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" Has anyone of you ever used the toilet and heard a movement of a large worm

> that has dropped out into the toilet, "

No, but I always wondered if any lived after leaving the body and how they

looked!! I know someone who told me they went on a cleanse and passed a

worm 6 inches long and very nasty. He said after that, he had no more

digestive problems. He used Awareness Corp. digestive cleanse products.

I hope this helps.

By the way, which colon cleanse did you do?

God bless,


Re: Worms

> I did, I have been on a colon cleanse

> and it really freaked me out




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Hi ,

After two or three months on the starvation potatoe cleanse diet, I have seen


coming out on a daily basis, in mass sometimes, very small threadlike in size


up to 1.5 feet long, much bigger than earthworms.

More recent, about a year and few months I saw several very large, near two


kinda squarish, for some reason the thought came, dog tapeworms which are

smaller than

the human tapeworms.

Starvation is the only way I know of weakening them, and the potatoe does this


You can actually live while starving on the potatoes only. Well I use some


oil. I do better by grating the potatoes in some silver water, and par boiling


waiting till they cool, then salt and olive oil them with a tinge of brewers


flakes for nutrition.

In time the strongest snakes will become weaker, and the coffee enema will

travel up

past the stronghold snake induced crimp, clamping of the bowel, the snake coils

up to

escape from the coffee enema with h2o2.

When you sting them with h2o2, the smaller, and bigger ascaris will eventually


and weaken and with h202 become exhausted and give up the ghost.

I eat one to two bulbs of garlic a day, usually crushed in the olive oil, which


most excellent.

Hemp oil, for some reason helps me in taking an enema. I think its excellent


work as well as some other unknow hemp factors, which also help the terminal


with an improved appetite, which increases with peristalsis, for when the bowel


evacuated, you become famishingly hungry, as this gives increased evidence that


hemp relaxes the " death grip " of the tape snake.


D wrote:

> Bob

> Thanks for that link - VERY interesting. I clicked on

> the U.S. as well as other countries I've visited.

> It's amazing to think of these things living inside

> our bodies! Especially those long tapeworms - ick!


> That's one thing that has me a little hesitant in

> doing a thorough bowel cleanse. Of course I know that

> if those types of things are living inside me I would

> be much better off getting them out. BUT.... I keep

> reading about people who have them come out through

> their eyes, ears or nose. I imagine myself sitting

> at my desk at work and having a worm come out of my

> head! I mean, it would be freaky enough for it to

> happen at home, but how on earth would I explain THIS

> to coworkers?


> That leads me to this question. Has anyone out here

> actually seen worms exit their body, either in their

> BM or other ways? I would like to hear someone's

> personal experience, if anyone out here has had that

> happen.


> Thanks (and thanks again for that link, Bob)



> --- gdraft@... wrote:

> > This link is to map of the world, click on a country

> > to see what

> > parasites are there. (from McGill University). I

> > have found some of the

> > university sites informative as they seem to

> > acknowledge the problem where

> > more mainstream? (that's not the right word)

> > institutions do not.

> http://martin.parasitology.mcgill.ca/JIMSPAGE/WORLDOF.HTM

> > Bob

> > http://parasitecleanse.info



> __________________________________________________


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Hi Lenny

Wow, thanks for sharing your very interesting

experiences! I have a couple more questions for you,

if you don't mind. What first prompted you to attempt

to get rid of parasites? Did you have some symptom

that indicated they were in there or was it just part

of an overall cleansing program? Also - did you

ever have them come out any other way than through a

BM? I know it probably sounds ridiculous that this

is my last remaining reluctance for doing a cleanse,

but I just can't seem to get past the idea and it

would help to know if someone else experienced it and

could tell me about it.


--- lenny@... wrote:

> Hi ,


> After two or three months on the starvation potatoe

> cleanse diet, I have seen them

> coming out on a daily basis, in mass sometimes, very

> small threadlike in size ranging

> up to 1.5 feet long, much bigger than earthworms.


> More recent, about a year and few months I saw

> several very large, near two feet,

> kinda squarish, for some reason the thought came,

> dog tapeworms which are smaller than

> the human tapeworms.


> Starvation is the only way I know of weakening them,

> and the potatoe does this well.

> You can actually live while starving on the potatoes

> only. Well I use some olive

> oil. I do better by grating the potatoes in some

> silver water, and par boiling them,

> waiting till they cool, then salt and olive oil them

> with a tinge of brewers yeast

> flakes for nutrition.

> In time the strongest snakes will become weaker, and

> the coffee enema will travel up

> past the stronghold snake induced crimp, clamping of

> the bowel, the snake coils up to

> escape from the coffee enema with h2o2.


> When you sting them with h2o2, the smaller, and

> bigger ascaris will eventually starve

> and weaken and with h202 become exhausted and give

> up the ghost.


> I eat one to two bulbs of garlic a day, usually

> crushed in the olive oil, which is

> most excellent.

> Hemp oil, for some reason helps me in taking an

> enema. I think its excellent omega's

> work as well as some other unknow hemp factors,

> which also help the terminal patients

> with an improved appetite, which increases with

> peristalsis, for when the bowel is

> evacuated, you become famishingly hungry, as this

> gives increased evidence that the

> hemp relaxes the " death grip " of the tape snake.


> Lenny



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Hi ,

I went and heard a Natural Doctor from Puerto Rico lecture.

Generally most of the population are infested to different degrees with worm


I have only seen them come out by the bowels, and perhaps when I was young, I

threw up

and remember seeing some little things wiggling.

When I began his cleansing program, I generally felt better. And after three


the ascaris worms started coming out in surprising numbers and quantity. The


worms that came out, the more alive and active and healthy I felt.

During this experience you can feel the moving of the masses of ascaris in your


and as you take a coffee enema, you can feel them coiling up toward the upper

bowel in

their attempt to get away from the coffee enema with h2o2. They bunch up in a


To kill them I would hold a half gallon enema with 2 capfuls of regular 3% h2o2

for 20

minutes on the third enema.

This would generally kill some of the threadlike and ascaris worms.

It is my belief that parasites are the major health problem on earth, and that


is a relation between the ama snake on a pole emblem and this fact. In hebrew

the word

snake adds up to 358, and the word Messiah adds up to 358, interesting.


D wrote:

> Hi Lenny

> Wow, thanks for sharing your very interesting

> experiences! I have a couple more questions for you,

> if you don't mind. What first prompted you to attempt

> to get rid of parasites? Did you have some symptom

> that indicated they were in there or was it just part

> of an overall cleansing program? Also - did you

> ever have them come out any other way than through a

> BM? I know it probably sounds ridiculous that this

> is my last remaining reluctance for doing a cleanse,

> but I just can't seem to get past the idea and it

> would help to know if someone else experienced it and

> could tell me about it.


> Thanks



> --- lenny@... wrote:

> > Hi ,

> >

> > After two or three months on the starvation potatoe

> > cleanse diet, I have seen them

> > coming out on a daily basis, in mass sometimes, very

> > small threadlike in size ranging

> > up to 1.5 feet long, much bigger than earthworms.

> >

> > More recent, about a year and few months I saw

> > several very large, near two feet,

> > kinda squarish, for some reason the thought came,

> > dog tapeworms which are smaller than

> > the human tapeworms.

> >

> > Starvation is the only way I know of weakening them,

> > and the potatoe does this well.

> > You can actually live while starving on the potatoes

> > only. Well I use some olive

> > oil. I do better by grating the potatoes in some

> > silver water, and par boiling them,

> > waiting till they cool, then salt and olive oil them

> > with a tinge of brewers yeast

> > flakes for nutrition.

> > In time the strongest snakes will become weaker, and

> > the coffee enema will travel up

> > past the stronghold snake induced crimp, clamping of

> > the bowel, the snake coils up to

> > escape from the coffee enema with h2o2.

> >

> > When you sting them with h2o2, the smaller, and

> > bigger ascaris will eventually starve

> > and weaken and with h202 become exhausted and give

> > up the ghost.

> >

> > I eat one to two bulbs of garlic a day, usually

> > crushed in the olive oil, which is

> > most excellent.

> > Hemp oil, for some reason helps me in taking an

> > enema. I think its excellent omega's

> > work as well as some other unknow hemp factors,

> > which also help the terminal patients

> > with an improved appetite, which increases with

> > peristalsis, for when the bowel is

> > evacuated, you become famishingly hungry, as this

> > gives increased evidence that the

> > hemp relaxes the " death grip " of the tape snake.

> >

> > Lenny

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Janet,

You can buy piperazine-17 at your local farm supply store. It is meant for farm



Janet Inoue wrote:

> Hi,


> I can answer the question about whether someone saw a

> real live worm (YECCCCCHHHH) come out of one's

> innards...YES....


> About 25 years ago, I had awful symptoms, a high

> fever, and terrible headaches that wouldn't respond to

> anything antibiotic or whatever. Living in the Middle

> East made it very possible that this was caused by

> worms or parasites. I went to the local run-down shop

> and bought a bottle of piperazine citrate just to have

> on hand for the possibility of worm infestation.


> The doctor couldn't help and nothing else either so I

> downed the contents and the next morning a worm the

> thickness of my little finger and about 10 inches long

> was in the bowl. It was so horrifying...


> But even more so to think that this critter wormed its

> way to my lungs in its so called life cycle causing me

> pain and fever. Needless to say, I felt better

> immediately though emotionally drained.


> I wish it were still possible to get piperazine

> citrate. It doesn't appear to be harmful and is VERY

> effective.


> Zamyrabyrd


> __________________________________________________


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thanks for sharing your story. I am going to start

the bowel cleanse this weekend and in case anything

really icky happens in the near future it's good to

know other people who have experienced things like

that, too!

--- Janet Inoue <zamyrabyrd@...> wrote:

> Hi,


> I can answer the question about whether someone saw

> a

> real live worm (YECCCCCHHHH) come out of one's

> innards...YES....


> About 25 years ago, I had awful symptoms, a high

> fever, and terrible headaches that wouldn't respond

> to

> anything antibiotic or whatever. Living in the

> Middle

> East made it very possible that this was caused by

> worms or parasites. I went to the local run-down

> shop

> and bought a bottle of piperazine citrate just to

> have

> on hand for the possibility of worm infestation.


> The doctor couldn't help and nothing else either so

> I

> downed the contents and the next morning a worm the

> thickness of my little finger and about 10 inches

> long

> was in the bowl. It was so horrifying...


> But even more so to think that this critter wormed

> its

> way to my lungs in its so called life cycle causing

> me

> pain and fever. Needless to say, I felt better

> immediately though emotionally drained.


> I wish it were still possible to get piperazine

> citrate. It doesn't appear to be harmful and is VERY

> effective.


> Zamyrabyrd


> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

To all those candy lovesrs, or former cany lovers, if you've been eating insects all these years without knowledge of it and it hasn't killed you!

Then way quite NOW ! I mean they were OH sO delicoues before!!!!!!

Yum, Yum!

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 09:19:57 EST faces1999@... writes:

Thanks Rusty! Now I can rid myself (willingly) of the fat filled candy bars! Donna

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What's this ????????? Donna Fox ...give up her PAYDAY's LOL Bet i'll catch her with one or two or three hehehehehe :):):)Tree:):):) worms Thanks Rusty! Now I can rid myself (willingly) of the fat filled candy bars! Donna

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Well even if there is little things that you can't seee with the naked eye in the foods we eat. Won't stop me from eating them!!! been eating them all my life and aint hurt me yet!

Just look at it this way, your getting more for you dollar!!! in every BITE ! YUM!!!!

Rusty Limbs

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:52:20 -0400 "theresa sappenfield" <treesap0@...> writes:

What's this ????????? Donna Fox ...give up her PAYDAY's LOL Bet i'll catch her with one or two or three hehehehehe :):):)Tree:):):)


Thanks Rusty! Now I can rid myself (willingly) of the fat filled candy bars! Donna

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me thinks only the male gender would say that Rusty one LOLOL:):):)Tree:):) worms Thanks Rusty! Now I can rid myself (willingly) of the fat filled candy bars! Donna

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Hey Rusty and ALL,

I worked for Mc's for 33 years (left there first of February). Over the years, there were always rumors that seemed to become "urban legends". One of those was that there were worms ground up and mixed with the beef to stretch it out. One of the Corporation vice-presidents was asked about this at a news conference one time. His response was "What???? Have you SEEN the price of worms lately???" LOL

(Dad to Meghann, 15, PRS, JRA)

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YUCK YUCK YUCK...LOL!!!!!!!!! I just ate Mcs..last night...think i am

going to be sick..


From: " Gerfen " <rsgerfen@...>


< >

Subject: Re: worms

Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 23:17:08 -0700

Hey Rusty and ALL,

I worked for Mc's for 33 years (left there first of February).

Over the years, there were always rumors that seemed to become " urban

legends " . One of those was that there were worms ground up and mixed with

the beef to stretch it out. One of the Corporation vice-presidents was

asked about this at a news conference one time. His response was " What????

Have you SEEN the price of worms lately??? " LOL

(Dad to Meghann, 15, PRS, JRA)


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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Hello , yes those urban legends? how they do get started. Here is MI. we have a meat packing company, Kogels. and most people know the rep. of being the finest meats around.

Well at one of my former place of employment, one of the gals was telling everyone that Kogels, too put earth worms in their products. She said that sodium eurthobate was earth worms. Well I told her if it was, it was the best tasting earth worms I ever did eat!!! Been eating Kogels meats for 46 years and not likely to stop for that. Besides, look on the ingredients of all other products, meat of otherwise, I think I'd much rather eat an earth worm, than some of those preservatives they put in our foods.

It seems to me, the more and more serialized they try to make our world, the more deceases we come up with. And the harder it is for our bodies to fight off infections.

It does give one pause to think, is there something to it!

Rusty (in thought) Limbs

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 23:17:08 -0700 " Gerfen" <rsgerfen@...> writes:

Hey Rusty and ALL,

I worked for Mc's for 33 years (left there first of February). Over the years, there were always rumors that seemed to become "urban legends". One of those was that there were worms ground up and mixed with the beef to stretch it out. One of the Corporation vice-presidents was asked about this at a news conference one time. His response was "What???? Have you SEEN the price of worms lately???" LOL

(Dad to Meghann, 15, PRS, JRA)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Just a friendly comment, These worms probably didn't come from Carol H.

Or Sombra. That who ever's computer they did come from probably doesn't

know they have a virus, either. These things send themselves out

automatically. The person who is infect doesn't even know they have a




Cushing Oklahoma USA




...I am always happy to be a contact. But

Please....contact me privately.

> worms



> Folks, someone's at it again. I received two worms today

> that looked like

> Carol H and Sombra had sent them to me. They both had

> attachments that were

> less than 1 minute in size and both contained worms. Don't

> open them, just

> delete them so they don't do any damage. They were bootlog

> and combuff.zip

> files.


> in SC



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  • 2 years later...

> Hi Everyone!


> Hope this brings a smile to your face as it did mine...this

morning, my 6 y/o

> said " Mom, you would rather me eat real worms than gummy worms,


> you? " My response was " Given a choice, you'd better believe it! "

LOL that's cute. :o) Reminds me of when I was younger, I attended a

nature center camp where we learned about catching and banding birds,

tree life cycles, and made worm cookies. Yes, you read right. As I

recall, worms were caught, chopped up and added to chocolate chip

cookie dough.

I don't remember how they tasted. I've probably repressed that

sensory memory. ;o)


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Thanks for the link to the Center for Prosperity. I found their idea of schools

selling wind power to generate income so they aren't controlled by government

funding to be a very good idea. I agree, as a parent, I am concerned about my

childs education. The last thing I want is for my child to learn everything

through a privatized school. I would endorse that site in a heatbeat.

In regard to the post by realfoodie, kids say and do the darndest things. I

wanted to share this:

7 reasons not to mess with a child

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it

was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because

even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale

Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it

was physically impossible.

The little girl said, " When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah " .

The teacher asked, " What if Jonah went to hell? "

The little girl replied, " Then you ask him " .

Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were

drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she

got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the

drawing was.

The girl replied, " I'm drawing God. "

The teacher paused and said, " But no one knows what God looks like. "

Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied,

" They will in a minute. "

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five

and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to " honor " thy Father

and thy Mother, she asked, " Is there a commandment that teaches us how to

how treat our brothers and sisters? "

Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered,

" Thou shall not kill... "

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at

the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands

of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at

her mother and inquisitively asked, " Why are some of your hairs white, Mom? "

Her mother replied, " Well, every time that you do something wrong and make

me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white. "

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said,

" Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white? "

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to

persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.

" Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and

say, 'There's , she's a lawyer,' or 'That's , He's a doctor.'

A small voice at the back of the room rang out, " And there's the teacher,

She's dead. "

A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to

make the matter clearer, she said, " Now, class, if I stood on my head, the

blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face. "

" Yes, " the class said.

" Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position

the blood doesn't run into my feet? "

A little fellow shouted, " Cause your feet ain't empty. "

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school

for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples.

The nun made a note, and posted it on the apple tray: " Take only ONE. God is

watching. "

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a

large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

A child had written a note, " Take all you want. God is watching the apples. "

Tony R.

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I remember seeing a TV show about worm, chocolate chip cookies! Jane

Re: Worms


> > Hi Everyone!

> >

> > Hope this brings a smile to your face as it did mine...this

> morning, my 6 y/o

> > said " Mom, you would rather me eat real worms than gummy worms,

> wouldn't

> > you? " My response was " Given a choice, you'd better believe it! "



> LOL that's cute. :o) Reminds me of when I was younger, I attended a

> nature center camp where we learned about catching and banding birds,

> tree life cycles, and made worm cookies. Yes, you read right. As I

> recall, worms were caught, chopped up and added to chocolate chip

> cookie dough.


> I don't remember how they tasted. I've probably repressed that

> sensory memory. ;o)

> ~Joe







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  • 2 months later...

They are probably earth worms. Perhaps picked up by not washing/cleaning vegetables before eating. She will pass as many worms as the eggs that she has eaten, unless she purchases a product to rid the body of them.

Best wishes to all


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.... most likely acarides lumbricoides.

test them individually to verify.

good luck



A patient says she is passing worms that look like brown earth worms,

about three inches long. Does anyone know what these are?

is Rotella, M.Ac.

Arnold, Md.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> They are probably earth worms. Perhaps picked up by not


> vegetables before eating. She will pass as many worms as the

eggs that she has

> eaten, unless she purchases a product to rid the body of them.


> Best wishes to all

> Kath

>>>unless she purchases a product to rid the body of them<<<

I'm new with the QX but I thought that that's why we zap the worms -

5 minutes ...3 times for three generations of worms per Dr. Drake.

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Hi ,

Also consider detoxing solvents for this one... Gage

Re: worms

> They are probably earth worms. Perhaps picked up by not washing/cleaning > vegetables before eating. She will pass as many worms as the eggs that she has > eaten, unless she purchases a product to rid the body of them.> > Best wishes to all> Kath >>>unless she purchases a product to rid the body of them<<<I'm new with the QX but I thought that that's why we zap the worms - 5 minutes ...3 times for three generations of worms per Dr. Drake.............................................

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

Are you sure you actually have worms? Rectal ithcing is common when

you have candida. When you get the candida under control the itching

will subside. You can put some coconut oil on the anus to help relieve

the itching. Check the files for other options to relieve itching.



> How can I and my son 2 years get rid of (I think) the little worms in

> the anus? I haven't seem them, but I think this itchiness come from

> them.

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Long time ago I had this itching and there were little white warms.

I have had some months ago the other kind of itching that was

probably caused by candida and die off. The first itching is like

you really have something moving down thre, it's not very bad, but

unconfortable, the second one is more harsch.



PS. Maybe healing reaction?But why my child (breastfed) has every

symptom I have?????

> e

> > How can I and my son 2 years get rid of (I think) the little

worms in

> > the anus? I haven't seem them, but I think this itchiness come


> > them.


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> Hi Bee

> How can I and my son 2 years get rid of (I think) the little worms in

> the anus? I haven't seem them, but I think this itchiness come from

> them. Maybe we got them in the swimming pool or in meat or fisah we

> ate some days ago. Hope they die soon! Ufff

==>What you are describing is pin worms, but like Jackie wrote rectal

itchy is common with candida. If you believe he has pin worms you can

see them if you take him into a totally dark room; take a flashlight,

bend him over and quickly flash the light on his bottom and you will

see them then. They go back in quickly when the light is flashed on

them. My daughter had pin worms when she was about 7 years old and

that's what I did to see them. Or get a stool test from the doctor to

double check. If he doesn't have them apply coconut oil frequently and

also treat him with the candida program like you are, but just cut

doses in half or thirds because of his size.


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Dear ,

Your child has inherited your " nutritional status " and will have the

same weaknesses, symptoms and difficulties you have, including


Like I said, you should get both of your stools tested to see if you

have worms, and if you do what kind they are. There are natural

treatments for them including garlic. You can do garlic tea enemas.



> Bee

> Long time ago I had this itching and there were little white warms.

> I have had some months ago the other kind of itching that was

> probably caused by candida and die off. The first itching is like

> you really have something moving down thre, it's not very bad, but

> unconfortable, the second one is more harsch.

> thanks

> veronica

> PS. Maybe healing reaction?But why my child (breastfed) has every

> symptom I have?????


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