Guest guest Posted January 29, 2011 Report Share Posted January 29, 2011 1.%% M Long-term Effect of Metformin on Blood Glucose Control in Non-obese Patients with T2DM 12/29/10; Nutr Metab. 2010;7 [213 pts] Results: The course of HbA1c was similar between the non-obese and the obese groups, while the dose of metformin required to control blood glucose was significantly lower in the non-obese group than in the obese group. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated the long-term beneficial effect of metformin in non-obese DM pts. [395pts on metformin] 2.%% M Remission of T2 after Gastric Bypass and Banding: Mechanisms and 2 Year Outcomes Summary : Glycemic control in T2 is improved after bariatric surgery. [1,340 pts] Remission of DM was defined as patients not requiring hypoglycemic medication, fasting glucose below 7 mmol/L, 2 hour glucose after oral glucose tolerance test below 11.1 mmol/L, and HbA1c <6%. 3.%% JH Diabetes Diet Myths DM Myth 1: " Artificial sweeteners are bad for you. " In general, artificial sweeteners can satisfy a sweet tooth without raising your blood glucose or causing weight gain. But many people fear that .. aciculae potassium (Sunset), aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal), saccharin(Sweet'N Low), or sucralose (Splenda) are unsafe based on claims of worrisome ill effects. there were concerns about some artificial sweeteners -- namely saccharin because it caused bladder cancer in lab rats and aspartame owing to a possible link to adverse neurological effects in people. However, research has shown no health dangers when these sweeteners -- all approved by FDA -- are consumed in moderate amounts. Myth 2: " High-protein diets are best for people with T2 One study found that adopting a high-protein diet comprising 30% of total calories for 5wks lowered hemoglobin A1c levels by 0.8%. Other research has found that eating more protein helps promote weight loss and control blood glucose following meals. . most of the studies were small and short term. That means we don't know whether these findings will be repeated in larger groups or whether it's possible to sustain a high- protein diet and maintain the benefits on blood glucose over the long term. Thus, most people with diabetes should consume the same portion of dietary protein as you would find in a typical American diet, 15 -20% of total calories. For individuals with kidney disease, avoiding a high-protein diet is particularly important to reduce stress on the kidneys. 4.%% Nat Med 17, 2011 .. The protein hormone adiponectin promotes insulin sensitivity, decreases inflammation and promotes cell survival. No unifying mechanism has yet explained how adiponectin can exert such a variety of beneficial systemic effects. Here, we show that [it] potently stimulates ceramidase activity and formation of sphingosine lipid [ regulates cell growth] [this] activity is impaired in cells lacking adiponectin receptor isoforms, leading to enhanced susceptibility to cell death. .. our observations suggest a unifying mechanism of action for the beneficial systemic effects exerted by adiponectin, with sphingolipid metabolism as its core signaling component...W.Holland et al; 5.%% M Deadly Combination of Depression and Diabetes Doubles Mortality Risk 1/7/11 Women who have DM and depression have a significantly higher risk for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD). [cohort study; 78,000 women + 54 yr] When considering only deaths from CVD, women with diabetes had a 67% increased mortality risk, women with depression had a 37% increased risk, and women with both had more than 2.7 times the increased risk. " Our findings suggest that these 2 conditions of depression and DM, which often go hand in hand, create a vicious cycle or what I call 'a double whammy' in terms of health outcomes, " a team member said. Symptoms of depression affect between 20 -25% of pts with DM which is " nearly twice as many " as individuals without diabetes. " It is generally suggested that depression is associated with poor glycemic control, an increased risk of diabetes complications, poor adherence to DM management by patients, & isolation from the social network, " Depression was determined by self-report, antidepressant use, or a score of 52 or less on the 5-item Mental Health Index Exclusion criteria included a history of gestational, type 1, or secondary diabetes. The study was funded by grants from the NIH and Nat Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression. 6.%% Diabetes/Cardiovascular Risk with Prostate Cancer Drugs FDA Patient Safety News: Jan 2011 The labeling for Gonadotropin- Releasing Hormone (GnRH) agonists is being updated to describe an increased risk of diabetes and certain CV diseases in patients being treated for prostate cancer. GnRH agonists are sold under a variety of brand names, including Lupron, Zoladex, Trelstar, and Eligard. FDA is requiring that the manufacturers add this safety information to product labels based on the Agency's review of several published studies. Most of these reported small, but statistically significant increased risks of DM and/or CV events in patients receiving these drugs. .Pts being treated with these drugs should have their blood glucose and/or glycosylated hemoglobin monitored periodically. Healthcare professionals should also monitor pts for signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease and manage them accordingly. 7.%% M Using ACCORD to Target HbA1c: Think Ages and Stages Expert Interview With F. Ismail-Beigi, MD, PhD, Case Western Reserve U. Principle Investigator (ACCORD) trial. ACCORD, sponsored by Nat Heart, Lung & Blood Institute was set up to test efficacy of 3 medical treatment strategies (blood glucose lowering, BP lowering, & lipid altering) in reducing cardiovascular events in middle-aged & older people with T2 plus (CVD) or additional CV risk factors.[ 5128 pts randomized to intensive glycemia Rx group & 5123 to standard Rx. Intensive Rx was stopped in Feb 2008 because of 27% per year increase in mortality seen in that group. ..In Lancet the authors noted that the microvascular benefits of intensive therapy should be weighed against the observed risks: increase in total and CVD-related mortality, increased weight gain, & increased risk for severe hypoglycemia. They advised caution in pursuing a strategy of intensive glycemic control for prevention of microvascular complications in DM pts similar to those in the ACCORD trial. " An HbA1c target of = 6.0% with present strategies seems imprudent, " [summary by Dr.Is-Beigi ] . I think that an A1C of < 7% or < 6.5% may make a lot of sense in a younger individual who is going to live 40 years, hopefully. If you and they do not manage their disease, they might be on dialysis & may become blind and have amputations over the decades if not properly controlled. But in someone who is 69 yrs old and has other diseases, DM is a problem, but it is not their preeminent problem. That is what I mean by individualization.. The global message is that in relatively advanced disease and older age, you have to have different goals. 1 goal for everyone does not work anymore.. Should the guidelines be changed? that is what healthcare providers want to know. It is interpretation of all this information that is needed..we need to have discussion and hopefully reach a consensus. 8.%% MTD Lucentis (Ranibizumab) Launched For Vision Loss Due To Diabetic Macular Oedema, 1/11/11 Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd announced that Lucentis® has launched in the UK for the treatment of visual impairment due to diabetes, specifically diabetic macular oedema (DMO).[DME as spelled in US] This offers fresh hope for people with this serious and common complication of DM. Until now, laser treatment has been the current standard treatment but has not been shown to improve vision. Ranibizumab not only offers stabilisation of vision loss but can also lead to significant improvements in vision. Approval for this new indication for ranibizumab was based on data from two pivotal randomised Phase III trials, which demonstrated ranibizumab provided rapid, superior and sustained vision gains compared to the current standard of treatment. [ RESTORE Phase III study (354 eyes), show that ranibizumab is significantly more effective at treating visual impairment due to DMO, compared to laser treatment. The safety profile of ranibizumab in RESTORE is consistent with that previously observed in large controlled clinical trials for (wet AMD), with no new safety risks observed. DMO affects 5-10% of people with diabetes, and in many it will cause visual impairment. If DMO is left untreated, there is a 25-30% risk of developing clinically significant macular oedema, leading to vision loss.. (DMO) is a consequence of diabetic retinopathy, the most common diabetic eye complication, and is characterised by changes in the blood vessels of the retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye. Leakage from these abnormal blood vessels occurs in the central portion of the retina, called the macula. Because this part of the eye is responsible for sharp central vision, DMO can lead to significant visual impairment. 9.%%PubMed Cur Opin Oph 2010 Jan;21(1):Cataract surgery and diabetes. Recent studies have focused on interventions to minimize progression of retinal disease in DM patients undergoing cataract Surgery. [CS] Recent Findings: Perioperative intravitreal [avastin], sub-Tenon's triamcinolone, & panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) after CS (instead of before) have been examined as ways to improve CS results in DM patients. The [avastin] & triamcinolone results are promising, but the inclusion criteria are variable, the sample sizes are small, & follow-up is short. Postsurgery PRP shows improved CS results in diabetics with more severe retinopathy up to 1 year after surgery. Summary: Recent studies do not support the generalized conclusion that phacoemulsification surgery causes progression of retinopathy and macular edema in all DM patients. In certain populations of DM patients undergoing CS, peri-op triamcinolone and bevacizumab may blunt the progression of diabetic macular edema and DM retinopathy. The optimal timing of PRP in relation to cataract surgery in patients with more severe retinopathy warrants further evaluation. 10.%% ADA Prof. Insulin resistance may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in T1. 1/14/11 The CACTI (Coronary Artery Calcification in T1DM) study assessed the role of insulin action on peripheral glucose utilization and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) suppression in predicting coronary artery calcification (CAC) in T1... results suggest that insulin resistance may contribute towards increasing the risk of CVD both in T1 & in subjects without diabetes. 11.%% ADA Prof: Enterovirus 'Linked to DM' 1/13/11 Enterovirus infection may increase the risk of developing T1 from islet auto-immunity, a study suggests. [2365 children who were genetically predisposed to DM] According to the findings, detection of enteroviral RNA in serum, but not rectal swabs, was associated with a 7 fold increased risk for progressing from islet autoimmunity to T1. The team noted " enterovirus infection may be just one of many factors that can accelerate progression to DM, e.g., through non-specific activation of autoreactive T-cells. " 12.%% ADA Prof: New data on the role of plasma SHBG levels in inverse association between coffee consumption and risk of T2 1/13/11 A case-control study assessed the role played by sex hormones & sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) plasma levels in the inverse correlation observed between coffee consumption and risk of T2 in postmenopausal women. [359 subjects;359 controls; 10yr fup]. A positive correlation was found between caffeinated coffee intake and SHBG plasma levels, but not with sex hormones levels. No association was observed between SHBG or sex hormones & tea or decaffeinated coffee. The authors concluded that SHBG may account for the inverse association between coffee consumption and risk of T2 in postmenopausal women . 13.%% Am J Ophth 151;2 Feb 2011 Association of Pathomorphology,[structure] Photoreceptor [rods and cones] Status, & Retinal Thickness With Visual Acuity in Diabetic Retinopathy [125 eyes with DR] Conclusions: The [structure] and [rod and cone] status at the fovea [center of macula] and retinal edema [around the macula] are correlated with the VA in diab retinopathy. content on this site intended for health professionals. 14.%% M Protection Against or Triggering of T1 - Different roles for viral infections 1/10/11; Key Issues - T1 is the unfortunate consequence of a genetic predisposition & 1 or more environmental triggers, such as viral infection. Although a firm assoc between T1 & viral infections could not be established in humans, there is a huge body of evidence that heavily supports the existence of this association. Studies in rodent models of T1 clearly show the opposing abilities of viruses to both trigger DM onset but also prevent disease under certain circumstances. Epidemiological studies in humans link the presence of enteroviruses, especially coxsackie viruses, to the occurrence of T1 suggesting that a protective vaccine could positively influence disease incidence. The rise in T1 in developed countries may be a direct consequence of the hygienic living conditions resulting in a reduced exposure to various microbial agents, including viruses. .. In potentially protective viruses. .Efforts to better understand what environmental influences protect from or promote disease .. may pave new paths towards preventive interventions for those at risk. 15.%% JH 1/21/11 The 3 Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy [DR] Around 21 mil Americans have DM, a condition characterized by abnormally high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. There are two forms - In people with T1 mild abnormalities in the retina begin to appear an average of 7 yrs after the diabetes begins, but damage that threatens vision usually does not develop until much later. In people with T2 retinopathy may be present at the time of diagnosis or relatively soon afterward. This is because the onset of T2 is gradual, and changes in the retina may have already taken place before the DM is even diagnosed. Here are the three progressive stages of DR]: Microaneurysms -- In the early - nonproliferative, stages of DR blood vessels in the retina develop weak spots that bulge outward (micro-aneurysms) and may leak fluid and blood into surrounding retinal tissue. These initial abnormalities usually cause no visual symptoms, and in many people the disease progresses no further. However, microaneurysms can lead to macular edema . Macular Edema -- Swelling around the macula caused by the leakage & accumulation of fluid can occur in people with DM. The swelling alters the position of the retina and causes blurred vision. Loss of vision is more pronounced when the center of the macula is affected. Proliferative Retinopathy -- This is the most dangerous form of DR, characterized by neovascularization -- the growth of new blood vessels onto the back surface of the vitreous humor. Acute loss of vision can occur when new blood vessels rupture and bleed into the vitreous humor or when these blood vessels lead to traction on the retina, causing it to detach from the back of the eye (retinal detachment). Experts don't yet know exactly how high blood glucose levels cause DR. One possibility involves a protein known as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which promotes the growth of new blood vessels in the eye and is secreted into the eye in response to damage caused by DM. Studies also suggest that elevated levels of cholesterol & triglycerides as well as high BP can increase the risk of diabetic retinopathy. These conditions are more common in people with DM than in the general population. Vision Jan 21,2011 16.%% MTD Why Do Some Diabetics Escape Complications? 1/22/11 Much research has been carried out on why diabetics develop complications. Now researchers want to know why some DM patients do not develop complications. " The majority of diabetics will over time develop severe or fatal complications, but 10-15% never do. They are the ones we are interested in in the PROLONG study " , explains the co-leader. Stiff sugary arteries: Despite decades of intensive research on DM complications, the fundamental mechanisms are not fully known. Neither is it possible to prevent or treat the damage to the blood vessels that affects the majority of diabetics. The risk of dying from CV disease is 2-3 times higher for diabetics than for non- diabetics. The small blood vessels are also damaged. After only 10 yr with DM, 70 % of patients will have some form of kidney damage - As many suffer from eye complications some will develop severe visual impairment and 2 % will become blind. " The blood vessels and other organs of the body become sugar coated and stiff. It is reminiscent of premature biological ageing " [12,000 people;had DM 30+ yrs; of these, 1,600 have had it for 50+ years. " About half of these DM veterans do not have major complications. Two thirds of those who have had DM for more than 50 years have escaped complications. Clearly they are different - we want to find out what it is that protects them. " The PROLONG study is starting now with a pilot study of patients with DM duration of more than 30 years.. Copying nature's protective mechanisms: subjects will answer questions about their lifestyle & about diseases they, or their closest relatives, may have. blood samples, including genetic tests, will be analysed, and close relatives of the participants will also be invited to take part in the study. " If we can identify factors protecting these veterans from devastating complications, then it might be possible to develop drugs that can do the same thing " .. 17.%% M The Pathway from Diabetes and Obesity to Cancer, on the Route to Targeted Therapy 1/16/11 Conclusions: Insulin, insulinlike growth factor 1, and insulinlike growth factor 2 signaling through the insulin receptor and the insulinlike growth factor 1 receptor can induce tumorigenesis [development of tumors], accounting to some extent for the link between DM, obesity, & cancer. Knowledge of these pathways has enhanced our understanding of tumor development and allowed for the discovery of novel cancer treatments. 18.%% M Not All Insulin Analog Regimens the Same for Type 2 Diabetes: Meta-Analysis 1/17/11 (Reuters Health) - Some insulin analog regimens will help up to two-thirds of T2 diabetics maintain hemoglobin A1C below 7% -- but others will only help fewer..analysis of 16 randomized controlled trials found that basal insulin analogs get fewer patients to reach their A1C targets than prandial or biphasic insulin analogs; on the other hand, basal insulin is associated with less hypoglycemia and weight gain than biphasic insulin. But what's best for a given individual? " Of course, this question is paramount, but the answer is, it depends, " lead author wrote. 19.%% Nat Rev Endo 7, 62 (Feb 2011) Immunosuppression restores ß-cell function in T1DM? Abstract - Mild immunosuppressive monotherapy could be used to treat patients with long-term T1for which the only currently available cure is a more aggressive immunosuppression in combination with allogenic islet transplantation. The team evaluated the possibility that the immuno-suppressive drug rapamycin might reinstate ß-cell function in 22pts s with long-term T1 on rapamycin monotherapy . To read this article in full ...need to log in, make a payment .. 20.%% N Rev Endo 7, 108-114 (Feb 2011) Cognitive function, dementia and T2 in the elderly Abstract - Increasing numbers of people are developing T2, but interventions to prevent & treat the classic micro and macrovascular complications have improved, so that people are living longer with the condition. This means that new complications of T2, which are not targeted by current management strategies,could start to emerge. Cognitive impairment & dementia could come into this category. T2 is associated with a 1.5–2.5-fold increased risk of dementia. The etiology of dementia & cognitive impairment in T2 is probably multifactorial. Chronic hyperglycemia is implicated, perhaps by promoting the development of cerebral microvascular disease... Other possible moderators of cognitive function include inflammatory mediators, rheological factors [flow of matter such as blood] and dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Cognitive function should now be included as a standard end point in randomized trials of therapeutic interventions in patients with T2. Abbreviations: fup-follow up; pt - patients; DM - diabetes Mellitus; T1DM - type 1 diabetes mellitus T2DM - type 2; DME - diabetic macular edema; GDM -gestational diabetes; PDR - proliferative diabetic retinopathy; alleles -one of 2 or more alternate forms of a gene; FPG - fasting plasma glucose; BP - blood pressure; CVD - cardio-vascular disease; CHD - coronary heart disease; MI -myocardial infarction/ heart attack ;HTN - hypertension or high BP; OCT - optical coherence tomography; BCVA - best corrected visual acuity ;ADA - Am Diab Ass & ADA Professional; JH- s Hopkins Alerts ; M- Medscape Web MD; NIH - Nat Institute Health; MTD- Medical News Today; Definitions via online Medical dictionaries. Disclaimer, I am a BSN RN but not a diabetic or diabetic educator. Reports are excerpted unless otherwise noted. [translations, explanations by thl] This project is done as a courtesy to the blind/visually impaired and diabetic communities. Dawn Wilcox RN BSN Coordinator The Health Library at Vista Center; an affiliate of the Stanford Hospital Health Library. contact above e-mail or thl@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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