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Can Chiari cause nosebleeds??

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Hi guys,

I think I've seen this posted before but cannot remember what was

said. Can Chiari cause nosebleeds?? If it does...Why??? My mother has had

symptoms of chiari on and off for years but has never had a dx or is even

interested in finding out if she has it or not.. Starting Monday she

experienced sudden onset of a nosebleed. She was in E.R. for 5 hours, they

could not stop it. Of course it would just so happen that the only ENT was

on vacation this week so they sent her to another town (almost an hour

away) they had said for some reason she had a broken blood vessel in her

sinus. They cauterized it and sent her home.

Tuesday it started again at 5:00 am and by 9:30 she knew it wasn't

going to stop on its own.....another hour drive to ENT and cauterization

stopped it. Last night 7:30 pm..it started up again.another trip to the

local E.R..she stopped it on her own at the E.R. after 2 hours. She has

lost alot of blood but they said not quite enough yet for a transfusion,

but if it happens again she will probably need one......She is very

lightheaded from the blood loss and has an excruciating headache.

Apparently these are separate blood vessels that keep bleeding.they

cauterize one and another one goes.......

Can high intercranial pressure cause blood vessels to burst and

bleed in the sinus??? ((((hugs)))) Sam

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Sam wrote, in part:

" ...Can Chiari cause nosebleeds??.... "

Very doubtful, Sam. At this time of year, nosebleeds seem most likely caused by

" low humidity " rather than anything else. The type of " heating " you have in

the home can make matters worse (much worse!). I would recommend using a

humidifier to moisten up the air and make the sinus passages a bit " happier! "

Phoenix, AZ


Surgery 12/96

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Sam wrote, in part:

" ...Can Chiari cause nosebleeds??.... "

Very doubtful, Sam. At this time of year, nosebleeds seem most likely caused by

" low humidity " rather than anything else. The type of " heating " you have in

the home can make matters worse (much worse!). I would recommend using a

humidifier to moisten up the air and make the sinus passages a bit " happier! "

Phoenix, AZ


Surgery 12/96

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