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What's Up On Planet Earth? KEYS TO THE OTHER SIDE

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April 3 , 2008


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incredible new openings arrived for us on April 1st. Like a huge flower

opening and readying to bloom, much was revealed to us and a very new

doorway opened to allow an effortless and beautiful entry into a higher

vibrating reality and world of our wildest dreams.


are having awesome and incredible experiences, and others are feeling

stagnation and heaviness. There is a key to this door to heaven, and

all we need do is be willing to grasp it and open the door.


have been telling a tale the past months or perhaps years of

dimensional hierarchies. I have been telling a tale about how we would

eventually arrive in a space where we would be on a new and different

“other side,†spending limited but valuable time on the dimensional

border, and rarely going back to the lower and denser dimensions which

will be crashing as they prepare to depart. This is all finally

occurring now. This scenario is most certainly here…we are smack in the

middle of it now.

What is the key to the door and what are some of the manifestations of this very new arrival into the higher realms?


The density in the higher realms is much lighter. This means that what

remains is mostly the purer forms of vibration, with much gone that was

released and purged (remember 2007, the year of purging and growth?).

So then, there is not nearly as much “in between†manifestations of

form. When we look out through the windows of our eyes, we don’t see as

much forest, as much has been cleared.


this regard, our boundaries are now much thinner. Very commonly through

the ascension process, we experience specific phases of unpleasantness

relating to boundaries. These phases always occur when we have reached

a new and higher vibrating plateau. We can have an experience where we

feel we have been violated, intruded upon, or perhaps that we were

taken advantage of for our goodness, kindness and understanding. We can

feel as if someone or something has entered our private space, taken

control when we have not given permission, and is doing things or

vibrating in ways that make us extremely uncomfortable. An unpleasant

energy seems to want to run our show without our permission. There

seems to be an uninvited intruder present.


is what is occurring: The lower vibrating energies are in extreme fear

now, as they are aware (but rarely consciously) that they are

departing. They are grasping to hold onto something. They are grabbing

a shore and the shore is us. We feel good to them as we vibrate higher.

We are loving and understanding. Thus, they are clinging onto us in

desperation, and unfortunately, our understanding nature makes us very



of the new boundary situation with less density and boundaries present,

they are really in our spaces. Having this kind of lower vibrating and

very fearful and extreme energy within our spaces can feel scary, out

of control, and even create panic and anxiety. The antidote can be

simple ….we need to show love to these energies while we most assuredly

refuse to allow these energies to continue their dance. We need to

extricate ourselves from them, as they will most certainly pull us down

into their space.


can love them, but we need not spend all our time with them. Being firm

while moving on is the best scenario here. But there is yet another

piece. Compassion is a higher vibrating energy, but love vibrates even

higher. When we are in compassion, we are taking on the energy of that

which we are feeling compassion for. This pulls us down. In addition,

there is no compassion on the other side as there is no suffering. Deep

caring can be awesome, but too much of it can allow us to give

ourselves away. Love is pure and simple. We love but do not own or

relate anymore to the energies of which we are no longer in alignment

with. Love and limited caring until we are able to be only in pure love

is perhaps the best scenario in dealing with these energies.


and move on. Understand and care briefly, and move on. And when we are

in the spaces of these lower vibrating energies, vibrating love to them

will keep our own vibrations high while allowing us to reside in these

spaces of dimensional divide for a limited time.


the doors have finally flown open for our new residency in a higher

realms reality, staying back with these fearful energies will only

serve to pull us down, delay our arrival, and devalue ourselves as

well. We have most certainly earned this new chapter, or new book of

the life of our wildest dreams, and putting ourselves first will

guarantee our arrival with complete certainty.

Is this being selfish? One of the “keys of being†that is included in Stepping Into the New Reality

(yes, finally out soon for those of you who may be interested!) is that

we have to put ourselves first. We can’t pour water from an empty

pitcher. This way of being also keeps our vibration high as well.


about service? Yes, very important here in regard to the dimensional

hierarchies. Non-physical beings don’t spend a lot of time in our

dimension, even though they can be great advisors and love us dearly.

They do not spend much time in our dimension because they cannot.

Higher and lower vibrating energies cannot exist in the same space for

long periods of time.


can always go lower, but we cannot go higher until we are matching that

higher vibration within ourselves. We are now being asked to go higher

and stay there as we are now vibrating higher. When we drop down to

assist those vibrating lower, at the space of the dimensional boundary,

we can only stay there for limited times of service, vibrating love and

assistance through our store-fronts, and then we must go back home.


any lower than the dimensional divide is the old world. The old world

is falling fast now. Here in the US, the economy is crashing, as the

old world is experiencing a need to turn inside out while its value

system is re-structuring. Staying out of the old world is a necessity

now, as we do not want to go down with the ship.

The key to the other side?


go of the burdens and responsibilities that are not ours. Letting go of

the illusional “have to’s.†No longer being there for others. Allowing

the energies and journeys of others to be their own. Focusing on where

we are now vibrating, or the higher realms, and really seeing where we

actually are instead of focusing on what is falling away. The higher

realms is right in front of us and many times we do not even notice.

Not taking on the energies of others, not doing it all, and not feeling

responsible for the whole of the planet, as the planet is right where

it needs to be.


of “nots†here! How about this more higher vibrating version instead:

Following our bliss. Allowing ourselves to put ourselves first. Owning

our own journey. Staying true to our pure and authentic selves. Being

in our own space. Supporting ourselves as this supports the whole as well. And letting go of the burdens.


theme here is responsibility. Many may need to let go of being

over-responsible, but there are others who will need to become more

responsible for themselves. Either way, there is an imbalance.


we let go and extricate ourselves from the energies of others we will

be catapulted like magic into a very new reality. I can assure you,

your life will turn into the life of your wildest dreams.


this doesn’t make much sense ,†you might be thinking. “After all,

you have been saying for weeks and weeks that we were ‘waiting†for

everyone else to catch up!â€


have most certainly been transmuting the energies for the whole. This

has been a role of each and every lightworker indeed. And yes, we have

been “waiting†for this new opening to occur as we wanted as many

people on board as possible.


transmuting and waiting are what was needed to create the critical mass

of energy required to blast through to the other side. The mission has

now been accomplished. Life on “the other side†is very different from

life in the old world. We no longer transmute or wait for others to

catch up, as we are all here right now. Being in our integrity, being

true to ourselves, vibrating as high as possible while interacting with

others who are doing the same is the way here. Equal contributions are

the way as well. This supports the whole.


then, equal contributions of our gifts and talents, or our true and

authentic selves, requires a balance of responsibility…we cannot give

too much and we cannot take too much either. Being who we are is the

key. When we are all simply being who we are, in our integrity, then we

naturally support each other.


are all integral pieces of the whole, and now that we are vibrating

higher and higher, we will begin to congeal in small like minded

communities which will be separate from what is falling. We will begin supporting ourselves and no longer relying on support from the old outside world of the masses.


as more and more individuals residing in the old world begin to be

willing to let go and change, we will have the opportunity to assist

them in getting to where we are through our store-fronts and our

service which will exist on the dimensional border.


times I receive correspondences from readers who vehemently object to

portions of my writings. There is much room in these energy alerts for

mis-interpretation. I am unable to go into great detail about each

concept, and this can cause mis-interpretations. In addition, we are

all vibrating at different levels and see through different filters as



please know that some of this material may seem “off†to some of you

without the luxury of a long winded explanation. In the new Stepping Into the New Reality

program, there will be an opportunity to ask questions to gain clarity.

The books and programs are much more in-depth as well. The energy

alerts are meant to bring validation to our experiences and to assist

in clarifying this sometimes strange and confusing experience of

ascension. Many of us are tired as well and don’t wish to wade through

a long winded energy alert several times per month.


hope and desire is that the brevity of these messages serves to assist

and support, and not to confuse. If we never read or attempted to learn

one thing in this world, we would all be fine… because very simply, we

are always right where we need to be. Enjoying our lives each and every

day, being present in them, accepting that we are here having an

experience called life, and enjoying the simplicity of each and every

moment is all that is ever needed anyway.


have everything we need right now. We are alive. We have a new

opportunity each and every day to create fresh and new. There is much

to be grateful for in the simplicity of each moment. We really don’t

need to be anywhere else or even know anything! www.whatsuponplanetearth.com

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,

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