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Independence: What Do I Like About This?

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"ann_catherine0602@..." <ann_catherine0602@...> wrote: Spiritual_Self_Healing <Spiritual_Self_Healing >From: "ann_catherine0602@..." <ann_catherine0602@...>Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 18:13:39 -0800 (PST)Subject: [spiritual_Self_Healing] Independence: What Do I Like About This? To Read The Entire Newsletter, Click HereAs you live your life, aware of your environment and all of

itscontrasting components, a natural process of clarifying your personalpreferences occurs. Sometimes these preferences are so fully consciousthat you speak of them in terms of your desires, and sometimes theyare more subtle and no words are spoken, for these preferences happenat many levels of your Being. Even the cells of your body are pointsof Consciousness "who" are experiencing contrast and clarifying theirpreferences. In fact, everything around you: your animals, your trees even your rocks, dirt, and dust are actually pulsing, livingConsciousnesses who are experiencing contrast and who havepreferences. And these living, pulsing preferences have summoningpower.And so, it is the contrast or the diversity that that helps you toformulate your decision. And often the strongest decisions come outof the worst situations. It's those unbearable or deplorable thingsthat often give the rocket of desire the

greatest thrust. But whatgoes wrong with so many people is, once the desire is born, then theykeep looking back and trying to justify the desire by pointing out howbad things are--and when they look back, they just include thatvibration, which makes them a muted, clutter filter. They are not avortex that is doing any summoning toward what they want. If you leta negative situation build that rocket of desire within you, and youfocus upon the way you want it to be. And then you imagine that. Youdream that. You amplify that. You look for evidence of that. You talkabout that. You script that. You find the feeling place of that. Youhold yourself in that vibration and you create that. You open thevortex, single-handedly, that hundreds of thousands, millions, thenbenefit from, because of your attention to the subject. Most of youdo not believe that you have that kind of power of focus.Law of Attraction says, That which

is like unto itself is drawn.Vibrations are always matched. So, as you experience the contrastwhich inspires the new desire, this new desire, whether it is astrong one or a soft one, is summoning unto itself proportionately.And as it summons, it is always answered. It is the basis of ourUniverse: When it is asked, it is always given Humans think they areasking with their words, or even with their action, and sometimes youare, but the Universe is not responding to your words or your action.The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling.~ Abraham-HicksHow Can We Raise Our Vibrational Calling To Attract What We Want?Begin relaxing, begin meditating more, begin appreciating more,begin looking for more positive aspects, begin trusting yourselfmore, begin looking for things that feel good. Work to bring yourselfback into balance... And here is the key: As long as you're lettingYOUR JOY BE YOUR GUIDING

LIGHT, then you can always stay in balance."~ Abraham-HicksOne way to do this whenever we see a contrasting situation, is byplaying the What do I like about this? game:What Do I Like About This?~ by Connee ChandlerA man invented the game while in his car and stuck in traffic. Hesaid it was very easy to notice what he didn`t like about that. So hedeterminedly decided to notice what he did like about it.* That his car was reliable and comfortable and his air conditioningwas great even though it was warm outside.* That his car phone gave him access to the outside world.* That he had an off button on his car phone that allowed him to shutout the outside world!* That there was a very pretty girl in the next car, and hed beenbeside her for a long time. He really liked that!My experience with "What do I like about this?" is to incorporate itin any part of my day, whether I was actively

liking the day, or not.Just the activity of basking in my appreciation of what is going on,enhances my awareness and makes me more mindful of how good my lifeis and how much I love so much of what is in my experience.* In the grocery store, I can like the abundance of healthful,inexpensive, beautifully prepared and presented food.* I can like the cheerful staff, and compliment them on how much Ilike to shop there.* I can appreciate the cleanliness of the store, and how they carrymy favorite brands.* I can like that I have the money to put one of these and one ofthose and several of these in my basket. * I can notice my basket ismoving gracefully about the store before me, making it simple for meto carry all the wonderful food I am wanting to buy.* I can like that I have a reliable car to get me to and from thestore, and that the store provides nice men to bag my groceries andput them in my trunk.In

every moment there is at least that much, and probably much more,to like, if we look for what we like about this. And of course, Lawof Attraction gives us more of what we like to notice, just as soonas we put our focus there!For more Appreciation Games seehttp://www.whatanicewebsite.com/Connee/Appreciation.htmThis game works wonders for raising your vibration - especially whenthings arent going well.Why would it help to raise your vibration when things aren't goingwell? To Learn More, Click Here*****Forward this Newsletter to a Friend, use http://awordtothewise.info/lists/?p=forward & uid=c454da30724e09a49c32130d7b9c51c7 & mid=382To update your preferences or to unsubscribe visit http://awordtothewise.info/lists/?p=preferences & uid=c454da30724e09a49c32130d7b9c51c7--Powered by PHPlist,

www.phplist.com -- Cheryl ~ 2008 ~

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