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How to Manifest Miracles through Possibility Consciousness

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How to Manifest Miracles through Possibility Consciousness

Written By Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher


The first essential

ingredient to manifesting miracles in your life is understanding that

anything is possible. If you can imagine that it can happen, then on

some level it is possible that you can experience it. When you live

each moment of your day from this understanding that "anything is

possible", you are able to manifest many miraculous things. From the

possibility mindset you dramatically increase your manifesting

vibration and your life simply becomes more receptive to allow miracles

in! You see, miracles are just ordinary events or situations that go

beyond your preconceived beliefs of what you believed wais possible.

They defy the "law of gravity" of a situation just because of the firm

belief that gravity is a law. Miracles begin to naturally manifest

into your life as you transcend your beliefs and go beyond society's

everyday consciousness. & nbsp ; This

occurs by maintaining a deeper understanding that ANYTHING and

EVERYTHING is possible! Doesn't it just feel more expansive and

freeing to think this way? There really are no limitations on your

dreams, so why place them on your life? Take off your glass ceiling.

Be done with it! You are more powerful than you have ever imagined.

You have the ability to manifest everything you desire.

"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." ~ Doug Larson

Everyone has a glass

ceiling somewhere. When you have trouble letting go of a limiting

belief just relax and breathe into it. It is just a thought! Think of

letting it go like you're tossing out a pair of worn out old smelly

shoes. Sure they've been with you down many paths, and may feel to be

a permanent part of you, yet they are truly unhealthy for you to keep.

A new pair of shoes may give you blisters the first day or two, yet

will soon give you a new spring to your step! If you really want to

start manifesting at the miraculous level you must let go of those old

limited beliefs and negative thinking. These old shoes literally stop

you every day from letting miraculous things manifest because they keep

you in a protective box by saying only SOME things are possible, and

not that anything is possible. Whenever you stop saying YES to Life,

then Life stops saying YES to

you! This blocks your vision from seeing the unlimited opportunities

that surround you! When you were a baby you were born without any

limiting beliefs. You truly didn't know what was impossible and what

wasn't. As you grew older and heard "the adults" express their truths

(limited perspectives) on life you started to acquire their thinking

patterns. The truth is that the child-like mind is where Nirvana is at

and will totally set you free! This world is your oyster...just crack

it open! You already have the natural ability to manifest anything

that you can conceive of. Once you can see your limiting pattern, you

can transcend it and experience what it's like to live without limits!

"The future is simply infinite possibility

waiting to happen. What it waits on is human imagination to crystallize

its possibility." ~Leland Kaiser

To step into the world

of possibility consciousness takes one simple thing. To continuously

consciously open your mind. This means that no matter what happens, no

matter what people say, no matter how bad things get, let your response

be that "anything is possible"! Try it, you'll start to feel things

shift inside in a few hours. With this technique you'll start seeing

that this world is MUCH MUCH bigger than you previously believed it

was. We invite you to begin this experiment for the next 24 hours.

Fully embracing YOUR unlimited powers, intelligence, wisdom and love

through possibility consciousness. Whatever you focus on grows, and

since like attracts like, this expansive state of consciousness will

start to pull the most miraculous manifestations into your reality.

Remind yourself all the time that this Universe is truly Infinite.

There are no boundaries & quot ;out

there" so why put up wall "in here". There is no end to the number of

galaxies, worlds and beings that exist and are being born. You already

are tapped into a source of energy called Consciousness that that

doesn't die when this body dies. Let yourself feel that this is truly

who you are. You are infinite, unbounded and totally free! Whatever

you focus on grows, and since like attracts like, this expansive state

of consciousness will start to pull the most miraculous manifestations

into your reality. Now go out into your life and be the unstoppable

being you truly are!

If you would like

to make many things possible for the orphan children we are supporting

in Indian please click here to donate what you can today, they will

LOVE you for it!! www.EnlightenedBeings.com/orphan-indian-children.html

To purchase a paperback copy of our NEW Manifesting Manual go to: www.ManifestingManual.com

"You and I

are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our

existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have

access to an infinity of choices." ~ Deepak Chopra

If you'd like to explore something to stretch your mind into the realm of possibility consciousness, watch these amazing videos!


Sending you much love and many blessings to you,

Margot and Jafree


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