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The Light Worker's Manifesto: a Primer for Coming Times, Part 9 By DL Zeta

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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for

Coming Times, Part 9

We have given you 12 points of light for

lightworkers, which you will find listed once again at the end of this

discussion. The eighth point of light we describe today asks you to discover,

align with and allow your spiritual purpose to become the guiding light for

your life. From this place of aligning with your spiritual purpose, everything

you seek to create arrives in physical reality easily and effortlessly, and

your light becomes a great beacon for others who are making their way along the


Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Be Your Guiding


When it is time to make decisions, each person

looks at certain touchstones. These

touchstones might go like this: in what way will the choices at hand help me to

become wealthier, healthier and more loved?

Will the choices make me happier?

Will they make the people around me happy?

How often does your decision-making process take

into account your spiritual purpose? For

many, only the seemingly more pressing issues of physical existence enter into

decision-making. As long as fulfilling

your spiritual purpose is not the primary criteria in making decisions for your

life, you will perpetually find yourself in a survival mode that derives from

underlying issues of scarcity and lack.

We will explain why this is and how you can transform the energy in your

life from scarcity and need to the abundance of spirit that is able to harness

the resources and wealth of the universe to carry out your purpose here.

Discovering the Subtext Behind Your Life Choices

The first part of this transformation is learning

to listen to your self so you become aware of those moments when you are

engaging with life from a purely physical perspective. This not only involves listening to what you

say but listening to your thoughts and the motivations and intentions behind


For instance, when you say the important decisions

in your life must be based on purely material issues, you are saying several

things. First, you are saying you don't

trust the universe to bring what you need to create what you truly desire. Your spiritual purpose is intricately linked

with your deepest desires. Second, you are

saying you don't deserve for the universe to assist you in fulfilling your

spiritual purpose. (If you believed you

deserve it, you would be asking for it).

Third, you are saying that the most you can ever

hope to do on this planet is merely exist in physical reality and survive. A life spent merely surviving without hope of

realizing one's dreams is a life spent in both spiritual and material

poverty. Fourth, you are denying the

greatness and magnificence of your being, which we discussed last week in our

discussion on resistance. When you

resist who you truly are, stagnation sets in.

Beneath everything you say, everything you think,

everything you do, lie statements about how you perceive your self and your

reality. These underlying statements are

a continuous subtext playing in the background of your life. These

undercurrents play a major role in determining the realities you experience.

As you learn to listen to this subtext operating

behind everything you say and do, you become aware of the real choices before

you. If you find your self choosing

between seemingly lower paying opportunities more aligned with your heartfelt

desires and opportunities that are less aligned with your heartfelt desires,

consult the heavens to find your brightest star. If following a lower paying course is more

aligned with your spiritual purpose, this means in order to accept it, you must

be willing to step into a place of complete trust that the universe will

provide you with all at you need in order to fulfill your spiritual purpose.

Your Life Purpose Determines Your True Needs

Many of you have issues of trust that date back to

childhood. Delve deeply into your

soul. What is it you truly desire? What is at you truly need? If you choose the path of your heart, you may

or may not own a closet with 300 pairs of shoes. As you fill your life with your purpose, you

may decide you no longer need 300 pairs of shoes. If you choose to pursue a course not aligned

with your purpose, you may find you have 300 pairs of shoes but an empty

feeling still begging for more to fill the void that is your life.

If you have not yet discovered your life purpose,

make this a priority now. Get in touch

with your spiritual purpose and make this the burning passion in your

life. Then whenever you find your self

in a place of making decisions, weigh each option in terms of how it will help

you to further your life purpose.

Discovering your Spiritual Purpose

There are many different ways of discovering your life

purpose. The best way is to ask your

spiritual guidance to bring you images that reveal the essence of your purpose. This will in essence be something you immediately

recognize and remember, though it may have previously seemed beyond the reach

of your conscious mind.

As a child, you arrived on Earth fresh from life-planning

sessions with angels and guides. Early

on, you were attuned to your purpose for this lifetime. In the course of learning to navigate

physical existence, you likely forgot your purpose from a conscious perspective,

but a part of your self never forgot.


the course of spiritual awakening, most people become aware of the many aspects

of themselves that exist and begin to harmonize and unite with them. As they reunite with these unknown and seemingly

"lost" aspects of themselves, they reunite with the part of

themselves that remembers the purpose for their life.

There are numerous ways to discover your spiritual purpose. We will list some

of these here. They include: 1) opening to and meditating upon the images that

come into your mind during moments of stillness and silence; 2) becoming an

anthropologist of your own past within this lifetime to gain insight into your

purpose; and 3) seeking visions from your guides and journeying into the

Akashic Records to view the planning session for your current life. (A more in-depth

look at each of these can be found in the discussion titled "Entering the

Portal of Spiritual Purpose.")

It is well worth the effort to discover the

spiritual purpose for your life. Once

you know your purpose, you will see there are many options and possibilities

that can be applied to the essence of your purpose. In other words, you are not locked into one

certain thing. Rather, you are free to

choose from an infinite number of possibilities that exist along an energetic

spectrum that holds the greatest resonance to the desires of your heart. When you connect with this essence, it will

not be a matter of disciplining yourself to it; it will only be a matter of

allowing yourself to align with your greatest passion. It is following your passion that brings you

the greatest joy and bliss you will ever experience. As your spiritual purpose becomes your

guiding star, you automatically "see" how each choice that comes

before you is or isn't aligned with this purpose. Your heart will jump for joy when you come into

proximity with this brightest of all stars � your spiritual purpose.

Next week we will discuss the ninth point

of light, Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self.

The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour) Practice Kindness and Compassion

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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