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Bless her heart, I wonder how she is doing

today ? Anyone hear from her ?

Thank you for sharing her story !

WE need more stories on Ilena's site, and

all the other sites. WE need to shout out to the

public just how many there are so ill so that

it can help save many women and children from

the same awful journey....


Dede**************New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out! (http://local.mapquest.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000001)

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Awe, touches my heart and soul ! Thank you Ilena

for sharing that with me. I feel like everyones

stories in their completeness should be shared with

the world, and all should be posted on Ilena's site

as well as the other sites. There are so many of us

that are so ill....and the children, just breaks my heart.

The corruption and deceit played on innocent people

Much Love

Dede**************New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out! (http://local.mapquest.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000001)

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This is an old post; however, it should be read again and again...love to



> From: UBCDan@...

> Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 22:53:56 EDT

> Ilena@...




> 1. To get the medical profession to recognize and treat silicone

> poisoning as a serious condition.


>>>2. To rid myself of silicone and begin detoxification and breast

>>>reconstruction as soon as possible.


>>>3. To begin physical and emotional healing as soon as possible.


>>>4. To receive adequate medical and emotional support throughout this



>>>5. To get the word out about the dangers of silicone to friends,


>>>and others so that they will not experience my hell!




>>>I have been on Social Security Disability since November of 1995 after

>>>suffering a severe nervous breakdown in May of 1995, and eventually


>>>for Psychiatric Treatment through Los Angeles County at Harbor-UCLA


>>>Center, where I am presently under the care of Dr. .


>>>Since this time I have been suffering from a variety of medical


>>>all of which I believe are related to the fluid silicone injections I had


>>>31 years ago. I came to this conclusion after realizing I had been

>>>experiencing many of the same symptoms as Sally Kirkland, who was

>>>recently in

>>>the media while undergoing surgery to remove her silicone implants.

>>>During my

>>>research, I talked with many of her specialists including Dr. Lee Cowden


>>>lead me to conclude that quite possibly, I have been suffering for years


>>>my own body’s autoimmune reaction to these injections.


>>>Psychologically, I meet all of the DSM-IV requirements for a diagnosis of

>>>‘Borderline Personality Disorder’ or even ‘Dissociative Identity Disorder’,

>>>because I was physically and sexually abused by my family as a young


>>>Considering that I did not begin actively pursuing suicide until


>>>after I had these injections, and given what I have learned recently

>>>about the

>>>effects of silicone, and how it can even settle in the brain and create

>>>chemical imbalances, I now believe that it is highly possible that even


>>>psychological behavior can be the direct result of an autoimmune reaction


>>>the silicone. I would sincerely welcome any member of the Medical or

>>>Psychiatric community to come forward and scientifically prove me wrong,


>>>directing me to a more specific differential diagnosis and treatment



>>>In November of 1997 I qualified for Medicare, as a result of my


>>>and immediately assigned my Medicare benefits to the Care America 65+


>>>While it took me some time to find a PCP who was willing to deal with all


>>>my conditions, I eventually landed Dr. Ralph , who has been


>>>supportive of my treatment needs, until recently, when I believe that

>>>CareAmerica told him to ‘wean me’! As a result, he sent me off to my

>>>psychiatrist with the explanation that he would continue to treat me,


>>>I was over-utilizing the health plan, and that more than likely, my


>>>was all psychologically induced!

>>>Considering that Dr. had referred me to several specialists for my


>>>illness which began in early March, I do believe he has tried.





>>>In early March I began having several canker-like lesions in my mouth,

>>>and on

>>>my tongue and gums. One even eroded the skin enough to expose my


>>>Very soon I began having a variety of skin lesions, or sores, which

>>>started on

>>>one leg and rapidly spread all over my body. I was immediately referred

>>>to a

>>>Dermatologist who took a biopsy which came back positive for Toxic


>>>Necrolysis, or TENS Disease. Since I was not experiencing peeling skin,


>>>was further concluded that I may have a mild case of s-


>>>which was further confirmed by a Dr. Saperstein (an SJS expert who I


>>>outside of my health plan because of the critical nature of this



>>>Dr. Tobias, a Rheumatologist, had put me on 180 Mg. of Prednisone per


>>>while he awaited the results of my Lupus tests which came back negative.


>>>the same time I began developing bulging eyes, which an MRI showed was

>>>indicative of Grave’s Disease. Since my thyroid tests came back


>>>nothing has been done to treat this condition. When I developed Chronic

>>>Fatigue, other DR.’s took blood and diagnosed both Entero Virus and


>>>Barr Virus, and suggested that I wait the six months necessary to confirm


>>>diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since I met all of the other



>>>In the meantime I have been experiencing debilitating fatigue, continuous


>>>throat, and unbearably painful muscle and joint pains which continue to


>>>worse. In addition I have experienced several painful breast lumps which


>>>MD believed should be removed. Upon consulting a surgeon, an oncologist,


>>>2 plastic surgeons, all of whom have recommended an immediate bilateral

>>>mastectomy, my HMO has been extremely unresponsive in providing an


>>>plastic surgeon to perform the reconstructive plastic surgery which I


>>>is necessary to maintain my physical appearance and emotional health.


>>>they began dragging their feet, I’ve made two recent suicide attempts


>>>I really can’t deal with this situation any longer!


>>>Following Ms. Kirkland’s media appearance, my husband began researching

>>>silicone breast implants via the internet. Upon reviewing my medical


>>>over the past three years we began to wonder if any or all of my


>>>conditions could be related to a silicone-induced autoimmune condition.

>>>During this time I have suffered and been treated for recurrent

>>>bronchitis and

>>>pneumonia, hiatial hernia, stomach and esophageal ulcers, glossal


>>>neuritis, and chronic wrist, arm, and shoulder problems which a previous


>>>thought might be related to thoracic outlet syndrome. Much like Sally,


>>>current MD has been instructed to inform me that all of these symptoms


>>>conditions are, “All in my head!” Yet none of the HMO’s Specialists, or

>>>PCP’s are willing or capable to pursue the ‘silicone trail’.




>>>On 8/13 I talked to Dr. Suzanne Skinner, a PhD Nutritionist whose office

>>>is in

>>>Torrance CA. Upon visiting her we learned that an herbal and colonic


>>>detoxification would cost us in excess of several hundred dollars per


>>>Considering that my HMO, and all of their resources, have yet to


>>>a silicone-related condition, or provide an appropriate Plastic Surgeon

>>>for my

>>>breast reconstruction following their recommended mastectomy… Care


>>>will only approve one surgeon who wants to insert expandable silicone

>>>containers for the purpose of skin expansion! They won’t detox me but


>>>give me more silicone! I am at a loss as to where to turn.



>>> As early as July 30, 1998 I faxed my HMO requesting written confirmation

>>> that

>>>they would approve breast reconstruction using my own flesh (ie. a flap

>>>procedure) vs another silicone device since I had already begun to

>>>suspect a

>>>silicone problem. They have yet to respond!


>>>Upon calling their customer service department, my husband repeatedly has

>>>requested to speak directly with Dr. Reilly, their Medical

>>>Director, or

>>> Rubino, their apparent ‘acting’

>>>C.O.O. While told they were not available, he has left several requests

>>>for a

>>>return call, and even sent them an E-mail as early as 8/13/98. As of


>>>no one has responded!


>>>Considering that it has been significantly more than a month since I was


>>>informed that I must undergo a prosthetic bilateral mastectomy because

>>>of the

>>>medical community’s inability to adequately test me for breast cancer,


>>>even perform an adequate lumpectomy (because of the silicone), why are


>>>now dragging their feet, when I want to get it over, for both physical


>>>mental health reasons? Considering I have a family history of breast


>>>and several suspicious lumps, why are they causing delays? Due to my

>>>idiopathic chronic fatigue, aches and pains, which I experience

>>>constantly, I

>>>either want to begin down a directed path towards a medically managed


>>>(treatment plan), or I want to go to sleep, and never wake up! I cannot

>>>continue to live like this!


>>>In my 8/13 correspondence to Dr. Reilly and Ms. Rubino, I recommended


>>>they put me under the treatment of their own psychiatrist so that he can

>>>perform the requisite testing to either confirm or deny a


>>>syndrome. At the same time this would provide the benefit of having a


>>>focal point (ie. my health plan), from which to coordinate my medical

>>>treatment. This would immediately eliminate any ‘finger-pointing’ and


>>>in providing me with appropriate treatment. They have yet to respond!




>>>The medical community has taken a " see – no – evil " ’ stance because of


>>>current XXX debacle. As a result, they refuse to accept or even

>>>acknowledge current scientific knowledge regarding silicone and


>>>In fact they continue to provide breast augmentation using saline-filled

>>>silicone containers. Unfortunately this " do – no – evil’ " attitude is

>>>adversely affecting hundreds of thousands, to millions, of women who are

>>>forced to suffer the real pains inflicted by medical providers and


>>>Given the medical community’s inability and unwillingness to address


>>>issues, it’s highly possible that all of the current litigation is



>>>All suggestions are welcomed.




>>>Barbara o-Buck








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Honey, I do not have this ladies whole story, but our Ilena might have it....love you.....Lea



Bless her heart, I wonder how she is doing today ? Anyone hear from her ? Thank you for sharing her story ! WE need more stories on Ilena's site, andall the other sites. WE need to shout out to thepublic just how many there are so ill so thatit can help save many women and children fromthe same awful journey....hugsDede**************New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out!(http://local.mapquest.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000001)

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I became good friends with Barbara & Dan Buck ... they first visited

me in Los Angeles at one of the Health Fairs the Humantics Foundation

hosted ... I loved her immediately upon looking into her eyes.

Barbara passed away in February 1999 ... just around a week before my

own mother ... in fact, I went to 4 funerals in one month ... another

being my Aunt Betty who suffered from scleroderma.

Here is a note from Dan we received after her passing:

Newsgroups: alt.support.breast-implant

From: (Ilena Rose)

Date: 1999/02/16

Subject: God called on a very special person today ~ Loss of Barbara Buck

UBCDan@... wrote:

I am so sorry to report that my loving, dearest Barbara passed away in

her sleep sometime this early morning.

We were truly sole mates! She turned 54 on Wednesday, I turned 52 on

Sunday, and yesterday was our third anniversary. She took ill

Saturday evening with what seemed to be the flu, and wanted to wait

until today to see her regular Doctor about her latest symptoms.

She is, was, and will ever be in my mind as one of the kindest, loving,

sincere, honest and caring people who have ever inhabited this earth.

Please say a special prayer for her. She cared about all of you so much!

Dan & Barb

Any ideas, suggestions, etc on what I should have the medical examiner



In lieu of flowers, your favorite charity please.

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Thank you Sweetheart, I did not have the whole story on this special lady. Bless her heart, it sounds like she suffered very much. This must stop, because so many more women will have to go through what she went through.

There is another program that we saw last night, it is Called Dr. 90210 or something like that. It was all about plastic rats, implanting women with big implants, they seemed to be movie stars and beautiful people....just like us. We were both angry.

We love you Ilena...stay close always....Lea and


God called on a very special person today ~ Loss of Barbara BuckUBCDan@... wrote:I am so sorry to report that my loving, dearest Barbara passed away inher sleep sometime this early morning.We were truly sole mates! She turned 54 on Wednesday, I turned 52 onSunday, and yesterday was our third anniversary. She took illSaturday evening with what seemed to be the flu, and wanted to waituntil today to see her regular Doctor about her latest symptoms.She is, was, and will ever be in my mind as one of the kindest, loving,sincere, honest and caring people who have ever inhabited this earth.Please say a special prayer for her. She cared about all of you so much!Dan & BarbAny ideas, suggestions, etc on what I should have the medical examinerlookfor?In lieu of flowers, your favorite charity please.

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