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Healing Request... and A Puzzling Story!

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This is for my friend S... we call him " Rich " , from North

Providence, RI.

He called me today to say " Hello " from the HOSPITAL. He's been there

since Friday. His body is filling up with massive amounts of fluid...

and the doctors don't really understand why. He has been riddled with

health problems over the past few years... including sleep apnea,

water retention, breathing problems, weight problems, varicose veins

and cellulitis of the legs.

He's only 42!

Much of his health problems were of his own doing... smoking,

drinking, drugs in his past, over eating, etc... and he knows it, as I

have spoken to him about it.

I asked him tonight if he loved HIMSELF. He told me that up until a

few months ago... NO. But he had a heart-attack scare a couple of

months ago, which made him think about his life in a different

light... and he said he decided that he must LOVE himself and get

started on trying to take care of himself and the only body he has.

But he feels that for every step he takes to try to improve himself

over these past few months... something always happens to knock him

back down even worse. He told me he doesn't understand... that he's

trying to make himself better... but the more good he does to his

body... the worse it reacts.

There is also a strange story that surrounds him... and I don't know

what to make of it. Maybe someone will read this and understand or

have a better idea as to what this could be.


About a year ago, Rich came over to my house to visit me and my

husband. The visit was normal and when he left, my husband also left

because he had to go to the store. A few minutes after he left, while

I was cleaning up dishes, etc... I notice that my (black) cat was a

little out of sorts. It was summer time, the sliding glass doors in

the kitchen (where we were all sitting and talking) was open. I

noticed that my cat was sitting just outside the sliders with his hair

all sticking up on ends... and he was fixated (staring) at " something "

under my kitchen table.

I thought this was odd... so I went up to the cat to try and get him

to come into the house. I called him in... he refused. I tried to

push him into the house... he wouldn't budge and reacted in absolute

FEAR the closer to doors and the kitchen table he got. I picked him

up and put him on the kitchen floor near the table... he FREAKED,

hissed, meowed and ran back outside the sliding glass doors... his

body creeping close to the floor in FEAR and once outside on the

deck... he whipped around with hair on ends and staring at this

" thing " I couldn't see under my kitchen table. I watched his eyes

for a few minutes... and his eyes were " following " whatever was

lurking under my table where Rich had sat.

This disturbed me and frightened me a little because I couldn't SEE

what was scaring him so much! I had just learned about burning sage...

so I gathered my sage and started to sage the kitchen... stating that

" whatever was in my home frightening my cat had to leave immediately

and go back to it's source " . I continued to sage every single room

in the house....repeating the same words.... just in case it moved!

(I couldn't see it!)

My husband came home... and I clued him in to what had been happening

since Rich had left. We've had the cat for four (4) years... and he

had never acted strange like this... or had done anything like this

prior to or after (since) this incident.

It took about another hour after I saged... to get the cat back into

the house. We watched the cat... slowly (crouching in fear along the

floor) sniff and carefully WATCH his way back into the house. For

about an hour... my husband and I watched him (his name is Harley...

by the way) creep slowly to EVERY single room in our home and

investigate each and every corner in every room. It was quite spooky!

He did this until he felt that it was safe... and that whatever was in

our home... was gone. Once he felt safe... he plopped down on the

living room floor to sit near my husband and I... and fell asleep.

It was one of the strangest things I've ever seen. I could see

nothing... but my cat could see " something " ... and that " something "

frightened him terribly!

Any thoughts? Could this be part of the cause of my friends health

to deteriorate over the past couple of years? Could something be

preventing him from getting better? Could he have some sort of

spiritual " attachment " ? Does he need a clearing or cleansing of some

sort? (He doesn't really believe in all this... so it's hard trying

to talk to him. And I'm just learning about this topic now... and

don't really know enough to talk to him about it confidently.)

If anyone can help... or can offer him a prayer... or put him within

the " Healing Grid " .... I would be ever so grateful!

Thank you!

Peace & Hugs...



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