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Candida Albicans/Candidiasis Web Sites

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Sites by Individuals

Here's a page that compares candida symptoms with gluten intolerance symptoms. You will find that they are very similar! Here's a list of links on The Gluten-Free Page.

Rennie has summarized three levels of the Candida diet as found in The Nutrition Detective by Nan Fuchs.

Jann Weiss has written a 27K compendium extrapolated from books on Candida, Allergies, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gluten Intolerance, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Diet, as relates to alternative/complementary considerations in dealing with these problems.

Jann Weiss reports on the connection of Candida Albicans to the aldehyde detox pathway and the therapeutic use of Molybdenum, a mineral supplement that activates the enzymes that metabolize nitrogen, sulfite, and some aldehydes.

Here is a page with annotated links to other pages on The Paleolithic Diet. Sometimes called the hunter/gatherer diet, this pre-agricultural diet is where our digestive systems have evolved to. It is very similar to the Candida diet.

The PaleoFood mailing list has collected many recipes. All have no grains, no gluten, no dairy. no beans/legumes, no refined sugar, or other Neolithic foods. Most would be acceptable for people on a Candida Diet.

Judy Bayliss, the long-time listowner of the Yeast-L mailing list, had a site on Candida Albicans. It has Dr. Crook's questionnaire, foods to avoid, information on the mailing list, book list, and more. [now in archive.org]

Why is Gluten Excluded in Candida Diets? is an article by Ron Hoggan. Here is the menu of all of his Articles.

Aleksandar Ivanovic has developed a Candida FAQ. Very organized and comprehensive guide to resources. Tries to cover various topics of interest for newcomers. [now in archive.org]

Tripp: Candida Recovery is a page on how she recovered from candida and did it on a 40 day program from a naturopathic doctor in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Jenner's site Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - One Man's Recovery also contains a lot of good information about Candida, testing, etc.

Dusan Stojkovic has a page In Sugar We Trust which points out the negatives of sweetener consumption. Also see Candida - Candidaisis Homepage. Also has info on bowel cleansing.

CANDIDA and the ANTIBIOTIC SYNDROME by Walter Last gives some history and ends with some alternative suggestions.

Miryam on has a page on a Yeast Elimination Diet adapted from The Yeast Syndrome.

Candida and Probiotics by Gregerson has information on the potential use of probiotic bacteria to prevent or treat gastrointestinal candida infection. Mostly articles from peer-reviewed journals.

Candida News from Cannon of the University of Otago in New Zealand. Has long list of Candida albicans references.

[Ctrl-Home for Top, or Click Here]Educational Institutions/Government

Molecular Microbiology of Candida albicans from Dr. Jan Schmid.

Yeast (Fission, and Candida). This section of the Virtual Library describes the yeast model organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding, bakers' and sometimes brewers'), Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission), and Candida albicans. From Stanford U. genetics research. A loaded site.

What are yeasts? An introduction from Stanford U.

Candida albicans information. A loaded site with many pages. Heavy into genetics. From U. Of Minnesota.

The Faculty of Pharmacy Lille (France) has a page on Candida albicans. It gets into cultivation in vitro. Then morphological changes due to environmental condition alteration. Then interpretation of the experimental results by means of catastrophe theory.

From the Neolithic Revolution to Gluten Intolerance: Benefits and Problems Associated with the Cultivation of Wheat, by Luigi Greco. A history of gluten intolerance and why it is so common.

Page on Vaginal Diseases from U. of Iowa's Virtual Hospital.

Fungal Genome Resources Menu. Has links. From the UK.

[Ctrl-Home for Top, or Click Here]Associations/Organizations

Is the lack of concurrence of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidosis explained by the presence of bacterial amines? is an abstract of an article from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Arthritis and Rheumatism Alternatives claims Candidiasis is a common contributor to the disease of rheumatoid arthritis. From The Arthritis Fund.

The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Yeast Connection by G. Crook, M.D. Also they have Chronic Fatigue by Tom Cowan, MD.

The National Candida Society in the UK has a register of practitioners specialising in candida. Plus the usual information.

Nutritional Strategies for Inflamed Joints and Other Conditions by Klaper, M.D. has a 30-day plan to cure leaky gut, help arthritis and other things. Looks very much like recommended yeast elimination diets, plus information about supplements, etc.

Project Inform has a medical assessment of Oral Candidiasis (Thrush). For AIDS patients.

Candida - Candidaisis Homepage covers some of all of it. At a site that believes in "Educating Instead of Medicating."

The Web Site for Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis Information and Help, (CMC) a difficult to treat thrush in which those affected have frequent, usually continuous thrush.

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Commercial Sites

HEALlix sells a product that can help with numerous ailments. Check out the site and click on the Learn More tab.

Why is yeast dangerous? is a questionnaire from The Guardian Health Association, a group of people living with chronic long term conditions. Has free membership.

Ninazu Health Products contains information on candida, candidiasis and disorders associated with candidiasis. They also offer probiotics and supplements that are effective in treating candida overgrowth.

Candida Support includes a bunch of candida information, then gets into selling formulas.

1stCandidaCure sells Global Health Trax products in Canada.

Relief from Candidiasis or Yeast Infections is selling Global Health Trax products. (So many are selling these products maybe I should give them their own section!)

Healthology has a web page on this web page. Focuses on yeast infections and related problems.

The Yeast Connection is the web site of G. Crook, M.D. The old one can be found in archive.org: Candida-Yeast.

The Candida Wellness Center in Provo Utah has The Candida Yeast Answer written by Carlsen, R.H. They sell a program that is a natural form of therapy. Register to order a free 40 page copy of the program.

Candida Program is now a search engine page, mostly designed around candida yeast.

Are You Winning the Battles But Losing the War? A page that gets into Candida Albicans in quite some depth. From the Healthexcel site on Metabolic Typing.

The Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition has Candida Questionnaire and his Health Articles.

MedicineNet has an article on Sporanox (itraconazole). Used for fungal infections which are isolated to a small area of the body (localized) or throughout the body (systemic).

Candistroy is a two-part program designed to combat Candida with a powerful blend of clinically formulated ingredients, as well as replenish and rebuild the intestinal system with beneficial bacteria.

Conquering Candidiasis Naturally by C. Byrnes (a Naturopathic Doctor and Clinical Nutritionist that lived in Hawaii). He has also written Politically Incorrect: The Neglected Nutritional Research of Dr. Weston Price, DDS. Also see his home site: PowerHealth.

On Ask Dr. Stoll is Candida-Related Syndrome, a discussion on the physiologic basis behind this syndrome.

Candida Albicans is a site by a holistic doctor who has offices in the San Francisco Bay area. Includes a protocol and diet.

The Physician and Sportsmedicine Journal has a page on Bladder and 'Yeast' Infections by W. , DO. It is an article from a past issue.

Flora Balance is a organic supplement that enables the establishment of a superior form of symbiotic intestinal bacteria.

The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients has a database of past issues. If you do a search on Candida many articles will be returned. (Click for archives/main menu and then find search.)

Here is what the non-believers have to say: Dubious "Yeast Allergies" from the Quackwatch site.

Explore has a page on Fungus by Coyle. Was a past issue. Has microscope images.

The Candida Wellness Center in Provo, Utah is run by Carlsen. Sells an in-home antifungal program.

The Modern Herbalist has a Candida Clearance Rotation Protocol.

The ACAM (American College for Advancement in Medicine) has physicians who practice preventive medicine in a searchable database.

The Wisconsin Institute of Nutrition has a site on Candida, as it relates to various health problems. They also have a cookbook, Feast Without Yeast: 4 Stages to Better Health.

Elmer M. Cranton, M.D. has a page on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but it also covers yeast syndrome and Candida. Has a "Triple Antifungal Therapy" protocal.

About.com has an article on Candidiasis (Yeast Overgrowth) and Thyroid Disease.

Forest Herbs Research in New Zealand sells Kolorex®Capsules which help maintain a healthy, balanced intestinal tract. See: Is Candida your problem?

A Whole Approach features the Attogram Program. Also sells the book Conquering Yeast Infections. The whole program for treating Candida includes diet and taking psyllium, bentonite, caprylic acid, and acidolphilus.

Soil Based Organisms are in EarthFlora, which is an all natural product to improve immune function.

Carol Ann Santella practices Acu-Reflex Massage and non-invasive methods of body scanning and analysis. She specializes in Candida and Other Yeast Disorders.

Rising Star's Candida Elimination Program is a page on on attacking Candida utilizing pro-biotics and anti-yeast products.

At the Wholesale Nutrition site there are many pages on Candida: Argues that selenium is okay for people with Candida. Also Dr. Stephan Cooter on Molybdenum and Candida. And a page with Candida/Allergy References taken from one of the immune mailing lists. Also see list on Candida topics and Yeast topics and Chapter Five: Killing the Fungi which is part of a larger work on beating Candida Albicans and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.

Jerusalem Artichoke Flour with Probiotic Factor is recommended for for people with Candida and other yeast infections.

PandaMedicine has put up a site called Naturopathic Medicine Network. Includes directory of naturopaths.

Tanalbit is a non-prescription plant tannin formula for the treatment of Candidiasis and similar gastrointestinal problems caused by bacterial and/or fungal infestations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Leaky Gut - Detoxification is from a Nutri-Notes Newsletter. Easy to read and tells you what to take etc.

Recurrent Yeast Infections is a paragraph by Dr. MJ Bovo, who claims to be a women's issues and abuse expert.

Anti-Yeast Therapy is a blend of Chinese herbal therapy and psychological counseling from "Dr. J".

Marjorie Crandall, Ph.D. has a Yeast Consulting Services which counsels patients on how to prevent yeast infections. She also provides an information packet with physician referral services.

About Yeast Infections is a couple paragraphs on LunaWeb.

A couple doing business as Candida Free are selling ThreeLac and other formulas. Read his story. Has list of people around the country with the products in stock.

A couple (another!) doing business as Candida Support are selling ThreeLac and other formulas. Read an introduction and their story.

AquaVie is selling ThreeLac in Canada.

[Ctrl-Home for Top, or Click Here]Testing

IgG Delayed Food Allergy Testing is a page from Dr. Braly, an author and proponent of ELISA food allergy testing. Also does Candida albicans (Yeast) Testing.

Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory has pages on testing for many Candida related things. See PMS and Candida Syndrome and Skin Disorders and Candida Albicans.

DirectLabs.com has tests for hair, urine, and stool toxic elements, as well as the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (serum), CBC's, amino acids, and much more.

The Professional House Doctors sell Healthy Home Test Kits. Includes a mold and bacteria test kit. Scroll down some.

Sunrise Wholesale Direct has a Hormone Level Test That You Can Do Yourself Using the Saliva Method

AAL Reference Labs has Laboratory Diagnosis of Candida Overgrowth or Candidiasis. Click along the left. Many tests listed.

Biolab Medical Unit is a lab in London that does candida/gut permeability and health risk profile tests. It is a bit scientific but nevertheless interesting.

Meridian Valley Laboratory has a web-site listing their numerous test. They are best known for their ELISA food testing.

Better Health USA has a site discussing food sensitivities. Includes on-line discussion. Uses ELISA IgG and IgA to test for more than a 100 foods.

The U. of Minnesota has a Pathology handbook page. One now has to enter "candida" in the search field. Many tests for yeast and fungus will be returned. [now in archive.org]

Immuno-Mycologics, Inc., The Fungal Diagnostic Specialists, has a page describing their Candida Enzyme ImmunoAssay Test.

[Ctrl-Home for Top, or Click Here]Books

Professor Rochlitz has www.wellatlast.com where he sells a book: "Allergies and Candida." In it learn how 80-90% of "Candida" is really protozoan parasitosis. Learn how parasites and viruses make the body PERMEABLE causing food and chemical allergies and all the subsequent symptoms.

Ray Audette has a web site for his book NeanderThin [now in archive.org]. A description of the book, with a complete bibliography. Has a paleolithic diet that cuts out grains, beans, potatoes, milk and refined sugars. See Amazon.com for the new edition. Also see reviews on the out-of-print edition.

At Amazon.com you can do a search on Candida. Now thousands of books will be found. You can also search on yeast and even more, some extraneous, will be found.

[Ctrl-Home for Top, or Click Here]Mailing Lists/Web Forums

There is a mailing list dedicated to yeast, fungus and candida at Yeast-L.

Nowicki has a Candida web based forum. Plenty of activity. Includes article and archives put up by forum members.

On there is a Candidiasis list. See page for details of what is discussed and also log in and see the list's archives.

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See Link Pages: GFlinks and GFmall and PaleoDiet and Foraging and NoMilk and IBSPageSee Recipe Collections: GFrecipes and PaleoFoodLast updated: 19-Dec-07, 05:55 CST

Hits: 2414924 (count started 13-May-96)

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