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Oral Chelation by Jon Barron

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http://www.jonbarron.org/detoxing-health-program/10-24-2005.phpClinically Proven Oral Chelation

Date: 10/24/2005

Posted By: Jon Barron


oral chelation tincture is one of my favorite formulas, but other than

a handful of doctors who each regularly use nearly 100 bottles a month

in their practices, very few people are aware of the power of this

formula. But, now with clinical studies proving its effectiveness,

that’s likely to change.

Clinical studies completed in

September prove that this formula can naturally remove an average of

87% of Lead, 91% of Mercury, and 74% of Aluminum from the body within

42 days. The study, sponsored by Baseline Nutritionals, was conducted

by healthcare professionals at The Optimal Wellness Test Research

Center in Nevada.

The problem with heavy metals is that

they accumulate in the body causing numerous health problems that can

seriously impact literally every major organ in the body. Studies show

that heavy metals in the body may be implicated in everything from

Alzheimer’s to cardiovascular disease, from behavioral problems to

kidney dysfunction, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and even paralysis.

The results of the clinical study on this formula should certainly be of interest to those looking for a proven, natural, affordable method for removing damaging heavy metals from the body.

Study Summary


study involved fifty subjects with various beginning wellness levels,

age, exercise levels, race, sex, and health levels. Subjects were first

tested with clean bodies -- meaning they consumed no prescription

drugs, supplements, nor special diets for 1 week prior to their first

use of the chelation tincture. Strict guidelines were followed during

the study such as restrictions in using any other supplements, OTC

drugs, or from altering their diets.

The results of the clinical

study on the formula were stunning. Over the 42-day study, test

subjects showed an average of 87% overall chelation of lead, 91% of

mercury, and 74% overall chelation of aluminum. Five subjects showed a

100% reduction in their lead levels, seventeen subjects showed a 100%

reduction in their mercury levels, and ten subjects showed a 92%

reduction in their aluminum levels thereby reducing them to 0.0 µg/g

creatinine for each metal.

The study also showed that

nitrogen, nitrates, and ammonias increased overall to wellness numbers

by 25%. This means that the product also decreased other toxic levels

that are stored intra-cellular in the body. These toxins are often the

cause of very low pH numbers that are difficult to move into normal

wellness range. But while on the chelation formula, pH ranges moved an

average of 33% into the wellness range. Eliminating the stored toxins

and heavy metal toxins allows the cellular body to remove stored acids

and other unbalancing fluids.

The researchers

concluded that this formula is a very effective heavy metal chelator

and a great product for those that have very acidic pH intra-cellular


What exactly is this chelation formula


is is a tincture of cilantro and chlorella, processed using the Barron

Effect™, which makes it approximately 200% stronger than any similar

formula on the market.

Why cilantro and chlorella?


cilantro changes the electric charge on intracellular deposits of heavy

metals to a neutral state, which relaxes their tight bond to body

tissue, freeing them up to be flushed from the body. Studies have shown

that levels of mercury, lead, and aluminum in the urine increase

significantly after consuming large amounts of cilantro.(1) It seems

that cilantro changes the electric charge on intracellular deposits of

heavy metals to a neutral state, which relaxes their tight bond to body

tissue, freeing them up to be flushed from the body(2) -- exactly the

results seen in the Clinical Study.

1 Omura Y, Beckman SL Role of mercury (Hg) in resistant infections

& effective treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes family

viral infections (and potential treatment for cancer) by removing

localized Hg deposits with Chinese parsley and delivering effective

antibiotics using various drug uptake enhancement methods. Acupunct

Electrother Res. 1995;20(3-4): 195-229

2 Omura Y,

Shimotsuura Y, Fukuoka A, Fukuoka H, Nomoto T. Significant mercury

deposits in internal organs following the removal of dental amalgam,

& development of pre-cancer on the gingiva and the sides of the

tongue and their represented organs as a result of inadvertent exposure

to strong curing light (used to solidify synthetic dental filling

material) & effective treatment: a clinical case report, along with

organ representation areas for each tooth. Acupunct Electrother Res.

1996 ;21(2): 133-160.

Once free,

the next step is to actually facilitate the removal of the metals from

the body. And here’s where chlorella comes in. Chlorella possesses the

capacity to absorb heavy metals. This property has been exploited as a

means for treating industrial effluent that contains heavy metals

before it is discharged, and to recover the bio-available fraction of

the metal in the process. In studies undertaken in Germany, high doses

of chlorella have been found to be very effective in eliminating heavy

metals from the body – from the brain, intestinal wall, muscles,

ligaments, connective tissue, and bone.(3)

3 Klinghardt, D: Amalgam/Mercury Detox as a Treatment for Chronic

Viral, Bacterial, and Fungal Illnesses. Explore. Volume 1997;8, No 3

Together, these herbs create a powerful oral chelation formula.


bottom line is that this formula is now proven to be a major weapon in

the fight against heavy metal toxicity. Once cleaned out after 42-days,

a two week cleanse every 3-4 months should be enough to keep you

relatively metal free – unless you eat a lot of high-mercury fish, or

have more than a few amalgam fillings, in which case every 2 months is

advisable. Incidentally, you do not want to use a chelation formula

every day. Your body actually needs small amounts of some heavy metals.

Heavy Metal Toxicity



the elimination of lead-based house-paint, and the increased use of

lead-free gasoline, lead poisoning is certainly less prevalent.

However, low-level toxicity is still an issue. Coal burning power

plants still spew lead into the atmosphere, and like mercury and

aluminum, the problem with lead is that it accumulates, unless you take

active steps to remove it. The EPA estimates that 10 to 20 percent of

human exposure to lead may come from lead in drinking water. Infants

who consume mostly mixed formula can receive 40 to 60 percent of their

exposure to lead from drinking water. The EPA warns that if lead is not

detected early, children with high levels of lead in their bodies can

suffer from damage to the brain and nervous system, behavior and

learning problems (such as hyperactivity), slowed growth, headaches,

and more. However, adults are still at risk and can suffer from

reproductive problems (in both men and women), high blood pressure,

digestive problems, nerve disorders, memory and concentration problems,

and muscle and joint pain.



for aluminum, it has been known for 20 years that once it enters your

body, it accumulates in your brain, where it kills off neurons, leading

to memory loss. And thanks to the significant amounts of aluminum found

in food emulsifiers, antiperspirant deodorants, hair sprays, baking

powder, many types of toothpaste, much of our drinking water, and most

of our cookware, you are exposed to a lot of aluminum over the course

of your life. There has been much speculation, therefore, that aluminum

may be one of the prime factors in the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

The connection between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease became even

stronger when in 1995, Neurotoxicology reported that the widespread use

of aluminum salts to purify water could account for the large numbers

of people suffering from Alzheimer's.

And recently, the

final piece of the puzzle may have fallen into place: the connection

between aluminum and fluoride. New research has revealed that fluoride

in drinking water makes the aluminum that we ingest more bio-available.

As was reported in Brain Research, Vol.7 84:98, the combination of

aluminum and fluoride causes the same pathological changes in brain

tissue found in Alzheimer's patients.

Note: There is a

significant difference between metallic aluminum and plant-derived

aluminum, which is in the form of aluminum hydroxide. No studies have

ever shown a connection between aluminum hydroxide and toxic levels of

aluminum in the human body -- which is a good thing, because there is a

lot of it in our food supply.

Like mercury, the danger from

lead and aluminum is not the result of large doses, but the result of a

steady accumulation over years -- as they do not easily clear from the

body unless you take conscious steps to remove them.

Mercury, Deadly Beauty


have known about the dangers of mercury since the days of the Roman

Empire, when slaves who worked in the “quicksilver” mines died horribly

after 2-3 years exposure. And in the 19th century, the workers who used

mercury to make hats went bald and suffered from severe muscular

tremors, dementia, and fits of wild, uncontrollable laughter. Thus the

phrase: “Mad Hatter.”

It’s no secret that mercury is one of

the most toxic metals known. Numerous studies have shown its impact on

health. There is strong evidence that mercury lowers T-Cell counts.

This, alone, implicates it in cancer, autoimmune diseases, allergies,

Candida overgrowth, and multiple sclerosis. In fact, due to other

studies that showed mercuric chloride increased several types of tumors

in rats and mice, and methyl mercury caused kidney tumors in male mice,

the EPA has determined that mercuric chloride and methyl mercury are

possible human carcinogens. It has also been shown that mercury cuts

the oxygen carrying capacity of blood by half. This would account for

many instances of chronic fatigue.(4)

4 Mattingly RR, Felczak A, Chen CC, McCabe MJ Jr, Rosenspire AJ. "Low

concentrations of inorganic mercury inhibit Ras activation during T

cell receptor-mediated signal transduction." Department of

Pharmacology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48201, USA.

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2001 Nov 1;176(3):162-8.


also has an affinity for brain tissue and is implicated in brain tumors

and dementia. And, finally, mercury has an affinity for fetal tissue,

which accounts for its implication in birth defects. In 2002, the

National Academy of Sciences found strong evidence for the toxicity of

methyl mercury to children's developing brains, even at low levels of

exposure. A recent study from the Centers for Disease Controls found

that as many as 637,233 American children are born each year with

mercury levels of more than 5.8 µg/L (5.8 micrograms per liter), the

level associated with brain damage and loss of IQ.

Today, we face two primary sources of exposure: our food supply and our dental fillings.

48 Tons of Toxins in Our Food and Water


is nothing complex about the process. Mercury is a naturally occurring

toxin, which is found in soil, rocks, wood, and fuels like coal and

oil. Simple soil erosion deposits mercury in rivers and lakes, but

concentrations remain low, unless, as has been discovered in the

recently deforested regions of the Amazon, erosion reaches

extraordinary levels. The burning of rainforests also releases mercury

that has been taken up from the soil by the trees.

But the major source of mercury in our food chain,

responsible for about 1/3 of the levels found in our bodies, is our

burning of coal to generate electric power. That is the single greatest

contributor to the problem. Mercury that naturally occurs in the coal

is released during burning and enters the air; it is then precipitated

into the oceans, lakes, and rivers by rain. According to the EPA,

coal-fired power plants in the United States emit about 48 tons of

mercury into the air every year -- and more than half of this mercury

falls within 5 miles of the plant itself. When it reaches the water,

microorganisms consume it and convert it into a substance called methyl


Mercury In the Food Chain


study at the University of Tennessee recently rated methyl mercury

among the most dangerous poisons on Earth (just behind plutonium).

It has no known beneficial use in the body, and it accumulates in the

muscle tissue of fish, animals, and humans. When minnows eat plankton

or algae that is contaminated with methyl mercury, it is deposited in

their flesh; larger fish prey upon the minnows, and the toxin travels

straight up the food chain to the most prized game fish -- the big

predators like bass, pike, walleyes, brown trout; and to all the finest

food and sport fish of the seas -- tuna, swordfish, shark, roughy,

marlin, and halibut. According to the EPA, fish at the top of the

aquatic food chain bio-accumulate methyl mercury to a level

approximately 1 million to 10 million times greater than dissolved concentrations found in surrounding waters.


course, when you climb one more rung up that food chain, you find us,

the people who eat fish. Just like the predatory fish that we catch and

eat, we store mercury in our tissues. Just like the ancient Romans, we

know that high exposure to mercury is fatal. But…

Mercury Rising


1997, the EPA under the Clinton administration presented a detailed

study that revealed the hazards of mercury contamination, pinpointed

coal-fired power plants as the leading source of emissions, and

promised action. But nothing was done. The EPA had begun work on a plan

to address mercury pollution in December 2000 and in a 2001

presentation, the agency said that 90 percent of mercury emissions from

coal-fired power plants could be cut, using what is known as the

Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT), by 2008.


recently, the Bush administration decided that the coal-fired power

industry would be exempt. Therefore, levels will continue to climb --

not fall.

Mercury Fillings


American Dental Association has resolutely maintained for years "when

mercury is combined with the metals used in dental amalgam, its toxic

properties are made harmless." If this were true, it would be

miraculously fortuitous.

Dentists have used amalgam, which

consists of mercury, silver, tin, copper, and zinc, for several hundred

years. Here in the United States, it made its appearance in the early


From the beginning, there were a number of dentists

who were concerned by the presence of mercury, since by that time it

was fairly well known that mercury was poisonous. In fact, these

concerns were so strong, that by the mid-1940s, several dental

societies, including the American Society of Dental Surgeons, had

joined together to stop the use of amalgam fillings. But the problem

all along has been that amalgam is just too easy to work with, and

whatever ill effects people experience are too far down the road to

matter; so dentists, as a group, have fought for its continued use.

And, in fact, the American Dental Association was founded in 1859 --

primarily to promote the use of mercury amalgam as a safe and desirable

tooth filling material. There were no tests done. No studies. Nothing!

Amalgam was promoted because it was easy to work with. The reason

mercury was used in it was because mercury serves to "dissolve" the

other metals and make a homogenous whole.

The early

position of the ADA was that mercury reacts with the other metals to

form "a biologically inactive substance" so that none of it ever makes

its way into your body.

Unfortunately, numerous studies

conducted in the 1970s and 80s proved conclusively that the mercury

from fillings (primarily from mercury vapor created when you chew)

makes its way into your body, ending up in your lungs, heart, stomach,

kidneys, endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, jaw tissue, and


Once it became irrefutable that mercury from

the fillings was ending up in your body, it then became mandatory that

the ADA find a new defense. Again, not based on study, it

became the position of the ADA that: Well yes, maybe some mercury does

make its way into your body, but at levels that are so low it has no

effect on your health. Unfortunately, that’s just not true either. Like

so many other toxic substances, the real problem with mercury is that

it is a cumulative poison. The body holds onto a significant percentage

of the mercury that enters it.


There is no safe way to remove amalgam fillings. Recent studies showed

that even with strong air and water suctioning, water rinses, and a

rubber dental dam, significant amounts of mercury were later found in

the individual’s lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver and heart,

whereas no mercury was detected in those tissues prior to removal of

the fillings.

Since the government is not going to help

limit your exposure to mercury in your food supply, and since your

dentist and the ADA are not going to limit your exposure in your

amalgam fillings, there is only one place you can turn for help --

yourself. You need to regularly cleanse accumulated mercury from your


The Bottom Line on Heavy Metals

When it comes to heavy metals, there are three clear steps available to you.

Avoid exposure.

Say no to new amalgam fillings and, if possible, have a dentist who

understands the process replace your existing fillings. (However, you

will need to detox after removal.) Avoid aluminum cookware and aluminum

based deodorants. Stop eating high-mercury fish such as swordfish,

shark, roughy, and albacore tuna. And filter fluoride and lead out of

your drinking water.

Regularly sweep heavy metals from your colon

and draw them from the tissue lining the walls of your intestinal tract

using a powerful herbal colon detoxifier. (Note: Colonic irrigation

will not remove heavy metals from your intestinal walls.)


regularly cleanse heavy metals from your body -- since they will not

leave on their own. And now, thanks to this oral chelation tincture,

you have an easy, no fuss, inexpensive way to do just that.

Visit our natural Detox Program for more information.

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