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A new Vision for an Intentional Horoscope

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AstrologyChick Horoscope March 28-April 3

by Aura Galadriel

Networking - Manifestation Call in April

I will be holding my first Networking & Manifestation call in about 2 weeks. The exact person you are looking for might just be on the call! This is a great opportunity to meet with people who may have a similar vision, I have really great readers.

This call is my GIFT to you.

Time to make the call: 1 hour

Phone company charges for the call: $1.03

The Value of meeting great people: PRICELESS

You can learn more about it and begin the intention setting process by going to my Blog HERE:


2nd chakra

We are now in the sign of Aries, when everything is suddenly all about new life and getting things done. It is a dramatic shift away from the passive and dreamy energy we've just been in. Now we want to move, tackle a challenge, win something and get all hot and bothered. Aries reminds us that there is excitement in life. The connection to the 2nd chakra makes us all seek some affirmation of our sexuality, our potency and our ability to make things happen.

this week March 28-April 3:After this weekend we are finally through this mixed bag of astro-stuff. Mars eases up, allowing us to either recover our depleted energies or get past some intensely aggressive action in our lives. My biggest suggestion for the next few days is to get things completed. Tie up loose ends and settle unfinished business that is draining your energy. This is better than a face-lift for making you not only look younger, but feel that way too. Try not to take on anything new. Very few of us have the energy for that, but the temptation may be there none-the-less.

As April begins there is an intense amount of ambition in the air. We know what we want to get done, we know we want to do it in a BIG way and we feel driven to get there. This is all good for the big picture. But the other side of it is that now that we've spied the promised land from the mountian top, we now have to do all the hard work of getting there. Whew! The bad news is that even though it looks close from this birds-eye-view, you and I both know that the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of the other for the long haul towards that distant horizon. Keep the vision, keep the momentum and don't be discouraged by the path - just get help along the way!

aries 3.21-4.20

You may be having trouble focusing or conenctrating this next week. Try to give yourself regular mental rest time, it's not good to be in GO mode non-stop. Even the energizer bunny needs some time to recharge those famous batteries. Over the weekend you can get a lot done to gain a support team and to put together an outline or action plan for your goals. But, just for you we shall call it an Aries battle plan, and sticking to it could help you win the grandest prize. You love a challenge!

taurus 4.21-5.21

Giving birth is a very messy process. It also contains within it the seeds of major transformation and the need to let go of one situation so that a new one can come into creation. Don't try to control it, or you'll take all the magic and mystery out if it and severely limit the new life you are making now. This could be anything from a home, garden, creative project, community or even an actual real live birth of yourself. You are a creative force to be reckoned with - and this makes you the most powerful you possible.

gemini 5.22-6.22

There is a culmination or moment of clarity this week about the things you have been working on. This allows you to see clearly where you are, how far you've come, where you are going and the reality of your journey. It's a realist point-of-view, which isn't your favorite, but it IS the most useful for you now. Besides it will prepare you for the challenges and testing that is coming your way next week. You'll need all your amunition then!

cancer 6.23-7.22

Trying to do too much will only leave you feeling exhausted now. If you absolutely positively MUST do more of something, make it more love, more family, more cozyness and more appreciation for the moments that are here to enjoy NOW! Tomorrow is just an idea. An intoxicating idea, yes, but only an idea and it never arrives. Try to remind yourself that, and try to remind youself that the only real moment you have is this one.

leo 7.23-8.22

The pressures and challenging behavior of others eases up after the weekend. There may be some aftermath to deal with, but the crisis has past for now. Things shift dramatically for you and you suddenly feel very popular communicative and interested in the things that are going on around you. Curiosity never killed this Leo cat, so exercise your relentless pusuit of knowledge to your hearts content this week.

virgo 8.23-9.22

A major cylcle is completing for you at this point in your life. You may be graduating (literally or metaphorically) and leaving a group that feels like a family of sorts to you now. This is bittersweet. The new cycle is all about who you are meant to be, but the nostalgia of the the old one is tugging at your heartstrings. This is a great time to watch 'Gone with The Wind' and then sit down and plan what YOU would do if you were faced with a Scarlet O'Hara style transformation.

libra 9.23-10.22

A diamond may look good and bring on plenty of 'Bling' but it's also tough, tough, tough. This is how I think of you this week. Some people may think you are being hard headed. You probably are. But that's the best way to drill through several tons of concrete. Just make absolutely perfectly sure that this tunnel is heading in the right direction. I'd hate for you to get a headache for nothing.

scorpio 10.23-11.22

Last weeks frustrations linger, but you have some truly innovative solutions. Put them down on paper, map them out and take notes from the muse of your inner mind that is so active now. The last thing you want is for your strokes of genius to disappear into the ethers, especially at a time when concrete, solid action and planning is so very, very important.

sagittarius 11.23-12.22

You can sure paint one crazy - pretty/mesmerizing picture this week. People are literally flocking to hear what you have to say. The power of your stories to amuse, cajole, invite and pursuade is truly legendary. Is there a point to all of this rhetoric? I sure hope so, because even if you don't have a clear one in mind, I promise you that someone else will assign one to you. You'll probably be happiest if YOU are the one deciding the message. Ponder this for a while: how do you want to be understood?

capricorn 12.23-1.21

You are interlocked in an intricate battle plan. My only concern is that there are so many peices to this puzzle, so many people and so much to keep track of that I REALLY want to be sure that you are paying close attention to all the things you need to. I also want to be sure that your have enough strong and trustworthy allies to manage this heavy flow of information traffic. Just becoming aware of this may be enough to help you get things aligned properly, but I'm not going to pretend there isn't work to be done - you already know there is.

aquarius 1.22-2.20

You are coordinating and aligning your puzzle peices so that they make the picture YOU want them to make. It may not be the picture on the box, but who cares if it's making you happy. Someone comes along and points this out to you this week, which may cause some friction and conflict of values. But who's puzzle is this anyway? The only person you need to please is you. They'll give in to you sooner or later anyway.

pisces 2.21-3.19

It's time to move past the recent efforts that you've been co-ordinating. A larger pattern is emerging and it is one where there is some kind of uneasy truce at play. You can get part of what you want by aligning yourself with a larger cause, entity or organization. You may have to move over and surrender some of the authority that you held before. It's a trade-off. You decide what works for you. Let go of the rest.

415 S Topanga Cyn Blvd #189

Topanga, CA 9020

-- " As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I became civilized. " ~Ohiyesa, Santee Sioux~Download Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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