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Coping with Chronic Pain

Reader Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain from "Best of Beliefnet" newsletter

Living with chronic pain means developing lots of little tricks and

practices that help bring into every day a sense of calm, well-being,

and, hopefully, release from pain. With suggestions ranging from

attitude adjustments to food choices to holistic healing techniques,

Beliefnet's readers have shared these eight tips for living a full life

even when pain rears its head.

Surround Yourself with Joy

I try to surround myself with people who are enthusiastic and upbeat to

combat any depression that may try to set in. Also, I have lost a lot

of weight so that I don't have the extra weight to carry around.


Write it Out, Ask for Help

Journal writing is so therapeutic, I write until my hands hurt from

typing so much. I've also found that there is no shame in asking for

help. At one time I thought I knew everything, could fix anything, no

problem. But then I let my pain dictate my days, weeks, and every

waking moment. I will not live like that anymore; I don't have to.


Do Your Homework

Research your pain and refuse to take less than the truth from your

caregivers and doctors. Don't ever just take someone's word for what is

going on inside of you. Be your own best medical advocate by being

armed with the most up-to-date treatments and medications available for

your condition, and then seek to show others a way to live even if you

feel like you are dying.


Try A Bowl of Cherries

Cherries, whether sweet cherries, pie cherries, dried cherries, or

juice, will help lower your pain and boost your mobility. I was amazed

at how much it helped.


Practice Gratitude

I guess it's a matter of just accepting my situation and being grateful

for the meds, as well as all the other blessings that the Lord has so

graciously given me.


Embrace Holistic Techniques

Please think about finding a good acupuncturist, therapist, acupressure

practitioner, or trying something new to help you get better. We cannot

do it by ourselves, we must be open to new ways of healing, something

that will work if given enough time.


Soak Away Pain

I have learned that taking care of myself first is of utmost

importance. Long, hot baths are becoming my best friends as they relax

me and take out some of the hurt for awhile.


Pray, Live, Laugh

We all must find something we want to live for, strive for, and when

you are sick those thoughts are easy to toss aside, Prayer and

perseverance must prevail. Maintaining a sense of humor is also

helpful, don't you think?



10 Spiritual Tools for Coping with Chronic Pain from Beliefnet

By Maureen Pratt

Chronic pain can make us feel isolated and helpless, especially if its

cause is an illness or physical condition for which there's no cure or

effective medical treatment. At times of deepest despair, finding ways

to nurture our spirits can help us not only cope with the pain, but

also discover nuggets of grace, comfort, and productivity that can move

us through and beyond the helplessness and hopelessness we feel. Here

are ten spiritual tools that can help you get started toward peace in

spite of and in the midst of pain.

Maureen Pratt is a speaker and author who focuses on spirituality,

faith and wellness. Her most recent book is "Peace in the Storm:

Meditations on Chronic Pain & Illness" (Doubleday Religion). Her

website is www.maureenpratt.com.

Find Quiet

When we are in great pain, finding true peace and comfort is not easy.

But it is possible, if we first try to still our worries and fears,

both external and internal. Finding a place where there are no noisy

distractions is a great start. Enjoying the outward quiet, we can then

calm our inner selves and nurture peace within.

Just Breathe

The act of breathing is not only a physical process, but it can also be

a tool to move our pain, negative thoughts, and worry out of our bodies

and hearts, replacing these with a better sense of self. In a quiet

place, breathe in slowly and deeply, then let the breath out, expelling

stress and pain with it. Feel the sharpness of pain subside as

relaxation and calm take its place.

Listen to Music

A beautiful piece of music can inspire our spirits and soothe our pain

like no other sound. It can also help us get in touch with the absolute

joy of living, even if we live with severe pain. Put on your favorite

piece of music - instrumental or vocal - sit back, and close your eyes.

Let the music carry you away from your immediate pain to a place of


Lose Yourself in Prayer

So often when we pray, we ask for relief from our pain and leave it at

that. Perhaps more effective when pain is oppressive is lifting up our

pain and then resting quietly with the comfort that our concerns are

being tended to by One greater that ourselves - and we do not have to

take them back again.

Reflect in Nature

Pain can isolate us and make us feel very much alone. But in reality,

we are part of an amazing world. A walk in the outdoors, a glance

outside at a garden, a quiet moment with a beloved pet - each of these

things can renew our sense of belonging to the world, help us to feel

less alone in our pain, and make us grateful for our lives among such


Laugh More

Pain itself is no laughing matter, but the act of laughing can be

physically and spiritually healing. It helps us breathe deeply,

cleanses tense pain from our bodies, gives key muscles beneficial

exercise, and lets us travel to an uplifting place of joy. Whether it's

a joke, a cartoon, or the antics of a pet, find laughter and enjoy it


Reach Out to Others

When we are in pain, it can be easy to feel as if no one cares. But

there are many in the world who feel the same thing - and we can make a

difference in our lives and in others' lives by reaching out in comfort

and care. A phone call to a hurting friend, a visit to someone in need,

even an email to an online support group - all of these can help us

become less isolated, and help others in the process.

Live in the Light

It's easy for our souls to be flooded with darkness when pain is sharp

and overwhelming. We can combat this darkness by bringing on light. The

flicker of a candle, the warm glow of one small lamp illuminating a

dark room - light can help focus thoughts and bring comfort. Even in

the darkness, be conscious of the light all around, and let it guide

you to greater calm.

Take Care of Yourself

Often, there is no cure for what causes our pain. This can make us feel

as if our lives are out of control. But the better we take care of

ourselves, the more we will feel at least a little control over our

circumstances - and our attitude toward pain. Taking time to follow a

healthful regimen reflects on our spiritual health, too, and gives us a

chance to rise above our pain and feel better - inside and out.

Never Lose Hope

Each day, there are new developments in medicine and in therapies to

ease pain, inside and out. Hope is not just a feeling that things will

be better - it is a tangible tool to motivate and guide us through the

frustrations that accompany pain into positive actions that can make

our lives better now and in the future. Without hope, our spirits

wither. With hope, as with the Creator, all things are possible!


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