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Other Far-out ideas

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Carmela, first of all thank you for the birthday wishes. I had a great day

and my family was here. Couldn't ask for a better day.

I think maybe you are right about the genetics of RP. Isn't Dr. Buckner

doing trials on that? I'm not sure. It might be something to ask her about.

I know how you feel about weight. Tonight when I opened my presents, I

couldn't believe the size of the clothes I was holding in front of me........

and they fit. Not funny at all!!!

All of this can be depressing, but I have high hopes that things are going to

get better for us all.

Please dont feel out of the loop. You need to start posting more, or Heidi,

or Glenda will come and get you. You don't want that. Hey.....

maybe I just need a vacation to Canada:))) Sounds good to me.. What fun we

could have...

It is so great to hear that you are down so far on the pred.. Now THAT is

exciting news.. You've done a great job. Just think how far you've come.

Wish I could get there. I'm still working on it. Liz is way down there

too, and Don. This is great.

Please start posting more. I love your posts. Take care and keep up the

good work.


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Hi everyone

In a recent health segment of our local news broadcast they mentioned ppl

who are carriers of cystic fibrosis by having one mutant gene of the disease

may develop other multiple diseases (not necessarily cystic fibrosis) for

example, rheumatoid arthritis or asthma etc... and possibly also RP. So if

this is true of cystic fibrosis it may be so for any other disease such as

MS, muscular dystrophy or whatever. So perhaps we should look into our

'genes' for the answer... a geneticist may be able to help us by checking

our DNA and see if any RP'ers are carriers of some other disease, even

though we may never develop it, but may manifest itself in other ways...

does this make any sense?? I'm feeling out of the loop lately!!

luv ya anyway

Carmela :o)


>Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 17:55:34 -0700


>Subject: Far-out ideas


>Hi Fellow RPers- Ok here's my latest theory- What if RP is a disease for

>people who deal with emotional stress in the same manner? Before you think

>I'm completely nuts listen...

> I have always ben a shy person who holds back in life- I hold back

>emotioal responses, especially anger. What if, over time, hostile emotional

>energy builds up in the areas of nose, throat... etc. PLaces we hold our

>negative emotions rather than releasing them. Eventually, those areas

>become so saturated with negative energy that the immune system tries to

>get rid of the bad things?

> Think about this- the expression " being hard-nosed. " It means taking a

>stand against adversity, right? Well, aren't we all becoming

> " soft-nosed? " Maybe we are attacking ourselves instead of attacking an

>outside advasary.

> I know this sounds crazy, but , as I've always said, I think we need to

>throw out all ideas to the group.

> Now all I have to do is figure out what the hell to do with the ideas.

> Let me know if antbody comes up with anything.

> More later- Mike E.




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