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Re: Reiki Class in Austin This Weekend

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No problem Alyssa,

I don't remember your situation....when's your explant scheduled? Who

will be doing it?

Tell us more about how this Reiki is helping you!



> Hi all,

> I'm still awaiting my explant, and appreciate the info here so much.

> I just wanted to let any Austinites on the list know that I'm giving a

> Reiki class here this weekend. I believe that Reiki has helped me

> manage my situation and continue to improve until explant.


> If anyone wants more info, just email me offlist. Hope this is ok to

> post here, just thought it may be helpful to some.

> Thanks,

> Alyssa


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Sorry for the delay in my response - days got away from me! I haven't

yet scheduled my explant, but have talked a few times with Dr. Kolb

and plan to schedule with her. I'm so looking forward to having this

done -- and am just waiting on the last piece of the financial part to

fall into place.

About the Reiki -- I realized a few years ago that when I did Reiki on

myself at night, in bed, as I was going to sleep -- that my chem.

sensitivity, fibromyalgia and CF symptoms seemed to be lessened the

next day. It was calming my nervous system, and helping me truly rest

and get some rejuvenation thru the night. My mood and general outlook

get better as well, it's much easier to stay positive. I also feel

that it increases my awareness of the many levels of healing that are

occurring, or need to occur -- on every level, emotional, phys.,

mental, spiritual...

When I don't do Reiki on myself each night, I really notice an

increase in body aches, fatigue, and joint pain. Headaches increase

as well as depression/anxiety. I believe that it continues working on

me even while I sleep -- I just have to kind of get it started.

Reiki has been such a blessing in my life -- I highly recommend it to

anyone -- especially someone dealing with a chronic condition.

Thanks for asking Patty! I love to let folks know about it!



> >

> > Hi all,

> > I'm still awaiting my explant, and appreciate the info here so much.

> > I just wanted to let any Austinites on the list know that I'm giving a

> > Reiki class here this weekend. I believe that Reiki has helped me

> > manage my situation and continue to improve until explant.

> >

> > If anyone wants more info, just email me offlist. Hope this is ok to

> > post here, just thought it may be helpful to some.

> > Thanks,

> > Alyssa

> >


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That's awesome that you will be explanting with Dr. Kolb....she is one

of the knowledgeable doctors on our list.

Hopefully those financial pieces will fall into place fast!

Reiki sounds like it is working for you. I find that everything and

anything that is a source of peace, comfort, calming, rejuvenation and

spiritual uplisting and encouragement is what makes me feel wonderful

and great. Music therapy is awesome.

Everything that is a source of aggravation, stress, frustration or

dismay is avoided as much as possible. Of course, life is not without

frustrations, so everything that helps us cope with them is valuable.

I'm glad you found something that is working well for you.

We have to have the hope of healing and that is what keeps us going

forward. That, and the promises we have of healing when we trust God.

Thanks again for your post...let us know when you finally get explanted!


> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > > I'm still awaiting my explant, and appreciate the info here so


> > > I just wanted to let any Austinites on the list know that I'm

giving a

> > > Reiki class here this weekend. I believe that Reiki has helped me

> > > manage my situation and continue to improve until explant.

> > >

> > > If anyone wants more info, just email me offlist. Hope this is

ok to

> > > post here, just thought it may be helpful to some.

> > > Thanks,

> > > Alyssa

> > >

> >


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