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The Holographic World, Part 5: The Soulmate Connection By DL Zeta

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Holographic World, Part Five


Unity and the Soulmate Connection


people on Earth search for their soulmate, but few understand the inner

requirements that must be met to bring about the state of inner wholeness and

unity necessary to unite with another in a true soulmate relationship.

The first

prerequisite is that both people in the relationship are whole and unified

within themselves. If inner fragmenting

exists within either, the relationship will suffer and ultimately fall

apart. The rate of decline is related

to the degree or fragmenting within each person.


Fragmenting and Relationships

It is

only the person who is whole and unified within themselves who attracts another

who is whole and unified. This is the

essence of a soulmate relationship.

When you are fragmented, dissenting voices within your self draw to you

another who is fragmented. The further

you go into this relationship, the more you will discover your own

fragmenting. The other person will

reflect to you your fragmented nature.

This "mirroring" can be a helpful tool in creating growth, but the

fragmented person often chooses to see the other person rather than themselves

in the mirror before them. Constantly confronted with the truth of their being,

they begin to resent the other person.

Soon hostilities develop. As

they see this person before them, they see that within themselves which is

broken and fragmented. They respond by

rejecting this fragmenting and dissenting or "shadow" part of

themselves. A person's feelings about

themselves determine their feelings about others.

In the

beginning they may be able to project a positive attitude towards the other

person, but as they go further into the relationship, more and more notes of

disharmony will erupt as shadow selves play a greater role.


an Existing Relationship

If you

are currently in a relationship where this is the case, understand you must

first heal yourself before you can heal the relationship. When couples seek to mainly heal the

relationship, they are only addressing part of the equation. Each person must first begin a journey of

self-examination to understand how their inner fragmenting has affected

relationships throughout their life.

They must become aware of the dissension that exists within themselves and

take steps to bring about healing and inner unification. (See the Holographic World, Parts 1-4 for

in-depth information about inner fragmenting and unification.)


Inner Unity Helps Draw your Soulmate

If you

are presently alone and seeking to draw a soulmate connection into your life,

take time to examine your "fragmenting quotient (FQ)." Most people incarnated on Earth today still

have some degree of fragmenting. Some

have a large amount. Many lightworkers

still have some areas of fragmenting. This is one of the greatest efforts

underway right now, assisting each person who desires to do so to come into a

place of wholeness. Many souls have

chosen to unite Heaven and Earth at this point in Earth's history. In order to assist in this effort, a being

does not have to be 100% completely harmonized and unified, but the greater the

inner unification, the greater the result.

That is why all lightworkers are being asked at this time to examine

their FQ and bring awareness to any areas that still need healing.

As you

unite with aspects of your self you may have denied or pushed away, you begin

truly loving them for the depth of understanding they have helped you attain. It is important to spend "quality

time" each day alone with your self.

Make a space in your life to satisfy your inner being's need to be loved

and nurtured by you.

When you

learn to love and spend quality time with your self, you will know how to spend

loving, quality time with another. When

your own inner needs are not being met, you will feel distracted, your

attention divided between whatever is before you and the call of your inner

self. You can ignore this call and

choose to exist in a purely physical way.

This way will always feel hollow at its core. Sensing a "need"

you will try to fill the hollow place within you with material things and even

connections with others, though without the wellspring of inner connection,

these connections will be superficial at best, and joy from material

possessions will be fleeting.

When you

have inner unity, when you love and accept every aspect of your self, you will

be drawn to others who love and accept themselves. As long as you are divided within your self, you will seek out

others who are divided within themselves.

This is the old way in which human consciousness has sought to heal

itself for a very long time. People

seek out others through the Law of Attraction in an attempt to learn about

themselves, to experience themselves and bring their own divisiveness into

physical reality so they can experience and work with it in a more direct way.

You do

not have to choose this way any longer.

You can choose to create oneness and healing within your self and bring

a relationship into your life that teaches you about your wholeness, rather

than your brokenness.

This is

not to say there will not be challenges in a soulmate connection, but when you

begin from the premise of wholeness and unification, you are better able to

heal and transform any scenarios you encounter. The time is past for taking the

long road of struggle and hardship in bringing about healing and renewal. Energies on the Earth plane are rapidly

accelerating, allowing each person to choose wholeness in their present moment.


the Timeline of Wholeness and Soulmate Reunion

To speed

up the process of inner unification, you can choose to connect with the energy

of your self that is already experiencing this reality. By choosing to energize and access the

timeline where you are experiencing inner unification and united with your soulmate,

you can bring this reality into your present moment more quickly. Connect with the feeling, the vision, with

every aspect of the reality your "self" who already exists there is



reality you are able to perceive through the doorway of your imagination is

real and true for you. It exists in a

parallel reality, meaning it is not currently being experienced by your present

focus self, but that does not make it any less real. When your feelings expand to embrace this idea, many things will

flow into your life easily and effortlessly.


in your vision the understanding that as you reunite with your soulmate in

physical reality, you join your lives together in one radiant beacon that

shines a great light on the path of many.

It is in this way that you join together for the higher good of all,

uniting Heaven and Earth in the joyful dance of two unified souls.


more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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