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Optimizing your Lymph

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http://www.jonbarron.org/strong-immunity-program/07-17-2006.phpOptimizing Your Lymph System

Date: 07/17/2006

Posted By: Jon Barron


cancer is on the march. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is now one of the most

rapidly increasing cancers in the United States, having more than

doubled in incidence since the 1970s. The American Cancer Society

estimates that 66,670 men and women will be diagnosed with lymphoma in 2006, with one third of them dying from it.


perverse paradox indeed, considering that one of the key roles of the

lymph system is to protect your body from those very cells that are now

overwhelming it and causing such a high mortality rate. A system

designed to handle the worst of the worst our bodies face, the lymph

system works hand in hand with the immune system to protect your body

from attacks -- both intrinsic and extrinsic. But now, thanks to a

combination of bad diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and a toxic

environment, this vital system is being pushed past the breaking point


lymph system is one of the most under appreciated systems in our

bodies. So let's take a few moments to get a better understanding of

where it comes from, what it does, how it works, and what can go wrong

with it -- before we look at how we can turn things around.

Where it comes from


until the early 1900s, scientists were unsure of the exact relationship

of the lymph system to the circulatory system -- a bit of the "which

came first, the chicken or the egg" mystery if you will. It took the

dedication of Dr. Florence Rena Sabin and a fetal pig

to finally unravel the mystery. Dr. Sabin discovered that lymphatic

vessels did, in fact, arise from veins. She found that the outer layer

of cells on veins sprouted buds, much like stems growing out of the

branches of trees. As these stems grew outward, they connected with

each other. Thanks to the work of Dr. Sabin, it is now known that the

lymphatic system develops from the existing vessels of the circulatory


A University of Pennsylvania News release entitled Separated Before Birth: Molecular Signals Part Fetal Blood and Lymphatic Vessels

details the birth of the lymphatic system. According to the article,

researchers have discovered that the SLP-76 and Syk proteins, which

were known to have a signaling function in white blood cell

development, also play a key role in the development of the lymphatic

system. During fetal development, these unique proteins signal cells

from the circulatory system to "split off" and become the separate

parallel network of vessels we call the lymphatic system.


although "born" from the circulatory system, the lymph system is twice

the size of the circulatory system. Twice as much lymph as blood is

present in our bodies, and we have twice as many lymph vessels as blood


What it does


simply, the lymphatic system (lymph system for short) serves as a

collecting duct for excess fluid and as a filtering system to screen

out foreign organisms. Yes, even the dirt particles from the taxi's

exhaust you breathed in last week find their way into the lymph system.

In essence, the lymph system is a network of tubes throughout the body

that drains fluid (called lymph) from tissues and empties it back into

the bloodstream. The main roles of the lymphatic system include

managing the fluid levels in the body, filtering out bacteria, and

housing certain white blood cells. Lymph fluid is filtered through the

spleen, thymus and lymph nodes before being emptied into the blood.

Lymph Fluid

Lymph comes from the Latin word lympha, meaning "clear water." Slightly yellowish but clear, lymph is any tissue or interstitial fluid that enters the lymph vessels. It is similar to blood plasma, but contains more white blood cells. Lymph originates as blood plasma lost from the circulatory system,

which leaks out into the surrounding tissues where the lymphatic system

collects this fluid through a bio-chemical process called diffusion

-- moving it into lymph capillaries and ultimately back into the

circulatory system. Once in the lymphatic system, the fluid is called

lymph and has almost the same composition as the original interstitial


Lymph also carries other substances, the composition

of which depends on where it is found in the body. In the limbs, lymph

is rich in protein, especially albumin. In the bone marrow, spleen, and

thymus, lymph contains higher concentrations of white blood cells. And

in the intestine, lymph contains fats absorbed during digestion.


lymph fluid does not travel the same road or by the same mechanisms as

your blood. In fact, this is an open system that travels in only one

direction (toward the heart), orchestrating many players throughout

your entire body to work together to protect your delicate systems. So

let's take a closer look at each player before we talk more about the

workings of this essential ensemble.

The Lymph Vessels


vessels, also called lymphatics, carry lymph in only one direction --

towards the heart. Throughout all the tissues of the body, lymph

vessels form a complicated, spidery network of fine tubes. The smallest

vessels, called lymph capillaries, have closed or dead ends (unlike

vessels in the cardiovascular system, which form a circuit). The walls

of the lymph capillaries are composed of only a single layer of

flattened cells. Material in the interstitial fluid passes easily

through the gaps between these cells and on into the capillaries. Lymph

capillaries in the villi

of the small intestine are called lacteals. These specialized

capillaries transport the fat products of digestion, such as fatty

acids and vitamin A.

The Lymph Capillaries


capillaries cannot absorb proteins and other large molecules dissolved

in the interstitial fluid. But because the walls of lymph capillaries

are much more permeable (allowing material to pass through easily),

these large substances enter the lymph capillaries and are eventually

returned to the blood.

This function of lymph capillaries

is particularly important in the small intestine. Whereas carbohydrates

and many other nutrients are small enough to pass directly from the

intestine into the bloodstream, fats are not. Lacteals (the lymph

capillaries in the small intestine) are able to absorb fats and other

nutrients that are too large to enter blood capillaries. After

digestion, the lymph in lacteals contains as much as 1 to 2 percent

fat. Milky-white in appearance, this thick mixture of lymph and tiny

fat globules is called chyle. It becomes mixed with the blood after

lymph drains into the thoracic duct.


exchange of materials (oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and wastes)

between the blood and the cells in the body occurs through the lymph

capillaries. In the body of an average person, over the course of an

average day, roughly 25.4 quarts (24 liters) of plasma fluid are forced

out of the capillaries into the interstitial fluid surrounding the

cells. After bathing the cells, providing them with nutrients, and

picking up their wastes, this fluid is drawn back into the capillaries.

However, only 85 percent of the total fluid is drawn back into the

bloodstream. The remaining 15 percent, roughly 3.8 quarts (3.6 liters),

remains in the interstitial fluid.

If this small amount of

fluid were allowed to accumulate over even a brief period of time,

massive edema (swelling caused by excessive bodily fluid) would result.

If left unchecked, the body would blow up like a balloon, tissues would

be destroyed, and death would take place. This condition is prevented

by the presence of lymph capillaries, which run alongside blood vessels

in most tissue spaces. The lymph capillaries act as "drains,"

collecting the excess fluid and returning it to the venous blood just

before the blood reaches the heart.

The Lymphocytes


the primary cells of the lymphatic system, make up roughly one-fourth

of all white blood cells in the body. Like other white blood cells,

they are produced in the red bone marrow. Lymphocytes constantly travel

throughout the body, moving through tissues or through the blood or

lymph vessels. There are two major classes of lymphocytes: T cells and

B cells. The letter T refers to the thymus, where those lymphocytes

mature. The letter B refers to the bone marrow, where that group of

lymphocytes matures.

About three-quarters of the

circulating lymphocytes are T cells. They carry out two main defensive

functions: they kill invaders and orchestrate or control the actions of

other lymphocytes involved in the immune process or response. In addition, T cells recognize and destroy any abnormal body cells, such as those that have become cancerous.


T cells, B cells are also programmed to recognize specific antigens on

foreign cells. When stimulated during an immune response (such as when

foreign cells enter the body), B cells undergo a change in structure.

They then produce antibodies, which are protein compounds. These

compounds bind with specific antigens of foreign cells, labeling those

cells for destruction.

The Lymph Nodes


along the pathways of lymph vessels are oval or kidney bean-shaped

masses of lymphatic tissue called lymph nodes. These nodes are the

filters of the lymph system. They range in size from microscopic to

just under 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) in length. The smaller lymph nodes

are often called lymph nodules. You have most likely heard of lymph

nodes in the context of cancer since these masses trap cancer cells

that try to pass by and are a good gauge of the health of adjacent


Between 500 and 1,500 lymph nodes are located in

the body; most of them usually occur in clusters or chains. Principal

groupings are based in the neck, armpits, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and

groin (at the top of your legs). Some (those in the neck, armpits, and

groin) you can feel and some (those in the abdomen, pelvis, and chest)

you cannot. The lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, and groin are

especially important because they are located where the head, arms, and

legs (the extremities) meet the main part of the body (the trunk). Most

injuries to the skin, which allow bacteria and other pathogens

(disease-causing organisms) to enter the body, are likely to occur

along the extremities. The lymph nodes at the junctions of the

extremities and trunk filter out and destroy the pathogens before they

reach the main part of the body and the vital organs.


lymph node is enclosed in a fibrous capsule. Lymph enters the node

through several small lymph vessels. Inside, bands of connective tissue

divide the node into spaces known as sinuses. The specialized tissue in

these sinuses harbors macrophages and lymphocytes, both of which are

types of white blood cells. Macrophages engulf and destroy bacteria and

other foreign substances in the lymph. Lymphocytes also act to identify

and destroy foreign substances. (If foreign invaders are

abundant and macrophages and lymphocytes have to increase in number to

defend the body against them, the lymph node often becomes swollen and

tender.) Once the lymph has been filtered and cleansed, it leaves the node through one or two other small lymph vessels.

Tonsils, Adenoids and Peyer's Patches


Adenoids and Peyer's patches are small masses of lymphatic tissue (some

sources consider them specialized lymph nodes). These tissues serve to

prevent infection in the body in areas where bacteria is abundant.

There are five tonsils: a pair on either side of the inner wall of the

throat (palatine tonsils), one near the rear opening of the nasal

cavity (pharyngeal tonsil, AKA adenoid), and a pair near the base of

the tongue (lingual tonsils). This "ring" around the throat helps trap

and remove any bacteria or other foreign pathogens entering the throat

through breathing, eating, or drinking. Peyer's patches, which resemble

tonsils, are located in the small intestine. The macrophages of Peyer's

patches prevent infection of the intestinal wall by destroying the

bacteria always present in the moist environment of the intestine.

The other organs involved in the lymph system



spleen is under your ribs on the left side of your body. Though

considered to be part of the lymphatic system, the spleen does not

filter lymph (only lymph nodes do that). Instead, it filters and

cleanses blood of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. It also

destroys worn or old red blood cells. As blood flows through the

spleen, macrophages lining the organ's tissues engulf and destroy both

pathogens and worn red blood cells. Any remaining parts of decomposed

red blood cells, such as iron, are returned to the body to be used

again to form new red blood cells.

Other functions of the

spleen include the production of lymphocytes, which the organ releases

into the bloodstream and blood storage. When the body demands

additional blood (such as during stress or injury), the spleen

contracts, forcing its stored blood into circulation.



thymus is a small gland under your breastbone that helps produce white

blood cells. Your thymus continues to shrink as you age.


a fetus and infant, immature or not fully developed lymphocytes are

produced in the bone marrow (the sponge-like material that fills the

cavities inside most bones). A certain group or class of these

lymphocytes travels to the thymus where thymic hormones change them

into T lymphocytes or T cells. While maturing and multiplying

in the thymus, T cells are "educated" to recognize the difference

between cells that belong to the body ("self") and those that are

foreign ("nonself"). Each T cell is programmed to respond to a

specific chemical identification marker—called an antigen—on the

surface of foreign or abnormal cells. Once they are fully mature, T

cells then enter the bloodstream and circulate to the spleen, lymph

nodes, and other lymphatic tissue.

To summarize

The lymph system has three main jobs:

Balance fluids

Filter lymph

Fight infections

How the lymph system works


lymph capillaries carry lymph away from the tissue spaces and towards

the heart, they merge to form larger and larger vessels. These larger

lymph vessels resemble veins, but their walls are thinner and they have

more one-way valves to prevent lymph from flowing backwards. Whereas

the cardiovascular system has a pump (the heart) to move fluid (blood)

through the system, the lymphatic system does not. It relies on the

contraction of muscles to move lymph throughout the body,

although the larger lymph vessels have a layer of smooth muscle in

their walls that contracts rhythmically to help "pump" lymph along. But

it is primarily the contraction of skeletal muscles, brought about by

simple body movement and the mechanics of breathing that move lymph on

its way.

The successively larger lymph vessels eventually

unite to return lymph to the venous system through two ducts or

passageways: the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct. Lymph that

has been collected from the right arm and the right side of the head,

neck, and thorax (area of the body between the neck and the abdomen)

empties into the right lymphatic duct. Lymph from the rest of the body

drains into the thoracic duct, the body's main lymph vessel, which runs

upward in front of the backbone.

Both ducts then empty the

lymph into the right and left subclavian veins, which lie under the

collarbone. Flaps in both subclavian veins allow the lymph to flow into

the veins, but prevent it from flowing backward into the ducts. The

subclavian veins empty into the superior vena cava, which then empties

into the right atrium of the heart.

What can go wrong



lymph system's role of removing proteins is vital to keeping edema down

since proteins draw water to themselves. If the lymph system becomes

sluggish, or is damaged by surgical removal of lymph nodes, edema can

develop. This type of edema is called lymphostatic edema -- or a high

protein edema.

Other causes of edema can be a chemical

imbalance in the body caused by liver disease, diabetes, or a variety

of other ailments. This type of edema is called lymphodynamic edema,

and requires other forms of therapy due to the fact that it is caused

by a chemical imbalance. (Kasseroller, R., Compendium of Dr. Vodder's

Manual Lymph Drainage, Haug, Heidelberg, 1998)

Glandular Fever (mono, Epstein-Barr)


mononucleosis, commonly known as glandular fever, is a viral infection,

which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is characterized by a

sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and extreme fatigue.


people aged between 10 and 25 years are most vulnerable to this

infection, which is also sometimes called the "kissing disease."

According to the National Institutes of Health, Epstein-Barr causes 85

percent of mono cases. Incidentally, the Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention (CDC) report that 95 percent all people have been

infected by Epstein-Barr by the ages of 35 to 40.



lymphoma begins in a lymph node (usually in the neck), causing swelling

and possibly pain. After affecting one group of nodes, it progresses on

to the next. In advanced cases of the cancer, the spleen, liver, and

bone marrow may also be affected. Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas encompass

over twenty-nine types of lymphomas. Their exact cause is unknown.)



is an inflammation of the tonsils in the mouth and often, but not

necessarily, causes a sore throat and fever. Most tonsillitis is viral

in origin and is quite frequently caused by the Epstein-Barr virus in



HIV and

AIDS are directly connected to the lymphatic system. In fact, one of

the conditions used to identify HIV infection is a condition called

persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. This is defined as having two

or more enlarged lymph nodes that are not next to each other and are

not in the groin. This area is excluded because lymph nodes are

commonly enlarged there. The lymph node swelling is caused by the rapid

multiplication of the virus itself at these sites. Later in the course

of the illness, the lymph nodes actually shrink. Ultimately, the

ability to effectively control HIV will require increased knowledge of

the lymphatics. Continued research will lead to an understanding of how

infectious organisms invade the lymphatic system and overcome its

normal protective role.

Heart Disease


lymphatic system allows the body to more efficiently clear excess

cholesterol out of the arteries. When the lymph system is clear,

cholesterol can travel easily thereby reducing any build up in the

arteries. Excess cholesterol is carried through the lymphatics to the

veins and then to the liver, where it is broken down and discarded.

Why lymphoma is one of the fastest growing cancers


lymphatic system is critical to the body's surveillance against cancer.

The lymphatic system is one of the most common avenues for the spread

of cancer cells throughout the body. Medicine will immeasurably add to

its ability to conquer cancer when we learn more about how cancer cells

influence the development of new lymphatic vessels and pathways,

establishing the route for these cells to spread to other parts of the

body. This process known as "lymphangiogenesis" is an emerging focus

within the scientific cancer research community. But why wait for

doctors to figure it out. We actually know many of the problems already.

The Lymph System Does Not Have a Pump of its Own


lymph capillaries and vessels pick up the lymph fluid and start pumping

it away from the cells. Lymph vessels do not have an active pump like

the heart. Instead, lymph vessels have one-way valves,

and muscle motion pumps the lymph. The larger lymph vessels have a

layer of smooth muscle in their walls that contracts to move the lymph

fluid along. But the primary lymphatic pump results from the

contraction of skeletal muscles and the mechanics of breathing. If you

don't use your muscles, if you don't exercise, if you don't breathe

deeply, lymph stagnates. That means that waste products hang around far

longer in the lymph reducing its ability to remove things such as dead

cells, toxins, allergens, etc. from healthy tissue in a timely manner,

thereby putting severe stress on the immune system. With longer

exposure to these toxins, the health of organs and tissue is


Poor Diet


dramatically lower incidence of lymphoma in Sri Lanka, China and Japan

-- and the much higher incidence of lymphoma in the industrialized

nations (see Cancer Rates Comparison)

- provides a very strong indication that nutrition - and more

specifically, high consumption of nutrient dead, highly processed foods

may be a prime factor in lymph disorders. Also, high consumption of

meat, dairy and an imbalance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids are highly suspect.

Toxic Chemicals


high levels of toxic chemicals and heavy metals we are exposed to

overwhelm the ability of the lymph system to deal with them.

Lack of Exercise


sedentary lifestyle creates a stagnant lymph system. Lymph circulation

depends solely upon your breathing and muscle movement. Physical

exercise and diaphragmatic deep breathing are critical to lymph

cleansing and to healthy immune response. Thus, the sedentary lifestyle

not only contributes to obesity (now epidemic) in first world

countries, but also to the onset of cancer, likewise epidemic in first

world countries.

How to optimize your lymph system


a vital and complex system may leave you feeling a bit intimidated when

it comes to taking steps to optimize the functioning of the entire

lymph system. But the reality is that this is a good example of a

little effort going a long way. Simple, easy (heck even enjoyable)

measures can make a huge difference in the health of your lymph system.

Use enzymes supplements


is a harsh inescapable reality that the vast majority of food we eat is

either enzyme dead from the start or cooked, killing off any potential

living beneficial enzymes. Being a realist, I will not suggest that you

alter your entire diet, rather that you add one simple step --

supplement with enzymes.

Use digestive enzymes with your meals to ease the burden of complex fats and proteins on the lymph system.

Use systemic proteolytic enzymes between meals

To cleanse the blood of debris:

Proteolytic enzymes are the primary tools the body uses to "digest"

organic debris in the circulatory and lymph systems. Supplementing

merely improves the effectiveness of the process.

To remove Circulating Immune Complexes (CICs) from the body:

As CICs accumulate in the soft tissue of the body, they trigger a

constant allergic response from the lymphocytes in your immune system

(particularly in the lymph system) thereby overwhelming it. Using

proteolytic enzymes eases the burden markedly and frees up your immune

system for its real work.

Do Body Cleanses


of the best things you can do for your lymph system is to make a

routine of doing cleanses to take some of the burden off this system.

For more information on cleansing programs that should be mandatory

parts of your health routine see:

Blood Cleanse

Liver Cleanse

Liver health is a key to lymphatic health. The liver produces the

majority of lymph, and lymph fluid provides a major route for nutrients

from the liver. The integrity of the lymph system is dependent on

immune cells in the liver that filter out harmful bacteria and

destructive yeasts. If liver function is compromised, the lymph system

is compromised.

Intestinal/Colon Cleanse & Detox



don't often cite trendy media phrasing, but in this case I can say

without hesitation: "Just do it." (Thank you, Nike). We are conscious

reasonable beings (well, most of us) and to make a conscious decision

NOT to exercise is to sentence yourself to slow death. As I mentioned

above, if you don't move, your lymph stagnates and you die.

Body Work


drainage massage can stimulate the opening of the initial lymphatic and

increase the volume of lymph flow by as much as 20 times. To learn more

see Lymphatic drainage strokes.

Sauna and Steam Baths


your lymph system out by eliminating toxins through sweating. Your skin

is not just a covering, it is also the largest organ in your body, and

one of its primary roles is the elimination of toxins through the

pores. Saunas and steam baths greatly accelerate the process. Also, the

heat increases your heart rate and your breathing, both of which help

move lymph fluid along.

PS: Keep Your Tonsils and Adenoids


tonsils and adenoids are merely a symptom of a problem, not the problem

itself. They play an important role in the functioning of your immune

system and your lymph system. Tonsils should never be removed before

age 4, because prior to age 4, they are a major supplier of the cells

and proteins that help to protect you from being infected with viruses

and bacteria, and they still play an important role after that age.

Like their related lymph nodes, they too swell up when taxed by

allergens and invaders. Removing them merely weakens your defenses.

Note: it is not unusual for tonsils and adenoids to swell temporarily

at around age 8 -- normal, that is, in children eating large amounts of

wheat, corn, and dairy.



bottom-line is that if you give your lymph system a helping hand by

living and eating pure and smart in addition to making a habit of

cleansing and exercising, then this essential ensemble (your lymph

system) will serve you well, protecting and defending your entire body

in return.




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