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Vinegar....and its many uses...and list of health properties

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Feet and skin: Page 1 Great uses for Vinegar - The Vinegar Book


254 uses for Vinegar. And counting. | Wise Bread


Corn and callus remover - soak a piece of stale bread (a cloth would probably do as well) in vinegar, and tape it over the callus or corn overnight.

Browse the Vinegar Page


The Vinegar Page broken down into catagories

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits...The many Uses and Amazing Health Benefits of ACV.


How does apple cider vinegar help you improve

your health and well-being?

The source of apple cider vinegar health benefits is the apple which has long been known as a nutritional powerhouse. It contains many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, while at the same time having very little fat and sodium.

Apple cider vinegar, made from whole apples and not pasteurized or filtered, will also contain all these nutrients plus the many enzymes and organic acids produced during the two fermentations needed to make the vinegar.

Many experts believe that these extra fermentation products are important elements in apple cider vinegar's health benefits and weight loss properties.

The following list quantifies much of the nutritional bounty found in apples:

1 Medium Apple (138g)

Calories:......... 81 calories

Water:.......... 115.8 grams

Carbohydrates: 21.1 grams

Protein:........... 0.3 gram

Fat:................ 0.5 gram

Dietary Fiber:.... 2.8 grams

Vitamin A:....... 74 International Units

Vitamin C:........ 8 milligrams

Vitamin B1:....... 0.02 milligram

Vitamin B2:....... 0.02 milligram

Vitamin B6:....... 0.07 milligram

Folic acid:........ 4 micrograms

Niacin:............. 0.1 milligram

Pantothenic:..... 0.08 milligram

Sodium:........... 1 milligram

Calcium:......... 10 milligrams

Magnesium:...... 6 milligrams

Zinc:............... 0.05 milligram

Manganese:...... 0.06 milligram

Potassium:..... 159 milligrams

Phosphorus:..... 10 milligrams

Iron:............... 0.25 milligram

Copper:........... 0.06 milligram

From: Food Values of Portions Commonly Used, 15th ed., A.T. Pennington (Harper, New York)

Here, grouped by nutritional category, are some of the apple cider vinegar health benefits we can all make use of:

Organic Acids

Apple cider vinegar contains 5% acetic acid and much smaller amounts of malic acid, lactic acid, and various amino acids. They give apple cider vinegar its antiseptic property, which helps deter the growth of unwanted bacteria and yeasts in the digestive track.By taking a little apple cider vinegar before a meal, you can increase stomach acidity and thereby improve digestion and nutrient uptake.

Dr Jarvis M.D., author of Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health, advocated the use of apple cider vinegar to maintain the acid alkaline balance (pH balance) of the body's urine.

He maintained that the urine shifts from its healthy acidic pH toward alkalinity when you are ill.

Through years of research he found that restoring the urine's pH to the acid region enabled his subjects to either bypass illnesses such as the common cold or to at least get better faster and to reduce the pain or severity of sinus, allergy and asthma attacks.

Vitamins and other antioxidants

Some of the vitamins, amino acids, and bioflavonoids found in apples and apple cider vinegar are antioxidants, which help prevent cancer and protect the body against damage caused by exposure to chemical toxins. How's that for an apple cider vinegar health benefit!


Apples and apple cider vinegar contain pectin, a water soluble fiber which can absorb water, fat, toxins, and cholesterol in the digestive tract and remove them from the body. Pectin also improves glucose metabolism and lowers blood pressure resulting in improved heart health. The insoluble fiber in apples aids digestion and elimination, promotes regularity, and contributes to bowel cleaning. Click here to find out more about dietary fiber and health, your recommended daily intake and a list of other food high in fiber.


As shown in the list of nutrients, apples and apple cider vinegar have a host of easily absorbable minerals, with potassium being by far the most plentiful. Potassium works together with sodium in the control of the body's water balance, conduction of nerve impulses, contraction of muscles, maintenance of a normal heart rhythm, and it is essential for the storage of carbohydrate and its breakdown for energy.

Click here for more information on potassium, your daily requirement, and the amounts in some other foods.

Magnesium, a mineral found in smaller amounts, is a vital catalyst in enzyme activity, involved in the production of energy from food. It assists in the uptake of calcium and potassium and is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth.

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