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Hi Kathy,

It may be...depending on how sick you are and what you want to find out.

If you have no clue as to go about treating your illness, you can have

your capsules tested and cultured, and the inner fluid of your saline

implants cultured to see what organisms may be growing there. You will

be able to find out if you might have a bacterial infection or a fungal

infection, or both to deal with in your healing.

Here is a lab that does testing on implants:


Some women forego testing altogether due to cost, and just detox to get

better. It all depends on how much information you would like to have

and how much money you are willing to pay for that information, as well

as the kind of relationship you have with your doctor. If they want to

work with you and help you get better, it's good info to have.



> Is it wise to have my explant doctor send the implants and


> tissue to be tested?


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