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Re: Garlic causing fatigue

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Hi ,

Good for you for sticking w/ the Schulze cleanse.

I can't say I've noticed fatigue w/ garlic as my fatigue is always

present. I have read on mercury forums though, that some people have

the same reaction as you to garlic. Garlic has sulfur-containing amino

acids which are great for chelating metals. Maybe what's happening

with you is that the garlic is causing the metals to stir up in your

body which makes you tired. Also, garlic is good for lowering blood

pressure. If your blood pressure is low, like mine, I wonder if the

garlic is causing it to dip even further, making you tired? You can

always wait a couple weeks and try it again and see if you get the same


I know CLynn on this forum was told she was IgG sensitive to it based

on an ELISA food allergy test. I don't know if she had any outward

symptoms though. Patty's the expert on garlic...I think she ate like 12

cloves a day for several months!

Love, PH

--- In , " mersan1998 " <mersan1998@...>



> HI all,

> I'm in the middle of the Dr. Schulze bowel cleanse. I'm planning on

> staying on it until I'm much better, not just the 2 weeks he



> I added 1 raw garlic clove today and had to go to bed right away and

> sleep.


> DId anyone else have this when starting garlic ?




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HI Ph,

I do have low blood pressure so that could be it. I tried another 1

this afternoon and wasn't as tired. I " m always tired too but the

dose this morning made me that much more tired. I'll try again


I sure hope I don't have an allergy as it seems to be beneficial in

so many ways.

> >

> > HI all,

> > I'm in the middle of the Dr. Schulze bowel cleanse. I'm planning


> > staying on it until I'm much better, not just the 2 weeks he

> recommends.

> >

> > I added 1 raw garlic clove today and had to go to bed right away


> > sleep.

> >

> > DId anyone else have this when starting garlic ?

> >

> >

> >


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Some people who have problems with sulphur and sluggish detox pathways

in their liver do terrible with garlic and other sulphur foods. I

would stop taking it if it makes you feel terrible, and use an

alternate anti-fungal, such as oil of oregano.

I'm sorry you felt so bad!



> HI all,

> I'm in the middle of the Dr. Schulze bowel cleanse. I'm planning on

> staying on it until I'm much better, not just the 2 weeks he recommends.


> I added 1 raw garlic clove today and had to go to bed right away and

> sleep.


> DId anyone else have this when starting garlic ?




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