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What a day!

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Hi Marta,

I hate to laugh, but it sounds like a crime scene with a very nervous

participant. I am sorry have not posted in a while. I am enjoying the posts.

Thanks to Cheryl for that wonderful summary. The LDF was here with Dr.

Lionetti, it was a very interesting lecture. I am going to type up my note

tonite. They will be just in note form, but I will post them. Things have

been hectic. I got a systemic blood infection of some sort from the dental

surgery. You are right WHAT A DAY (S)

Hugs and thanks to all,


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oh my god, a definate " must send " to the producers of ER!! a LYME segment

right up there alley! you poor little thing. god i hate this DISEASE.

take care JMM.

! >From: " J & M McCoy " <mlmccoy@...>


>Hi gang,

> You'll never believe the day I have had.....today my home health nurse

>came to flush my implanted chest port. For those who don't know about

>ports, it is a metal and plastic disc implanted beneath the skin, via

>surgery, it is an access for IV treatments. I had it done shortly before I

>received IV therapy back in January 1998, because the nurses/doctors have

>such difficulty in drawing my blood, or finding good veins. The port has a

>tube that is attached to my heart, when they infuse me, they stick a needle

>in the plastic spongy part of the port. Each month the port must be flushed

>with heparin to prevent blood clots. Lately because my doctors office has

>such a difficult time getting my blood for testing, they have authorized my

>home health company to draw the blood from the port. Anyway, after that

>lengthy explanation, the nurse was trying to get some blood from my port, I

>needed 5 tubes, and it was coming out very, very slowly, so he was pulling

>on the syringe trying to increase the vacuum. Anyway, he must have pulled

>too hard, the syringe came apart, blood poured out all over me, him and my

>kitchen. It looked like a crime scene, my dog was leaving bloody paw prints

>all over like OJ! Good thing I don't faint at the sight of my own blood,

>what a mess. Anyway, turned out he had to stick me again to flush the port,

>and he only got 3 of the 5 vials of blood we need. He was so nervous, he

>practically ran out of here, without completing his monthly worksheet on how

>I am doing, etc.. Guess I will have to go to a local lab from now on to

>have blood drawn as my doctor's nurses refuse to touch me, and I think this

>guy will be leery from now on too. I now know what they mean when they use

>the term bloodbath!

>Best to all,




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MimiAnne's Specialty Coffee

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Pulaski, VA 24301

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--- J & M McCoy <mlmccoy@...> wrote:

> From: " J & M McCoy " <mlmccoy@...>


> Hi gang,

> You'll never believe the day I have had.....today

> my home health nurse

> came to flush my implanted chest port.



What a mess! Im supposed to labs done this week and was going to have

the home health care nurse come do it but now i may reconsider and just

go to the lab and have them do it. I have a pic line so it should be

easier but still makes me unsure after hearing your story. I have had

to draw back on mine to make sure its not clotted and have not had a

problem but there is always the potential.

Take care,






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> of the Week.


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In a message dated 5/25/1999 10:10:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lclott@... writes:

<< I have a pic line so it should be

easier but still makes me unsure after hearing your story. >>

i would never allow a nurse or dr. to draw blood from a picc line....you can

easily use a butterfly needle to extract enough blood from a vein on the top

of the hand....i would never allow messing with a picc line for routine lab

work...just not worth the risk to the line...Bernadette Olejko-Gadaleta, R.N.

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Hi ,

Usually this nurse is very skilled, when I saw beads of sweat on his

forehead, I started to get nervous. He was rushing around trying to find

the right equipment in his black bag, and switched needles, when I

questioned him, he said there was a clot in the needle, probably a piece of

fiber, because my blood was flowing so slowly. I think in his haste, he

screwed up which can happen to anybody, so I really don't blame him. This

problem with veins and slow blood is hereditary, my Dad has this problem

too, I really feel bad for any health aide who has to deal with me. I

remember hospital employees having a tough time drawing my blood when I gave

birth to my son at age 19, they were very annoyed at me, like I could

control it or something.



>From: lc lott <lclott@...>




>What a mess! Im supposed to labs done this week and was going to have

>the home health care nurse come do it but now i may reconsider and just

>go to the lab and have them do it. I have a pic line so it should be

>easier but still makes me unsure after hearing your story. I have had

>to draw back on mine to make sure its not clotted and have not had a

>problem but there is always the potential.

>Take care,

> L


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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...
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You wrote: > Admittedly, I missed 1/2 a dosage of my Luvox

(depression medicine) last night & I'm probably tired out from

the trip. I feel like I'm on my last nerve right now.<

I " m not a physician, but my experiences are that missing 1/2 a dose of

Luvox shouldnt really have any effect on you. Luvox, and other meds in this

catagorie have long 'lives', meaning they last in your body for a few days.

It is possible that you noticed, but I would be more likely to say your


> I *do* remember, though, that was concerned about

something touched because she'd get germs on it. Later

on that day, got angry when and I didn't leave

right away for a bike ride when he decided it was time to go.

... (which usually ends up meaning that has to give in

or else 's angry outbursts will ruin it for everyone).<

is really running your place, eh? Any chance you and your husband

can spend some time alone to discuss some action plans? Its time to be tough

on and let him know that you are no longer complying with the

demands that OCD place on you. He is a child, you are the parents and he has

to listen to your guidance, that is part of parenting! Poor ,

eventually she is going to rebel from all the attention gets from

being such a brat! I am saying this as a parent who was formally in your

position, and as a therapist! Tom used to run this place until we learned to

just stop complying and make it clear to tom that ocd does not come to the

table with him, tell US what to do, or conduct the scheduling in the


> ... At that point, I was so frazzled that I just said, " Fine. You

watch t.v. " and I took a nap on the couch while they watched t.v.<

This is an example of where has worn you down to the point where

you are both physically and mentally exhausted!! It is good that you did lie

down and managed to sleep, at least he allowed you that luxory! Next time,

try sleeping in another room so the quality of your rest will be higher. I

know sometimes we need to sleep with our eyes open so we can catch the kids

getting into trouble, but quality is very important!!!

In your situation, the safest, long term benefit, you can supply to your

family, is to take back control!! It is not going to be easy, but in a short

time you will be able to look back and see your results! Believe me, it does

work and make a differnce.

For , keep externalizing hte ocd and negative behaviours. He does

have control over them, even if he has ODD - and he's young enough to

comprehend the differnce between right and wrong - unless he has another

disorder!!!! When he demands that you wait or sit or do something related to

his need for control, you simply state that " No, you dont listen to OCD and

that he has to stop too " . Externalizing ocd will help quite a bit. It is

very important that both parents stay unified and never argue over

consequences in front of the kids. Always back the decision of the other

parent, but in private, you can re-evaluate and make changes which that

parents can let the offender know about.

You can do this, Jean!!! Take care, wendy, in canada


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  • 1 year later...
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Gosh, Lizz, I'm really sorry. Seems like we both had a rough day yesterday.

*sigh* Today has GOT to be better. Hang in there. I'm doing better today, I



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I feel for you. I am sorry this happen to you.......Make sure you pamper

youself today....... And move your birthday a day a head or a day after....

Or better yet........ celabrate it for two days,.......That is what my

Daughter does.....if we can't do things on her real birthday.......

Well I will be thinking about ya...Take care and get more rest......


-- What a Day!

Hi All!

I've over extended myself and I paid for it today. Because I had a dental

appointment today I took the whole day off in order to try to get some


done when I was home alone. Well, I was so exhausted that I didn't wake up

until noon!!! So much for getting something done. After a stranger showed

up to adopt one of our dogs (we can't take them with us to the new house) I

headed for the dentist. I had a tooth prepped for a crown about three weeks

ago that has been killing me ever since. Seems that the tooth has become

infected and the area around it inflamed and the dentist sent me for an

emergency root canal! This was 4:00 this afternoon! The oral surgeon could

only do a partial R.C. because of the infection and swelling and will have

to finish the job in two weeks ON MY BIRTHDAY!

Now I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself and with a face that is

threatening to fall off with the throbbing pain.

Of course tomorrow will be better. It will be warm and I will bring my

sewing machine to the porch and will work on the 6,000 projects I need to

finish before we move. Thanks for letting me whine, I needed that!

May your day be great!


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  • 1 year later...
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Oh, Ling!

Don't be sorry for the vent, it is good to get your feelings out. Your feelings are warranted! I sure hope you are okay. Personally, I believe you are right, this guy is to blame since he was driving in the wrong direction. If you knew that vehicles would be coming from one way only, why would you look the other way? No, I really don't feel that this was your fault at all. ((((((((((((((((Ling)))))))))))))))) Keep us updated on your knee.

What a Day!


Just want to vent.....

Nearly collided with motorbike today. Was walking to the multi-storey carpark after lunch today, where a motorcycle came towards the pedestrain walkway after coming down from a ramp in the carpark.

I was walking with my family, with my sisters ahead of me and my dad behind me. I turned around to look for my dad while walking towards the carpark (I had not entered the carpark, ok!) and after I turned back to the front, WHAM. We saw each other and tried to avoid the hit, then both of us fell to the ground. Fortunately I kind of avoided on time, so only my knees were pretty scratched by the motorbike's tyre, and I managed to break the fall with my hands... While I was still dumb with shock, Dad and Sisters argued with the cyclist. ly, we feel he is in the wrong, as he was travelling in the opposite direction on the ramp(this ramp was meant for vehicles to go UP and NOT DOWN), and he was actually travelling towards the walkway, probably to park his motor in a popular spot nearby where he can avoid parking charges.

I know that I was also not observant enough too... But it simply irritates me that this man is so violent, and when he quarrelled with my sister, I think he would have lost control and hit my sis if not for the many passers-by that were looking at us. I tried to rebuke the fellow, but this fellow started to yell at me as well. His behaviour really shocked me, and practically scared me into tears.

My neighbours were around too, and they actually told us later to report this guy to the police, as not only was this guy at fault for driving in the wrong direction, he was so rude and harsh to us, with his use of "civilised" language. I was really tempted to, but later decided not to, as we live in the area, and are afraid that this man may resort to something unpleasant should he be reported to the police. Anyway, I am not badly hurt, except for this wonderful patch of broken-skin-and-small-open-wound across my knee, and feeling the effects of the soreness on the pulled muscles of my legs.

Sorry for the vent...

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi and ALL,

Thanks. sorry for my slow reply, Was in hospital for 2 weeks, just came back yesterday. Headaches again, went to emergency department for a jab. Was given Penthidine, but that triggered an asthma attack. Guess was allergy. Was giddy since then, and had a fall last fri, so that really kept the docs shocked and busy, hehe....

Had a radiofrequency ablation of the right medial branch nerves at C2 ,3 and 4 done. Pain relief, but now the pain is coming from the left. Urggh!!!

How's life?

Take care, Ling

What a Day!


Just want to vent.....

Nearly collided with motorbike today. Was walking to the multi-storey carpark after lunch today, where a motorcycle came towards the pedestrain walkway after coming down from a ramp in the carpark.

I was walking with my family, with my sisters ahead of me and my dad behind me. I turned around to look for my dad while walking towards the carpark (I had not entered the carpark, ok!) and after I turned back to the front, WHAM. We saw each other and tried to avoid the hit, then both of us fell to the ground. Fortunately I kind of avoided on time, so only my knees were pretty scratched by the motorbike's tyre, and I managed to break the fall with my hands... While I was still dumb with shock, Dad and Sisters argued with the cyclist. ly, we feel he is in the wrong, as he was travelling in the opposite direction on the ramp(this ramp was meant for vehicles to go UP and NOT DOWN), and he was actually travelling towards the walkway, probably to park his motor in a popular spot nearby where he can avoid parking charges.

I know that I was also not observant enough too... But it simply irritates me that this man is so violent, and when he quarrelled with my sister, I think he would have lost control and hit my sis if not for the many passers-by that were looking at us. I tried to rebuke the fellow, but this fellow started to yell at me as well. His behaviour really shocked me, and practically scared me into tears.

My neighbours were around too, and they actually told us later to report this guy to the police, as not only was this guy at fault for driving in the wrong direction, he was so rude and harsh to us, with his use of "civilised" language. I was really tempted to, but later decided not to, as we live in the area, and are afraid that this man may resort to something unpleasant should he be reported to the police. Anyway, I am not badly hurt, except for this wonderful patch of broken-skin-and-small-open-wound across my knee, and feeling the effects of the soreness on the pulled muscles of my legs.

Sorry for the vent...


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  • 2 years later...
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In a message dated 8/8/2005 9:22:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

honiholo@... writes:

Finally I

left with instructions to take daily an aspirin and one 10 mg tab of

Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) which is an ace inhibitor, and an appointment

for a perfusion scan which uses radiation.

First, you gotta remember that I'm not a doctor or a homeopath, I'm an

engineer so my advice should be taken in that light. I read Irene's and other's

posts carefully and save many of them. I'm just a guy who's read a lot to try

and heal myself while " helping " my doctor to assist me. Do you really know what

is wrong yet, Enlarged heart, coronary artery disease, enlarged left

ventricle, etc? He doesn't seem too alarmed so that's a good sign, at least

he's not

giving you rat poison (blood thinner) and sticking nitro patches on you. I

met mine in emergency so the situation was a little different.

Types of tests they like to run are catheritization (sp) to check you

arteries, sonograms to look at your heart fraction, and EPs to replicate your

irregular heartbeat (arterial tachacardia--mine was 250 beats a minute) so they


cauterize the place on your heart that's causing the problem. I'm not familiar

with the perfusion scan and don't know whether I had one or not. It doesn't

sound too invasive. Don't worry about radiation. You get more from the sun

and your TV. The big thing is to understand why you're taking it and if it

will help him figure out your problem.

Once you know what the problem is, you can then research the problem and help

him assist you. He knows medicine but you know your body. Only you can

figure out what's best for you. Remember that all medicines are poison because

they have no food value and will affect your body in some adverse way. Irene

and I both know that if we had put ourselves completely in our doctors hands

we'd both be dead by now.

According to my pill book, 10 mg is a standard dosage. There should be a

whole list of side affects to watch out for. Realize that BP meds make you


so you'll have to drive yourself to exercise. I took zestril for about a

year until my body rejected it and he put me on something else. Now I'm on the

lowest dose of monopril.

The aspirin thins your blood and lowers the chance of blood pooling in your

heart and clots forming (nice thought). The ACE inhibitor will lower your BP

by dialating your veins and arteries and help your heart pump (layman's

description) but you may retain water so watch for edema and contact him if you


any (swelling in your ankles, water around your heart, distended stomach) or

any shortness of breath.

They told me my heart couldn't repair itself also and everything you read

says the same thing. I don't believe that. They gave me 5 years to live (39%

mortality rate) and I'm on year 8 and feeling better than I ever have.

If you smoke, stop. If you let yourself get stressed out, stop. This is a

manageable problem. You can turn this around. Eat right and exercise.

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  • 1 year later...

Sweetie...good luck with the cataract surgery. They found I have slight

cataracts in both eyes in the hospital and feel it's due to the

prednisone drops I've had to put in my eyes because they've been

inflamed...Iritis is the disease and it's related to the PA. The docs

told me that I don't need surgery yet but the one guy said it won't be

as hard to deal with as treating the Iritis has been. So maybe that

will encourage you. Also, when I did get off of my Enbrel, it took a

few months for the pain and limp to creep back in. Hoping all goes well

for you and keeping you in my prayers you old hag. -Betz

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  • 2 years later...

Yesterday morning I saw my neurologist. He said that implants are

associated with hundreds of autoimmune diseases and that I wouldn't

believe how many women he sees who are ill and have implants. He

said he would never tell a woman to get rid of her implants (I wish I

asked him why not) but would definetly support a woman getting rid of

them-he thought I was doing the right thing. He will help me fight my

insurance company that removal is medically necessary. He talked

about how the human body is not designed for weight like the ones I

have and he could not conceive how I carry them around on me every

single day and for so many years (he may have been talking about the

weight of implants in general?). He said it is sad the price women

have paid for beauty. He said one of the reasons the doctors have

never suggested my implants may be causing me problems is because I

am seeing male doctors and they are not comfortable talking about my

breasts. We discussed my breathing disorder and he agreed I do not

suffer from anxiety but simply cannot breathe with the 3-4 lbs. on my

chest. He wrote me a note saying he was referring me for a breast

reduction since large breasts are causing insufficient breathing.

In the afternoon I saw the plastic surgeon and I already wrote what

he said. The woman who does the scheduling however had the nerve to

tell me that I am having cosmetic surgery, and it isn't medically

necessary, so the insurance company isn't going to pay for it. The

need to breathe isn't medically necessary? I believe I am having de-

cosmetic surgery. I showed her the note from my neurologist, which

she dismissed. Remember-I've already canceled the appt. for surgery.

Afterwards I went to the store to get some dinner and as I was

walking around, started to feel very weak (as usual) like I was going

to pass out. I bought a salad, went out to my car and ate it, and

then drove home (I was again feeling fine). I was almost home when I

suddenly felt severe chest pain (center of the left side of my chest)

and MAJOR queasiness/nausea-I could hardly drive. I ended up

admitted in the hospital. The doctor I saw today was a nightmare. I

was crying by the time he left. He said that it is very unlikely my

problems are the implants and the reason my surgery is scheduled out

6 weeks is because the doctor was giving me a chance to change my

mind. He said I really needed to think about what I was doing by

having these implants removed; he's concerned I'll regret it. He

said I'm having panic attacks and suffering anxiety though I never

complained of a racing heart, and again, my neurologists agreed that

I am not. He said anxiety is not typically a field of expertise for

neurologist (it " is " this neurologist's field of expertise). He kept

putting words in my mouth telling me I am fearing " impending doom, "

that I feel like the world is moving at a different pace then me (I

wasn't talking about any sort of movement), etc.. I responded that I

am not attached to my implants and if I feel I made the wrong choice

I could always have them put back in-they are implants, not my

breasts. He said I needed to think about the money (lots of money)

that I am talking about.

I cannot put in to words how distressing this conversation was. I

was in the hospital because I once again felt " deathly " ill. I have

complained about this horrible, most severe fluish feeling I get, and

have gotten, for almost 9 years. It has taken everything from me-and

he might as well have been telling me I am dizzy and don't know it.

How dare he sit there and minimize, and be so condescending, about my

life and my body. He scheduled for me to see my family practictioner

tomorrow and this guy is from his office-I have a mouthful I intend

to say; including I want it in my records he is never to come near me

again (in the event of an emergency). Isn't it unusual that a doctor

would schedule an appt. for me like that; he set it up for me to see

my GP tomorrow morning. Finally, he finished up by telling me to go

to the library and check out the book Sparks which is about

exercise. My neurologists and chiro have told me not to work out

because I get sick when I do and they said my carbon dioxide levels

are a mess, again, because of the implants on my chest-this guy

dismissed that too. Oh yeah, and he is going to tell my family

doctor to stop prescribing some meds that I take though I discussed

those with the neurologists too and he said they are perfectly fine.

He was a total know-it-all who has now most likely costs me any

potential for the insurance company paying for my explant surgery

because of the notes he will write in my file.

I am feeling much better this evening-chest pain has reduced greatly

and no queeziness right now.


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I am glad you are feeling better. You sure had an awful experience.

It is so distressing to hear how you were treated...and let me just

tell you that this is COMMON when you try to blame the implants! I

could show you letter upon letter from women in our group who are so

insulted and poorly treated by the very medical professionals that

purport to be helpful that they end up in tears by the time the

appointment is over. It's criminal that these doctors are getting

away with this!

We generally try to advise women to be careful when talking with

doctors about implants. In fact, we've suggested not mentioning them

at all unless it is unavoidable. It's terrible that we have to be

less than honest about our situation, but if we want to avoid being

treated like dirt or seeing doctors go ballistic on us, we have to

tread carefully around them.

I am so glad to hear that you have a compassionate and understanding

neurologist though...that's awesome. There are some doctors that are

reasonable and they are a real godsend. Stick close to this doctor

and let him help you.

Why do you need to see this GP? Do you feel it is necessary to go?

I hope you won't have any more situations crop up where you end up in

the hospital....right now, you need to keep stress free as much as


Women in our group have often had anxiety or panic attacks, and this

is an adrenal issue. I would not be surprised at all if you had

adrenal exhaustion with how sick you've been.

Since cancelling your appointment for explant, what is your next step?

Are you going to keep calling around in MN?

Take care of yourself, and don't exercise...this one doctor doesn't

have the slightest idea what he is talking about for all his medical

degrees and diplomas. You are sick, and you need those implants out

before you can ever start to get better.




> Yesterday morning I saw my neurologist. He said that implants are

> associated with hundreds of autoimmune diseases and that I wouldn't

> believe how many women he sees who are ill and have implants. He

> said he would never tell a woman to get rid of her implants (I wish


> asked him why not) but would definetly support a woman getting rid


> them-he thought I was doing the right thing. He will help me fight


> insurance company that removal is medically necessary. He talked

> about how the human body is not designed for weight like the ones I

> have and he could not conceive how I carry them around on me every

> single day and for so many years (he may have been talking about


> weight of implants in general?). He said it is sad the price women

> have paid for beauty. He said one of the reasons the doctors have

> never suggested my implants may be causing me problems is because I

> am seeing male doctors and they are not comfortable talking about


> breasts. We discussed my breathing disorder and he agreed I do not

> suffer from anxiety but simply cannot breathe with the 3-4 lbs. on


> chest. He wrote me a note saying he was referring me for a breast

> reduction since large breasts are causing insufficient breathing.


> In the afternoon I saw the plastic surgeon and I already wrote what

> he said. The woman who does the scheduling however had the nerve


> tell me that I am having cosmetic surgery, and it isn't medically

> necessary, so the insurance company isn't going to pay for it. The

> need to breathe isn't medically necessary? I believe I am having


> cosmetic surgery. I showed her the note from my neurologist, which

> she dismissed. Remember-I've already canceled the appt. for



> Afterwards I went to the store to get some dinner and as I was

> walking around, started to feel very weak (as usual) like I was


> to pass out. I bought a salad, went out to my car and ate it, and

> then drove home (I was again feeling fine). I was almost home when


> suddenly felt severe chest pain (center of the left side of my


> and MAJOR queasiness/nausea-I could hardly drive. I ended up

> admitted in the hospital. The doctor I saw today was a nightmare.


> was crying by the time he left. He said that it is very unlikely


> problems are the implants and the reason my surgery is scheduled


> 6 weeks is because the doctor was giving me a chance to change my

> mind. He said I really needed to think about what I was doing by

> having these implants removed; he's concerned I'll regret it. He

> said I'm having panic attacks and suffering anxiety though I never

> complained of a racing heart, and again, my neurologists agreed


> I am not. He said anxiety is not typically a field of expertise


> neurologist (it " is " this neurologist's field of expertise). He


> putting words in my mouth telling me I am fearing " impending doom, "

> that I feel like the world is moving at a different pace then me (I

> wasn't talking about any sort of movement), etc.. I responded that


> am not attached to my implants and if I feel I made the wrong


> I could always have them put back in-they are implants, not my

> breasts. He said I needed to think about the money (lots of money)

> that I am talking about.


> I cannot put in to words how distressing this conversation was. I

> was in the hospital because I once again felt " deathly " ill. I


> complained about this horrible, most severe fluish feeling I get,


> have gotten, for almost 9 years. It has taken everything from me-


> he might as well have been telling me I am dizzy and don't know it.

> How dare he sit there and minimize, and be so condescending, about


> life and my body. He scheduled for me to see my family


> tomorrow and this guy is from his office-I have a mouthful I intend

> to say; including I want it in my records he is never to come near


> again (in the event of an emergency). Isn't it unusual that a


> would schedule an appt. for me like that; he set it up for me to


> my GP tomorrow morning. Finally, he finished up by telling me to go

> to the library and check out the book Sparks which is about

> exercise. My neurologists and chiro have told me not to work out

> because I get sick when I do and they said my carbon dioxide levels

> are a mess, again, because of the implants on my chest-this guy

> dismissed that too. Oh yeah, and he is going to tell my family

> doctor to stop prescribing some meds that I take though I discussed

> those with the neurologists too and he said they are perfectly


> He was a total know-it-all who has now most likely costs me any

> potential for the insurance company paying for my explant surgery

> because of the notes he will write in my file.


> I am feeling much better this evening-chest pain has reduced


> and no queeziness right now.


> Anne


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Bless your heart, girl! I am so sorry you had such a terrible day.

That doctor you saw sounds like such an jerk. Well, try not to let

them discourage you. You are not crazy and you're not just suffering

from anxiety. I used to feel so aweful when I'd go shopping, too.

I'd get hot flashes and dizzy and feel faint and out of breath.

Sometimes I'd just have to leave my cart full of groceries and go

home. I have a ways to go still, but I am a lot stronger since

getting those things out of my body. Just yesterday I drove an hour

from home and ran errands for 5 hours. When I was really sick I

could never imagine being able to do that. All things are

possible! :o)

I wish I could help w/your insurance situation. I don't know

anything about that sort of thing. We didn't have insurance - we

have had to pay cash for all my medical bills. I hope some of the

other ladies here can point you in the right direction.

Keep fighting! Your life is worth it!


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