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Expanding Your Field of Possibilities, Part 1 By DL Zeta

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Beliefs Determine Your Possibilities


beliefs about what is possible in your life determines the field of

possibilities from which you choose your future realities. Many people on earth suffer greatly because

they perceive only a limited field of possibility for themselves.

If a

person grows up in painful and difficult circumstances, for example, they may

develop a belief that their field of possibilities is limited to painful and

difficult options. Due to this belief,

they are unable to see other options. In

this way, a person might re-create painful and difficult circumstances

throughout their life. This is a

misunderstanding that stems from over identification with physical reality –

specifically, with one's past. If you

experienced pain and suffering in the past and you become identified with it,

you see your self as pain and suffering and adopt the identity of "one who

experiences pain and suffers." From

the perspective of this identity self, you go about your life "as if"

you are destined to experience pain and suffering throughout your life.

This is a

matter of choice. You can just as easily

choose an identity self who is experiencing peace and joy -- regardless of the

circumstances of your past.


an Identity Self aligned with Joy and Peace

In much

the same way that you may have previously seen yourself as "one who

experiences pain and difficulty," you can choose to see yourself as

"one who experiences joy and peace."

You can choose to adopt the identity of "one who loves and is

loved," or "one who is abundant and giving," or even as one who

is "ecstatically creative and giving birth to great works of art and other

forms of expression that help enliven and liberate human consciousness."

In order

to step fully into a positive and empowered identity self, some may need to

experience the process of "releasing past negative and limiting

identities." In this way, you are

able to adopt a "transitional bridging identity self" that is

experiencing the process of completing with and releasing old identities in

preparation for adopting a new positive and radiant identity self.


as a vast, infinite being, you are able to adopt any identity self you choose

at any moment. However, on the earth

plane, strong thoughtforms exist about the need for "gradient" or

step-by-step transitions. If this method

works best for you within the moment, then by all means, feel free to utilize

this more gradual process. But even as

you undertake a step-by-step transition from a negative to positive identity

self, hold in your awareness that you are fully able to choose new identities

and realities "within the moment" and that you may prefer this

instant transition at some point in the future.

Next Week: Releasing

Past Limiting And/or Negative Identities

For more

information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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