Guest guest Posted October 9, 2008 Report Share Posted October 9, 2008 Hi dear Suzie, You are in the prime of life, dear one, and I am so sorry to read of all you are going through right now, as a young mother, with saline implants. Can I ask you, did you have your implants in when you gave birth to your children? Or did you get them afterwards? Suzie, your experiences are a mirror of everyone else here, who has been through the frightening loss of health after getting implanted. There is but one answer that we can recommend, and that is to get the implants out CORRECTLY as soon as possible. Testing may prove futile, because--remember--the manufacturer's have won in court over and over again against sick women because there was no evidence that pointed to their implants. If we had a test that could prove that implants are making us sick, we would WIN in court over and over again. But that test does not exist. The most that you could hope to find out with testing is if you had silicone antibodies. In the end, it really doesn't matter either way. If you are sick like you are now, the presence of the implants is not going to contribute in moving toward healing, but only detract from healing ever occurring. This is because the immune system has been activated and is fighting, as well as the other bodily systems laboring under the stress of a foreign object. I have healed and am back to good health, after going through the exact same downfall (CRASH!) of my health. I got my implants out properly (which means an en bloc removal --total capsulectomy), and after 4 years of healing and detoxing, my health has returned. It was a lot of hard work and took perseverance, but I made it. You can too. I basically had to change the way I viewed the medical profession. I used to hold them in high esteem and believe everything they said. I had to discard that whole ideal, and learn that there are things being told to us that are falsehoods, and that the medical profession has become a business only, and that things are done in the interest of making money, not keeping people well. For that reason, I took a totally natural approach to my healing, going with therapies and practices that were sound, safe, and based on experiences of people over hundreds of years of use. Detoxing was based on fasting, enemas, liver flushes, and other cheap therapies using home-based products (raw garlic, vinegar, raw milk, etc.) Healing is complicated when we don't know the exact answers to our fix. But it becomes a multi-targeted approach that has results when we look outside the box and try new ideas that address our WHOLE body, and not just parts of it. The first step for you is finding a good explanting surgeon, and you may have to consider traveling out of state. I will give you what recommendations I have for Virginia, but I would highly suggest Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, GA, or Dr. Lu Feng in Cleveland OH. Both of these doctors are EXPERT and outstanding for implant removal the proper and correct way! OHIO LU-JEAN FENG, M.D. THE LU-JEAN FENG CLINIC 31200 PINETREE ROAD PEPPER PIKE, OHIO 44124 (CLEVELAND) TEL. 216-831-7007 Absolutely one of our most trusted explanting surgeons in the United States. Extremely thorough implant and scar capsule removal. GEORGIA Dr. Kolb P/S Plastikos 4370 town Square Atlanta, GA 30338 (770)457-4677 WEB SITE. E-mail: drkolb@... Dr. Kolb has a clinic for treatment to help with your recovery after explant, including a neurologist and several other physicians VIRGINIA Schnarrs, H., M.D. Plastic Surgery Associates 400 W. Brambleton Ave. St. 300 Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 622-7500 757 274-4000 websites: PLEASE discuss thoroughly the need for en bloc removal and get it is writing! Ask to see the capsules that he removes from your body! > > Hello, everyone, I am 34, married and a mother of two young children. I am new to this > group. I had my saline implants put in in Dec. 2000. For the past 2 years my health has > been declining. I have been to so many doctors Family/Rheumatology/infectious disease > and had so many tests. The Dr.s diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue > Syndrome/Depression. My Eppstein Barr was positive but not much else. > > I am taking vitamins, anti-depressants, seeing a therapist, but I know my body and there > is something wrong! My Dr.s think I am neurotic since my tests are negative. > > My head feels strange, hot flashes, memory loss, shaking, nausea, joint/muscle pain, legs > and hands tingling, shooting leg pains, and major fatigue to name a few symptoms, it > feels like I have the flu everyday. My Monospot was negative also. > > I have thought about my implants as a cause before, but did not want to really consider it > until I read so many personal stories with women like me with the same symptoms. > > I do not know what to do, I am scared. I am in Virginia Beach. Does anyone know of a Dr. > that tests for silicone poisoning near me? > > Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. > Suzie in Virginia > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 10, 2008 Report Share Posted October 10, 2008 Suzie ~ I am so happy you feel better, and that you found us so we could help you through your journey. Enbloc with use of drains is very important. Also it is nice to have photos of your implants and the scar capsules when they take them out so you can see what was making you so sick, as well as see the completeness of the surgery. You will also want to be sure you get a copy of the Op report and the pathology report after your surgery. Having those in a permanent record at home is important so you know what is going on and why. Also get some spirals and start journalling everything. What you eat, how you feel and everything. With implant illness you can get food sensitivities that you never knew you had, and you can see what they are by keeping a journal. Also there are foods that cause you more pain, and some make you emotional. As you get well, these food sensitivities will get better or even go away, but at least you will be able to identify which ones they are. For me, beef always makes my arthritis worse the next day after I eat it. One gal discovered that always mid afternoon on the days she ate eggs she would be emotional. Some foods can make you fatigued, and some can make you irritable. Start drinking lots of pure water to help filter out toxins. Eat real healthy foods, and cut out fast foods, processed meats, pasturized foods, and artificial sweetners and MSG. They are poisen. Your system is already overloaded, and this will help you. Eating lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts are a plus. Free range meats, are the best because of no hormones and things. A good probiotic is great like drinking kefir. It is full of vitamins and things and helps to balance the flora in your intestines, and that is important because that is where your home base for your immune system is located. Homemade is the best, and has the most nutrients and friendly organisms in it. Blessings ~ Dede **************New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 10, 2008 Report Share Posted October 10, 2008 I truly thank you, I no longer fell alone and crazy. I printed the article, it was perfect. I have a consultation appt. tues.14 for explantaion, they were recommended but I will get at least a second opinion. I feel that I have a new found strength from all of you, THANK YOU! I will keep you updated. Sincerely, Suzie > From: DGRAHAMA@... <DGRAHAMA@...> > Subject: Re: Please read. > > Date: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 10:35 AM > Suzie ~ > Honey, I am so sorry you are so ill. > I know you dont want to hear this, but it IS your implants > making you so ill. Your body is tired of fighting the > foreign body, and the toxic chemicals that are fumigating > your entire body. Here is a list of the chemicals your > body > is having to deal with: ( they are all known neurotoxins ! > ! ) > 1) Methyl Ethyl Ketone > 2) Cyclobexanone > 3) Isopropyl Alcohol > 4) Denatured Alcohol > 5) Acetone > 6) Urethane > 7) Poly vinyl Chloride > 8) Lacquer Thinner > 9) Ethyl Acetate > 10) Epoxy Resin > 11) Epoxy Hardener > 12) Amine > 13) Printing Ink > 14) Toluene > 15) Freon > 16) Silica > 17) Flux > 18) Solder > 19) Chlorplatinic Acid > 20) Metal Cleaning Acid > 21) Formaldehyde > 22) Talcum Powder > 23) Color Pigmentation (Printers Ink) > 24) Oakite > 25) Cyanoacyrylates > 26) Ethylene Oxide > 27) Carob Black > 28) Xylene > 29) Hexone > 30) Benzene > 31) Hexanone 2 > 32) Thixon-OSN-2 > 33) Rubber > 34) Acid Stearic > 35) Zinc Oxide > 36) Naptha > 37) Phenol > 38) Methylene Chloride > 39) Platinum > To my knowledge they have taken all tests off the market > that show silicone poisening. You can pretty much look at > the list of chemicals there and figure it out, it is quite > the toxic > soup ! ! > If you look it up, epoxy and epoxy resin have BPA, and > there > has recently been alot of discussion about how toxic it is > and pretty much been taken off the market...... > I recently posted a whole lot of articles to the group I > got from > medical journals and all that discuss the many problems > that > people have with implants and the chemicals. On one hand > the FDA, manuf, companies, doctors, and media all state > they are safe, but the truth is they are being deceptive > out of > greed. The truth is in the medical journals. The truth > does not > pad their pockets. > The good thing is, I am so happy you found the group here. > > This is a group of lovely people here to support you and > help > you with your journey. There is tons of info here in the > archives. > With proper explant, ( enbloc with use of drains ) and > eating > healthy and proper detoxing, you CAN regain your health. > If you want me to email you some articles privately, I will > be happy > to. Just let me know. > Welcome to the group ! Feel free to ask all the questions > you > can come up with. > Hugs ~ > Dede > > > > ************** > New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your > destination. > Dining, Movies, Events, News & amp; more. Try it out! > > ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 10, 2008 Report Share Posted October 10, 2008 Suzie,When you have your consultation, ask the surgeon how he/she goes about removing implants before saying anything else. . . . If he/she tellw you they remove the capsule with the implant still inside, or at least does a full capsulectomy, you'll know you have a winner. . . . If they tell you that you'll be deformed and depressed, you've got a loser! They are talking about their own inadequate skills.That's when you can tell them that you want en bloc removal . . . if they sound knowledgable, cooperative, you will be ready to investigate more . . . Also . . . a good doc always uses drains!Hugs,Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 11, 2008 Report Share Posted October 11, 2008 Thanks for the awesome advice, very good approach. I am still learning, so it is very helpful. I will keep you updated. Suzie > From: saxony01 <saxony01@...> > Subject: Re: Please read. > > Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 6:00 PM > Suzie, > > When you have your consultation, ask the surgeon how he/she > goes about removing implants before saying anything else. . > . . If he/she tellw you they remove the capsule with the > implant still inside, or at least does a full capsulectomy, > you'll know you have a winner. . . . If they tell you > that you'll be deformed and depressed, you've got a > loser! They are talking about their own inadequate skills. > > That's when you can tell them that you want en bloc > removal . . . if they sound knowledgable, cooperative, you > will be ready to investigate more . . . > > Also . . . a good doc always uses drains! > > Hugs, > > Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2008 Report Share Posted October 13, 2008 Suzie I intented to e-mail you a few days sooner, so you would get this before your surgey. I am thinking of you today & praying for you and your recovery, (I just remembered a few minutes ago you were having surgery today). Just wanted to let you know this, I know it may be a while before you read this. You are doing the right thing by getting implants, and believe me, getting them out is much easier than getting them in. Be patient with your recovery, as you know, it does take time. I had mine for 3 yrs, then had them removed. That was 15 mo. ago & I am feeling much better, but realize I still have a ways to go. I can also relate to the dr. thing. All of my tests showed up neg (my dr always wanted to send me to a psych dr) except for white blood count was down occass. Let us know how your doing. Robin From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...>Subject: Re: Please read. Date: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 11:36 AM Hi dear Suzie,You are in the prime of life, dear one, and I am so sorry to read ofall you are going through right now, as a young mother, with salineimplants. Can I ask you, did you have your implants in when you gave birth toyour children? Or did you get them afterwards?Suzie, your experiences are a mirror of everyone else here, who hasbeen through the frightening loss of health after getting implanted. There is but one answer that we can recommend, and that is to get theimplants out CORRECTLY as soon as possible.Testing may prove futile, because--remember- -the manufacturer' s havewon in court over and over again against sick women because there wasno evidence that pointed to their implants. If we had a test thatcould prove that implants are making us sick, we would WIN in courtover and over again. But that test does not exist. The most that youcould hope to find out with testing is if you had silicone antibodies.In the end, it really doesn't matter either way. If you are sick likeyou are now, the presence of the implants is not going to contributein moving toward healing, but only detract from healing everoccurring. This is because the immune system has been activated and isfighting, as well as the other bodily systems laboring under thestress of a foreign object.I have healed and am back to good health, after going through theexact same downfall (CRASH!) of my health. I got my implants outproperly (which means an en bloc removal --total capsulectomy) , andafter 4 years of healing and detoxing, my health has returned. It wasa lot of hard work and took perseverance, but I made it. You can too.I basically had to change the way I viewed the medical profession. Iused to hold them in high esteem and believe everything they said. Ihad to discard that whole ideal, and learn that there are things beingtold to us that are falsehoods, and that the medical profession hasbecome a business only, and that things are done in the interest ofmaking money, not keeping people well. For that reason, I took atotally natural approach to my healing, going with therapies andpractices that were sound, safe, and based on experiences of peopleover hundreds of years of use. Detoxing was based on fasting, enemas,liver flushes, and other cheap therapies using home-based products(raw garlic, vinegar, raw milk, etc.) Healing is complicated when we don't know the exact answers to ourfix. But it becomes a multi-targeted approach that has results whenwe look outside the box and try new ideas that address our WHOLE body,and not just parts of it. The first step for you is finding a good explanting surgeon, and youmay have to consider traveling out of state. I will give you whatrecommendations I have for Virginia, but I would highly suggest Dr. Kolb in Atlanta, GA, or Dr. Lu Feng in Cleveland OH. Bothof these doctors are EXPERT and outstanding for implant removal theproper and correct way!OHIOLU-JEAN FENG, M.D. THE LU-JEAN FENG CLINIC 31200 PINETREE ROAD PEPPER PIKE, OHIO 44124 (CLEVELAND) TEL. 216-831-7007 www.drfeng.comAbsolutely one of our most trusted explanting surgeons in the UnitedStates. Extremely thorough implant and scar capsule removal.GEORGIA Dr. Kolb P/S Plastikos 4370 town Square Atlanta, GA 30338 (770)457-4677 WEB SITE. www.plastikos. com E-mail: drkolbplastikos (DOT) com Dr. Kolb has a clinic for treatment tohelp with your recovery after explant, including a neurologist andseveral other physiciansVIRGINIASchnarrs, H., M.D. Plastic Surgery Associates400 W. Brambleton Ave. St. 300Norfolk, VA 23510(757) 622-7500757 274-4000 websites: http://www.thehague http://www.locatead cfm/Action/ Practice/ sid/9/id/ 305178PLEASE discuss thoroughly the need for en bloc removal and get it iswriting! Ask to see the capsules that he removes from your body!>> Hello, everyone, I am 34, married and a mother of two youngchildren. I am new to this > group. I had my saline implants put in in Dec. 2000. For the past 2years my health has > been declining. I have been to so many doctorsFamily/Rheumatology /infectious disease > and had so many tests. The Dr.s diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue > Syndrome/Depression . My Eppstein Barr was positive but not much else.> > I am taking vitamins, anti-depressants, seeing a therapist, but Iknow my body and there > is something wrong! My Dr.s think I am neurotic since my tests arenegative.> > My head feels strange, hot flashes, memory loss, shaking, nausea,joint/muscle pain, legs > and hands tingling, shooting leg pains, and major fatigue to name afew symptoms, it > feels like I have the flu everyday. My Monospot was negative also.> > I have thought about my implants as a cause before, but did not wantto really consider it > until I read so many personal stories with women like me with thesame symptoms.> > I do not know what to do, I am scared. I am in Virginia Beach. Doesanyone know of a Dr. > that tests for silicone poisoning near me?> > Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.> Suzie in Virginia> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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