very special lady, and we would all be lost without you. We are happy that you have your father and your family to stand by you. It would be sad if you were all alone to face so many health problems.

Honey, we are like a family here in our support group, because we understand. I have not heard anything about my results; however, my doctor told me that he would give me the results of the mammogram and the ultrasound this week. We are hoping that they have found the lump, and will explain what it might be. I am doing well, except for some cramping, but it could be constipation, I am back on my oatmeal every morning. My doctor told me that IBS is a problem for me, most doctors do not believe in this condition.

We had a wonderful short visit with my son and his family. They really seem to have their lives together, but I wish that we lived closer. I showed my grandchildren some pictures of their dad when he was little, he was not very happy. I started to sort through all of our pictures to make an album for each child.

Dede, our health care system is not the best, and we are short of doctors, especially in the outside of the city. My brother has been in hospital, and he has a lump in his throat. We are waiting for the results of the biopsy that was done last Friday. He has to stay on Oxygen, and he still continues to smoke! He lives on a farm, and it is difficult to get him to take care of himself. My sister wants him to stay with her, but he refuses, he likes his comfort zone.

Honey, you have a wonderful day too, and again know how much that you are loved in this wonderful group.

Sending love to you always...Lea and


Sweet Dede: They sound like a bunch of Bullies:

Goodmorning Sweet Lea ~You know, I dont mind oweing money so much, I dontmind paying for my part. I just wish that there was more respect for people that have less monetarily thanothers. Especially in respect to things that I considerhuman rights, one of which is medical care. Alot of the money that I owe for, is from medical carethat was totally " less than " meaning, I was ill due toover medicating me, or stuck in ICU due to a doctornot looking at the medical records I tried to show himtwice, had he looked at them, I would have neverbeen stuck in there. I attribute at least 3 hospitalizationsto overmedicating me and them not even looking atthat, or even trying to find out why....and my symptomswere " classic " side effects of the medicines. They SHOULD HAVE known, they just didnt care. . .I wonder how many people they keep ill due to this same scenario ? OK, off my podium......LOLOLOLOL......It is sad the manipulation and greed.......You know....what are people thinking ? ? GOD KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE.......HE KNOWS THE TRUTH ! ! When all is said and done, the bottom line, God knows....I am so happy you had so much love from your son and hisfamily. That is wonderful. How are you feeling ? ? When will you know the results of your testing ? ? My ex......there is a reason he is an X........LOLOLOL....I needed someone stronger and smarter than me.......andhe just didnt fit the bill....LOLOLOL....but we are friends.You know, Lea....reguardless of what goes on, the treatmentI may or may not get, medically speaking, or by people, in the whole scheme of things, I am very blessed.Remove the negatives, or change the way I think about whatseems to be negative, and put it in a positive light, I am stillvery blessed. You know, I may not have this, or I may nothave that, but all I am without is this and that, and neitherare important, they are just words....a bunch of nothingness.Nothing to focus my time on. What I do have is....life.....it may be challenging, but how boring if it werent a challenge. . . I have my daughter bringing me a cup of coffee in themorning and coming in to chat for a few moments beforeshe gets ready for work. I love that ! ! I have my father, still coming to visit me, and loving meunconditionally, and shairing his life with me......and enjoying doing things for me, how precious is that ? ? He loves my home cooked meals, and I love the pleasurehe gets out of my doing that for him......He brings hisknife sharpening tools with him once a week and hesharpens my knifes for me.......how precious is that ? ? I have all you girls to bounce ideas off of, to tell youwhen I have had a bad experience, or I dont feel good, andI also listen to you and your experiences and when you feelgood or bad, I even put my 2 cents in, and sometimeswhen I shoudnt, but you know, we all love and support eachother unconditionally.How precious is that ? ? That is my life focus....where Ichoose to put my energy......I cannot waste lifes precious moments focusing on what isnt there, or on what doesnt exist.There may not be any humanity at my doctors office,with the government, or even many people in life, but there is endless humanity with my father and mykids, and my friends and my support group.........and that list can go on and on........This is where I choose to place my focus in life......This is what makes my heartsmile, and makes me want to wake up each morning.I hope you have a wonderful warm and loving day ~ Dede**************Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no registration required and great graphics – check it out! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100000075x1211202682x1200689022/aol?redir= http://www.games.com?ncid=emlcntusgame00000001)

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