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Liver flushing using citrus

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The liver detoxifies all potentially harmful substances in the body, extracting poisons and thereby enabling all other organs to function efficiently. Because of its essential role in detoxification, it is important that the liver functionat optimal levels. If your energy is at a low ebb, it may mean your liver is having trouble doing its job. Liver detoxification can optimize its capabilities, improving overall health and giving you more energy.One such intervention adapted below is "The Liver Flush," recommended by Hobbs, herbalist and botanist, in his book "Natural Liver Therapy"(Capitola: Botanica Press, 1995). This procedure can be undertaken at the change of each season for 10 days or as often as desired. It stimulates the elimination

of wastes from the body, increases the flow of bile, and improvesoverall liver function. This flush also helps purify the blood and lymph.The Liver Flush1. Mix fresh-squeezed citrus juices together to make 1 cup of liquid. Orange and grapefruit work well, but always include lemon or lime. The more sour the taste, the more cleansing and activating the mixture. You may want to dilute to taste with distilled water.2. Add 1-2 cloves of fresh-squeezed garlic, along with a small amount of fresh-squeezed ginger juice, obtained by grating ginger on a cheese grater and pressing the fibers in a garlic press.3. Add one tablespoon of quality cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, shake well and drink.4. Follow the flush with 2 cups of cleansing tea such as Polari-Tea (recipe follows).5. Polari-Tea is made with equal parts of

fennel, fenugreek, flax and peppermint, along with one quarter part licorice and one-quarter part burdock root,simmered for 20 minutes and steeped for 10. These herbs can be purchased at herb and health food stores.6. Drink this flush in the morning and don't eat any other food for 1 hour.To amplify the cleansing action, you may wish to fast, drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Hobbs also mentions taking an enema of one half lemon mixed with one quart of tepid distilled water, retaining it for 10-15 minutes if possible. Lemon juice is an excellent cleanser because citricacid in the juice binds with and removes heavy metals and toxic matter accumulated in the body. HObb's excellent book also mentions "The Gallbladder Flush", a technique for those who have had previous experience with cleansing programs and

want to remove deeper levels of waste stored in liver cells,the gallbladder, and other tissue.Adapted from the book "The Rebellious Body" by Janice Strubbe Wittenburg, R.N., who was afflicted with both CFS and Environmental Illness. This book is an excellent and highly recommended resource on healing options in the treatmentof toxic diseases.

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