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~MY LOVING THANKFUL WARM HUG TO YOU~ I begin this message with I LOVE YOU ALL~~ I will try to thank all of you personally.. but this may take just about a year or so.. LOL.. I THANK YOU ALL , for your prayers and Loving support… To explain or give you an update on my surgery and progress…And this Miracle!! A True Miracle..The Doctors and Surgeons tell me that I am a Medical Mystery…But I call it a Miracle..When they went in they found that my Aorta was closed off by 90%.90%!!!!!!! I shouldn't even been functioning, or even alive as I had only 10% blood flow to my entire body… NOW THAT IS A SHOCK.. I am blessed.. And it was only through Gods love.. Your love that has kept me alive..And they have put implants on both sides of the Aorta at the base to bring life giving blood flow to my body… Stretched my Aorta… And opened up both renal arteries to my kidneys.. The next thing I would like to share with you all.. Is what happened to me during this procedure..While they were putting the implants in I heard thousands and thousands of voices.. All saying We are here.. We love you, You can not leave us.. You are not done..And you are not aloneOver and over.. Like a stadium a large stadium of people in unison!! I kept answering with.. " I know.. I hear you.. I am Loved " out loud.. And the surgeons kept saying "OK.. OK.." HEE HEE.. They didn't know I was speaking to all of you..This was an amazing moment for me.. Truly!! I heard each and every voice of love.. And that was through YOU, through God my dear Sisters and Brothers..I am SOOOOOO BLESSED, To know this love.. To know, and recognize this voice..I heard your prayers.. I saw the many candles lit.. I felt you. This is truth.. In the highest.. I can only explain this with simplicity and love to ALL OF YOU..I had phone calls come through the hospital from all over the world.. I recognized each voice, as if I had spoken to all of you before.. And I now know that it was the voices of our Source, our God.. And that we Have all spoke with one another before.. And it was so much fun.. Such a pleasure to speak with all of you.. I was thrilled!!I thank you all.. And I know many couldn't get through because it was so busy.. Plus the hospital put a stop to many as we all were driving the hospital crazy.. Hee hee.. What fun that was!! I would be on one line with London.. And the nurses would come flying in telling me you have 2 other calls from Italy.. And India.. LOL LOLThey thought I was some real important person.. Then they couldn't handle all the calls so they just shut my lines down.. HEEEEEE HEEEEE!! That was soooo much fun..Love, and Big warm hugs to you all for this.. I sit here with blissful tears, joyful tears, grateful tears for all of this love that is over flowing in abundance.. Love is the ultimate gift"As there is only One Truth, obviously when you will be able to go to the core of anything you will find the same One Truth there. This is, in fact, how Indian sages saw the same non-dual God everywhere. You really 'see' it outside because you have first realized it inside you in your oneness experience. One cannot see outside beyond what one has already seen or realized inside."My love is pure. I have an intuitive union with God. As do us all!!What mattered was that You are LOVE and You wanted to lavish me with Your love. Through you through God I recognized and saw…the beauty of creation , the silence and serenity of community, the love and care of my family, the joy and fun with my friends and the bonding and unity with you my dear friends.. Bringers of Gods healing loving light.. You created a ripple of love in my heart in overflowing abundance. And this will continue to reached out to people near and far. Because we all deep within, recognize this pure love, this pure source energy.. And later, this ripple of love reached my friends, my co-teachers, my Sisters, my Brothers.. and anyone in whom I have come in contact with. By Your grace.. Gods Divine Grace, blessed Divinity the people whose lives have been touched by the ripple of my love have made their own ripples of love, too, reaching more and more hearts and inspiring them to and rejoice in You, my God, our God of love. Thank You, for Your ripple of love that allowed me to find meaning in all the events of my life. Including those that were black and dreary, disappointing, heart-breaking, and death-dealing. Thank You for helping me recognize them as blessings and gems in the guise of trials and pains. Thank You for raising me to life and filling me with love overflowing. Thank You for making me like a candle that loses itself as it gives light to those in darkness. Thank You for making me Your "light, a little light to help theconfused and lost people to see the "spark of the Divine" shining through me. Dear God,You are a witness to the many times this little light has flickered; threatened to be overcome by darkness; paled by my own compromises, and my feelings of hopelessness amidst trials and difficulties. But Your original ripple of love has always kindled it anew Giving it flame, radiance, fire to keep it aglow.I am humbled by this Grace.. This loving Grace that dwells within us all… I bow to you all in loving Gratitude of Gods love that has filled me with this ABUNDANCE!! That has spilled and overflowed in me, into your souls..AS ONE LOVE.. AS ONE POWERFUL LIGHT!!Know that this love will be given away back in abundance to all of humanity..You have commission me once more to continue making ripples of love and inspire others to make their own and together be Your LOVING HEART to humanity in our broken world today. I have re interpreted and added to a prayer that was written by..S. Ma. Luz M., RVMLove is not something that you generate. It is something that you allow to flow through you. You have only to allow it to flow in order to experience its wonder.Every part of space, every part of matter and every part of your being is filled with the love of Creation. May I also share a poem that I had written many years ago..Also 2 beautiful videos that Rak, and Humanity Healing has blessed us with.. (GIVE YOUR LOVE AWAY)Oh Sweet Love:So easily taken and so easy to give away:But I see so many times a day:Love is taken and taken, used and forsaken:Why not just give your love away?If everyone would just take the time to really understand:That hate is so much harder and into darkness will our souls descend:When all it takes and it's so much easier:To just give your love away:Take this love, cherish this love embrace this love:Don't throw this love away.. Hold it feel it!!Then Give this love away!!I love you so much!!Thank you!!Written 6/1/04By ~Karma

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