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Fw: Protecting Teen Girls From Cultural Lies (Part 1)

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This message fits in perfectly with the goals of this group. It will be on Monday's broadcast. Patty

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November 10, 2008

"If only I were skinny ... if only I had a boyfriend ... if only I could fit in with the other girls at school, then I'd be happy." Do you know what your teen daughter really thinks about herself, her relationships and the world around her?

Protecting Teen Girls From Cultural Lies (Part 1 of 2) - Leigh DeMoss and Dannah GreshMany teenage girls - even Christians - are convinced they must have a "perfect" appearance, a boyfriend and the approval of their peers in order to feel complete. So, how can modern young women find freedom from the bondage of cultural deception, and how can their parents help? On today's broadcast, Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh, co-authors of the book Lies Young Women Believe, discuss what their research reveals about a typical teenage girl's perspective on sexuality and on relationships with peers, parents and God. Tune in as our guests explain how teen girls can learn to uncover the lies they've bought into and retrain their minds with biblical truth.

"If you go back to the Word of God, you can overcome [lies] that maybe you've begun to accept as normal."- Dannah Gresh

For more information about this program, including guest biographies, related resources and Web exclusive content, click here: Protecting Teen Girls From Cultural Lies (Part 1).

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Blazing Lies Test Share the "Blazing Lies Test" mentioned on today's broadcast with a teen girl you know. (PDF document)

(Note: Schedule subject to change.)

11/11 (Tues)

Protecting Teen Girls From Cultural Lies (Part 2) - Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh/


Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh discuss their book Lies Young Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free.

11/12-14 (Wed-Fri)Defending the Moral Foundations of America -Dr. Dobson Dr. Dobson discusses the need to defend morality and to return to the Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was founded.

11/17-18 (Mon-Tues)Building a Safe Haven in Marriage - Archibald Hart and Sharon May

Psychologist Archibald Hart and therapist Sharon May explain why it's so important for spouses to be open and vulnerable with one another.

11/19 (Wed)The Adopted Child - Dr. Dobson

Dr. Dobson discusses a number of important issues related to adopted children and gives sound advice to adoptive parents.

Visit us online for more information on upcoming broadcasts.

Request resources from our online resource center, or call 1-800-A-FAMILY (1-800-232-6459) and request resources by item code.

Protecting Teen Girls From Cultural Lies:Broadcast CD.Suggested donation$9 US.

Lies Young Women Believe:Paperback book. Suggested donation$14 US.

Beauty Secrets: Tips For Teens From the Ultimate Makeup Artist:Paperback book.Suggested donation$13 US.

THE DAILY RADIO DIGEST provides up-to-date information about the daily Focus on the Family broadcast hosted by Dr. Dobson and is a service of Focus on the Family, a ministry sustained by the contribution and prayers of supporters.

FOCUS ON THE FAMILY is a nonprofit organization that began in 1977 in response to Dr. Dobson's increasing concern for the American family. The ministry attempts to "turn hearts toward home" by reasonable, biblical and empirical insights so people will be able to discover the founder of homes and the creator of families: Jesus Christ.

© 2008, Focus on the Family. . International copyright secured.Focus on the FamilyColorado Springs, CO 809951-800-A-FAMILY (1-800-232-6459)

Subject: Protecting Teen Girls From Cultural Lies (Part 1)

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