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Uriel Heals :The Gift of Peace of Mind

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Uriel's Message-- The Gift of Peace of Mind By Hoffman Your mind is at peace when it acknowledges the presence of Spirit and is willing to work in harmony with it. Your mind is at war when it is in fear and wants to be in total control. It is your natural state to be in material and spiritual balance and this is when you can be in the flow of the Universal energy and in alignment with your soul purpose. The gift of peace of mind comes when you acknowledge your divinity and live without judgment and in unconditional love. This is a gift you can give to yourself and to others. Peace of mind is a gift that benefits each of you and all of humanity. You give others the gift of peace of mind when they can be in relationship with you without conflict or drama. Can drama exist if the mind is not in fear? Can chaos exist if you know that all is well? When there is no fear of disapproval, lack of love, not having expectations met or judgment what can the mind do but be at peace? If each person has nothing to fear from others they can focus on their path. It is the mind's job to protect you from harm and it does so by anticipating fear. If there is no fear, the mind must change its focus. Without a partnership with Spirit the mind must meet the world alone and the only information it has is the memory of what it must guard against and protect you from. The mind's greatest fear is that it will lose control but when you know that you are in control of your reality, the mind can be at peace. Then your energy moves from anticipation to creation, from the past to the present. Peace of mind exists in the present moment because all fear is from the past. How can you fear what has not yet happened? Without peace of mind you are constantly at war with yourself and others. Each of you then stands in your reality, protecting your territory from what others might do. Yet you are fighting against something that has not yet happened. This week, give yourself and others the gift of peace of mind. See yourself and each person as a divine spiritual being. Have compassion for yourself and everyone you encounter. Live in each moment and enjoy the wonder and beauty of life, of Spirit and your journey. Be grateful for each experience and be open to the unlimited possibilities that are yours when you have peace of mind.

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