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Re: Love Like This

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You are so right on! I feel like God has done some very similar

things in my life and yours. What we've found in Him goes far beyond

religion. It is real. It IS life. Your post is a good reminder for

me. It's easy to get caught up in the circumstances around me. I go

into " default " mode and start trying to take care of myself and make

everything work. But He always finds a way to bring me back to the

place of fully trusting Him to work everything out. He's always been

faithful to do that in my life.

It's hard for those of us who are sick to understand how God can be

good when things seem to be going so badly in our lives. I came to a

place a few months ago where I just fell apart. I wasn't sure if I

even believed in God anymore. I just couldn't see how He could be

good and let such painful things happen to me. I even had some

suicidal thoughts.

It just hurt SO much to think about the life I wanted and dreamed of -

compared to the one I had. And really I think it was mostly about

who I was. I'd always kept this picture of myself in my mind of

this " perfect April " . I kept comparing what I felt like was my sick,

inactive, boring, useless self to that person. I could never measure

up to her. I was conviced that SHE was who God wanted me to be. I

couldn't understand why He wouldn't instantly heal me so that I could

be that person.

But when I came to that place where I was totally hopeless, He

somehow broke through.

I share the whole story on my blog. I'm not trying to " plug " the

blog or anything, I just don't have time to share anymore in this

post. I hope that, like Patty's, my story can help someone and give

you some hope.

Look in the archived posts on the right - September 15 and 25


Only by His grace,



> Ladies,

> Here is another beautiful song that is playing on the radio

stations right now, and it hit me as I was listening to the words how

much joy we have when we are loved.   Do you remember when you first

fell in love?  Do you remember basking in that feeling of being in

love and being loved, and how it changed everything in your life? 

There is a glow that is unmistakeable.   Oh, I don't know if I can

ever forget the glow I felt when I fell in love with my husband.


> But with humans, it is flawed, can end, can hurt, cause pain, can

stop growing, can stagnate and turn ugly.  It is never without pain.


> But did you know that you can fall in love with Jesus and when you

have that love with Him, it never ends?  It is a love overflowing

with joy that is new every morning!  And it is a HEALING LOVE!! 


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W19OrMJ9UDU


> I remember a book I have from Dr. Weil, where he talks about

spontaneous healing.  He gave examples in the book where some women

had lupus and suffered a spontaneous remission of symptoms. Do you

know why one of them went into remission?  She had fallen in love! 

That love glow was healing!


> Ladies, I've shared it before and I will never stop sharing

it....this love that we have in Jesus Christ is healing above

anything else you will ever know.   I've experienced it for myself,

and I've been walking with Jesus for over 26 years now.  No, I'm not

perfect, and never will be.  But I do know one thing.  I am loved. 

And His love never fails.  When I got sick with my implants, I was

desperate for Jesus to heal me.  I had to fix some of my wrong ideas

about my God, and He didn't fail me.  My husband may fail me, my kids

may fail me, my parents may even fail me, but my Jesus never will,

and there ain't no love like that!


> Be blessed with that song....  it's by Ayeisha Woods.


> God be your healer,

> Patty


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Please feel free to plug your blog here anytime! Thank you so much

for your post. Your healing experience is very relevant to this group

and almost exactly mirrors mine, so I am all for you standing up and

telling us about it! Please write often to remind us of your new

additions to your blog.

I love the way you write. You are inspiring April!

God is so faithful..... He wants us to know Him deeply, intimately,

unmistakeably, and sometimes it is only through our desperate needs

that we truly start seeking Him. I, too, suffered periods of suicidal thoughts,

of doubt, and fear that I would not get better. But I hung on to my hope that

God would heal me and show me more of Himself if I sought Him with diligence. I

cried out to Him in my anguish and yet told Him that I trusted Him with all my


It is so easy for us to get caught up in the daily worries and tribulations of

this world, that we lose sight of the next one that He wants to give us glimpses

of through His Word, and through our relationship with Him. Our God is truly


Oh, God, give us eyes to see you in those moments of doubt, lead us to prayer

and worship, to see you with spiritual eyes and know that you are there, you

hear us, you love us, and you are healing us in ways you know best.

Thanks April, you are a sweet sister in Christ!


> >

> > Ladies,

> > Here is another beautiful song that is playing on the radio

> stations right now, and it hit me as I was listening to the words how

> much joy we have when we are loved.   Do you remember when you first

> fell in love?  Do you remember basking in that feeling of being in

> love and being loved, and how it changed everything in your life? 

> There is a glow that is unmistakeable.   Oh, I don't know if I can

> ever forget the glow I felt when I fell in love with my husband.

> >

> > But with humans, it is flawed, can end, can hurt, cause pain, can

> stop growing, can stagnate and turn ugly.  It is never without pain.

> >

> > But did you know that you can fall in love with Jesus and when you

> have that love with Him, it never ends?  It is a love overflowing

> with joy that is new every morning!  And it is a HEALING LOVE!! 

> >

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W19OrMJ9UDU

> >

> > I remember a book I have from Dr. Weil, where he talks about

> spontaneous healing.  He gave examples in the book where some women

> had lupus and suffered a spontaneous remission of symptoms. Do you

> know why one of them went into remission?  She had fallen in love! 

> That love glow was healing!

> >

> > Ladies, I've shared it before and I will never stop sharing

> it....this love that we have in Jesus Christ is healing above

> anything else you will ever know.   I've experienced it for myself,

> and I've been walking with Jesus for over 26 years now.  No, I'm not

> perfect, and never will be.  But I do know one thing.  I am loved. 

> And His love never fails.  When I got sick with my implants, I was

> desperate for Jesus to heal me.  I had to fix some of my wrong ideas

> about my God, and He didn't fail me.  My husband may fail me, my kids

> may fail me, my parents may even fail me, but my Jesus never will,

> and there ain't no love like that!

> >

> > Be blessed with that song....  it's by Ayeisha Woods.

> >

> > God be your healer,

> > Patty

> >


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