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Does anyone know the exact chemcials contained in the saline implant shells?

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I have written to this site a few times over the past few years. I

had saline implants in May of 2005 and had them removed 3 months later

in August of 2005. I experienced severe upper chest and muscle pain

immediately after being implanted. Removal did not help. I had a

complete capusllectomy by Dr. Lu Feng in October of 2007. No

infection or mold was found she said. Yet, I still continue to have

the nerve and muscle pain.

I am finally trying a Naturopathic MD who is going to work with me in

trying to eliminate the chemicals/toxins. She has asked me if I can

find out the exact chemicals/composition of the saline shells.

Can anyone please help me with this or direct me to the right place?

Any other advice or help would be so much appreciated. I am desparate

and so tired of the chronic pain and depression.

Thank you, Sue

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Dearest Sue,

I'm so glad you came back to get more help. Let me just say that I am

concerned that you have not improved yet...and I understand the

feeling of being desperate. I was desperate to get better too, and

searched long and hard to find the right healing path. I did not see

significant improvement in my health until more than 2 years after


I think your decision to go with a naturopathic doctor is a great one.

I fired my rheumatologist after 6 months of futility with him. He

was just not taking me seriously. The naturopathic doctor was much

more compassionate and quick to act on my behalf with suggestions that

proved worthwhile to the health of my whole body. It still took 4

years to get better, but I did! And I believe you can too.

Can I ask you what you have done in the past 3 years since explant for

therapy? Did your doctors help with anything, other than prescribing

drugs? Are you on any drugs now? Drugs are toxic themselves, and if

you are on drugs, I would suggest trying to get off them if you

possibly can.

Detoxing will be very, very important, at least in my experience.

Your body will eliminate a certain portion of toxins, but in the

meantime, there are toxins that nestle into the deeper tissues of the

body and like to hang out there, wreaking all kinds of havoc, and

won't budge until you push them out.

I experienced evidence of this firsthand! (And I have a picture of it

to prove it! It's in our photo section, where you can see the rash on

my breasts that showed up (shockingly) over 2 years after explant. I

was fasting and by the 3rd day, there it was. My doctor said it was

proof that I was eliminating toxins through my skin.)

We have a whole list of things you can do to help detox and

incorporate these therapies into a lifestyle that keeps you healthy.

I'll send more info in another post, and you can ask your doctor about

these suggestions.

So, here are those possible chemicals that are in implants and their

shells. Experts have analyzed these to be in the explanted breast

implant shell envelopes and gels.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone


Isopropyl Alcohol

Denatured Alcohol



Lacquer thinner

Ethyl Acetate

Epoxy Resin

Epoxy hardener


Printing ink




Lofol (formaldehyde)


Metal cleaning acid

Eastman 910 glue (Cyanoacyryiates)

Talcum Powder

Color Pigments as release agents

Oakite (a cleaning solvent)

Ethylene Oxide (ETO)

Carbob black



Hexanone 2

Antioxidant (rubber)

Zinc Oxide

Naphtha (rubber solvent)


Benzene-Known carcinogen!!!!


Polyvinyl Chloride (Liquid Vinyl) This ingredient was used in all

medical devices made at Lab, from tubing to gel.

Methylene Chloride/Dichloromethane. This breaks down in the body so

blood cannot carry oxygen. It metabolizes carbon monoxide poisoning

and causes central nervous system depression.

People working in the plants that manufacture these chemicals limit

their exposure to them. It's unbelievable that as intelligent human

beings we permit this type of internal chemical exposure.



> Hello,

> I have written to this site a few times over the past few years. I

> had saline implants in May of 2005 and had them removed 3 months later

> in August of 2005. I experienced severe upper chest and muscle pain

> immediately after being implanted. Removal did not help. I had a

> complete capusllectomy by Dr. Lu Feng in October of 2007. No

> infection or mold was found she said. Yet, I still continue to have

> the nerve and muscle pain.

> I am finally trying a Naturopathic MD who is going to work with me in

> trying to eliminate the chemicals/toxins. She has asked me if I can

> find out the exact chemicals/composition of the saline shells.


> Can anyone please help me with this or direct me to the right place?


> Any other advice or help would be so much appreciated. I am desparate

> and so tired of the chronic pain and depression.


> Thank you, Sue


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