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Re: cholestyramine (CSM)

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It's nice to hear from you again, and yet I'm sorry to hear that you

are still suffering with no apparent improvement. Let me encourage

you though...it was over 18 months before I felt better, and 4 years

total before I could feel healed. You are still within the time frame

of healing.

I can put you in touch with someone who has been to Ritchie Shoemaker

and did the CSM. I think she will better be able to direct you on this


I myself did not ever use it, and I believe the source of our troubles

lie more with hormones than with molds. That is just my opinion and I

am not medically qualified, but in doing the research on the effects

of our hormones when they are not up to snuff, it appears that this

would be a viable area of treatment.

In fact, I've been in touch with others who have had some successes in

treating with hormones. This would include the adrenal, thyroid and

sex hormones. They need to be bio-identical in nature.

I will forward your letter on to Beth, and perhaps she can correspond

with you about the CSM.

God bless!



> Has anyone had success using cholestyramine (CSM) to bind toxins? I

> just had an appointment with Dr Ritchie Shoemaker and he's diagnosed me

> positive for biotoxin mediated illness. He took a lot of blood for

> testing, which I'll have those results in several weeks. He's positive

> that CSM will alleviate my chronic health problems.


> Dr Blaise, which determined that my saline Mentor implants were

> defective and leaked into my body, isn't confident that CSM treatment

> will be successful. He says the difference is because the implants were

> inside me, instead of someone just breathing in mold, etc.


> I had my implants for 4 1/2 years and was sick for 4yrs. Dr Kolb did my

> explant surgery last January and my heath has not improved at all.


> Please let me know what your results have been with CSM. I'd appreciate

> any advice.


> Thanks,

> Hailey


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What did you find out?

Beth told me she contacted you...hopefully you found some answers that

were helpful in your quest. Are you going to go through with the CSM?

It's a drug, of course, and I'm curious as to why Dr. Shoemaker thinks

that this helps with biotoxins...it looks like it deals with bile and

cholesterol mostly. I guess if he is healing people with it, then

it's worth the effort. I wonder if he's had success, and what kind of


Wishing you health...let me know how things work out for you.



> Has anyone had success using cholestyramine (CSM) to bind toxins? I

> just had an appointment with Dr Ritchie Shoemaker and he's diagnosed me

> positive for biotoxin mediated illness. He took a lot of blood for

> testing, which I'll have those results in several weeks. He's positive

> that CSM will alleviate my chronic health problems.


> Dr Blaise, which determined that my saline Mentor implants were

> defective and leaked into my body, isn't confident that CSM treatment

> will be successful. He says the difference is because the implants were

> inside me, instead of someone just breathing in mold, etc.


> I had my implants for 4 1/2 years and was sick for 4yrs. Dr Kolb did my

> explant surgery last January and my heath has not improved at all.


> Please let me know what your results have been with CSM. I'd appreciate

> any advice.


> Thanks,

> Hailey


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Thanks Hailey,

I received your letter. I'd love to share your comments with the

group for the benefit of other ladies who may be considering this type

of treatment.

I'm glad you and Beth got connected and you got some info....sounds

like you are showing some promise with the use of it...relief is

always welcome when you are suffering.

I'm hoping it contributes to long term recovery for you...keep me

informed! Thanks Hailey!


> >

> > Has anyone had success using cholestyramine (CSM) to bind toxins? I

> > just had an appointment with Dr Ritchie Shoemaker and he's

diagnosed me

> > positive for biotoxin mediated illness. He took a lot of blood for

> > testing, which I'll have those results in several weeks. He's


> > that CSM will alleviate my chronic health problems.

> >

> > Dr Blaise, which determined that my saline Mentor implants were

> > defective and leaked into my body, isn't confident that CSM treatment

> > will be successful. He says the difference is because the implants


> > inside me, instead of someone just breathing in mold, etc.

> >

> > I had my implants for 4 1/2 years and was sick for 4yrs. Dr Kolb

did my

> > explant surgery last January and my heath has not improved at all.

> >

> > Please let me know what your results have been with CSM. I'd


> > any advice.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Hailey

> >


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